
Raider Ren's Madden 18 Sliders and Settings

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Old 09-27-2017, 03:11 PM   #1
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Raider Ren's Madden 18 Sliders and Settings

Raider Ren and Trojan Man's Madden NFL 18 Sliders and Settings
Welcome to Gridiron SIMULATION

UPDATED and FINAL on 5/30/18, post-1.13 Patch

Hey Madden Nation! I hope you all are enjoying Madden 18. Let me preface this thread by stating that I am posting my sliders and settings to further help the community to achieve a sim experience with Madden NFL Football. The below sliders and settings provide me with a solid authentic simuation football experience, and they may or may not do the same for you. Give them a try if you are still looking for a set to use. As the slider gurus and experts on OS say, please adjust them to your own specific playing desires.

This setup provides an authentic feel of an NFL game, along with solid balance to both the User and the CPU for All-Madden play; it’s what I consider the ultimate setup for simulation football. Yards are earned. Play calling on both offense and defense is absolutely critical. Just like the bulk of NFL games, each game is a grind. You’ll get up to 120-130 plays, with up to 300-400 yards of offense on each side, but with realistic NFL scores. Games will vary. This slider set is designed for User vs CPU, offline CFM games.

Step #1: Delete your profile. You can do this from within the game on both PS4 and Xbox. You do not need to go outside of the game to do this, but you certainly can do so. Either method will delete your profile. If doing this from within the game, which is easier IMO, close the Madden application as soon as you have deleted your profile.

Step #2: Load Madden back up, select accept to the EA agreements, yada, yada, yada. When prompted, select your favorite team (the Raiders of course!). Next, select Simulation (the middle choice of three), and then Expert (fourth choice of four).

Step #3: Let's do some penalties...

Penalty sliders:

Set these in MM and CFM.

Offside: 49 (50 in MM)

False Start: 49 (50 in MM)

Offensive Holding: 51 (50 in MM)

Defensive Holding: 60

Facemask: 50 (45 in MM)

Illegal Block In The Back: 51 (50 in MM)

Roughing The Passer: 51 (50 in MM)

Defensive Pass Interference: 60

Offensive Pass Interference: On

Kick Catch Interference: On

Intentional Grounding: On

Roughing The Kicker: On

Running Into The Kicker: On

Step #4: The world of auto-subs and fatigue...

Auto-subs & Fatigue:

Fatigue set to 75 (set in MM and CFM)

Set the auto-subs as listed below in both the MM and in CFM (these are all default values in both).

Out / In

QB: 60 / 80

RB: 83 / 85

WR: 60 / 80

FB/TE: 60 / 80

OL: 95 / 97

DT: 95 / 97

DE: 95 / 97

LB: 93 / 95

CB: 60 / 80

S: 60 / 80

Step #5: Now for the actual settings and gameplay sliders themselves...

All of the settings and sliders below to be set in the MM and in CFM, unless otherwise noted.

Skill Level: All-Madden

Game Style: Simulation

Quarter Length: 15 minutes

Play Clock: On

Accelerated Clock: On

Minimum Play Clock: 15 seconds

Game Speed: Very Slow / Slow

Auto Flip Defensive Play Call: Off

Ball Hawk: Off

Auto Strafe: Off

Heat Seeker: Off

Switch Assist: On

Coach Mode: Off

Injury: 20

Fatigue: 75

Player Speed Parity Scale: 75

*All Penalties as listed above

*Auto Subs as listed above

*XP sliders --> please see below

*Utilize Custom Playbooks (see below) - this is optional. I recommend using customs in Rookie, Pro or All-Pro, but it's not quite as crucial in All-Madden since the AI brings their A-game each week. Using Generic Books for the CPU is also a nice option, paired with the balanced scheme.

*Roster: Stock 75-man default roster is recommended though, we have used Rovert's Opening Day Roster, with pre-existing injuries on, as well.

Game Play Sliders:

All sliders set in the MM for both Hum and CPU.

In CFM, import your sliders from the MM


QB Accuracy: 43

Pass Blocking: 50

Catching: 60

Run Blocking: 75

Fumbles: 45

Pass Reaction: 50

INT's: 40

Pass Coverage: 50

Tackling: 55


QB Accuracy: 7

Pass Blocking: 50

Catching: 40

Run Blocking: 55

Fumbles: 40

Pass Reaction: 50

INT's: 20

Pass Coverage: 50

Tackling: 50

Special Teams (User & CPU)

Field Goal Power: 47

Field Goal Accuracy: 27

Punt Power: 50

Punt Accuracy: 60

Kickoff Power: 50

XP Sliders (based off of the fine work and in-depth findings of TDawg, Josh and mpd)
These values are 66% of TDawg's XP sliders.

QB = 52 %

HB = 68 %

TE = 56 %

WR = 40 %

FB = 18 %

T = 56 %

G = 58 %

C = 72 %

DE = 52 %

DT = 126 %

MLB = 68 %

OLB = 66 %

CB = 68 %

FS = 72 %

SS = 60 %

K = 86 %

P = 72 %

Audio Settings

(These settings are to reflect being on the sidelines as a head coach, or in the stands, while at a real NFL game)

Master Volume - 100

In-Game Commentary - 0

Stadium Speakers - 95

Crowd Volume - 100

On The Field - 80

Menu Music - 50

Menu SFX - 50

TDawg's XP sliders. Go TDawg!!

Other notes:

--If you run with 15 min quarters and the accel play clock, set injures to or around 20. Set injures to or around 30 if you use 9 or 10 min quarters with no accel clock.

--If you want to use Custom Playbooks:
Sabo Custom Playbooks (PS4)
vannwolfhawk (Xbox)

How to use CPU Playbooks in CFM (Credit Sabo)

1. You will need a 2nd controller
2. You will need to have a 2nd profile (on your PS4 (PSN ID) or Xbox (Gamertag). If you do not have a 2nd profile, you'll have to create one.
3. Download the playbook(s) in Madden Share that you wish to use with your 2nd profile.
4. Create your CFM; this has to be a offline CFM. If you already have an existing CFM going, no worries. You can simply start using custom playbooks, in medias res.
5. Once in your CFM, use the right stick to create a new character for your CPU opponent. Select Player, rather than Coach or Owner. Select, Active player and choose your opponent's 3rd string QB. If your CPU opponent has an injured QB on the their roster, back out of this Player process for a minute. Create a new character for your CPU opponent, but Coach and then existing coach (as you did when you sim'd the weekly game planning). Sign a low rated, young QB (I always sign Jake Coker in this situation). Release one of the suggested players to cut; pick the player that is suggested to be cut because the team has enough depth at the position. Before making the cut, I make a note of the player's current contract details. Now "retire" the Coach and create the Player character for your CPU opponent as detailed above. If you're already sim'ing the CPU weekly game plan, try to remember to look over the injury report at that time to save a step. The CPU should have 3 active QB's on their roster, but you can double check that as well.
6. Go to your weekly game. Then use the 2nd controller to select the CPU team; hit the Advance button allowing you to go into Advanced Settings to choose the offensive and defensive playbooks, along with the uniform for your opponent. Hit the 'Ready' button.
7. I recommend keeping your 2nd controller plugged into your PS4 or Xbox so it does not shut off during game, or to charge it if need be. If it has a full charge and still holds a decent charge, this is not necessary.
8. Play the game with 1st controller. DO NOT ADVANCE TO THE NEXT WEEK, until you get to step number 11.
9. After game retire the Player that you took control of (the 3rd string QB) before advancing to the next week. The active player that you took control of will not actually retire. If you used the "Jake Coker" situation from above, make sure that you take control of the same team as the Coach again, before advancing. Re-sign the player that you released, and adjust his contract back to what it was. If it was a low contract with minimal guarantees (bonus) and not many years left, there's no need to adjust the contract.
10. Retire the coach; same thing - the coach will not actually retire.
11. Take control of your next week's opponent by taking over the Coach. NOW YOU CAN ADVANCE TO THE NEXT WEEK. Rinse. Wash. Repeat. Change the offensive scheme to Balanced, sim the weekly game planning, check the injury report and the amount of QB's on the roster, making a roster move if need be and then "Retire" the coach. Create the Player character for your CPU opponent by choosing Active Player..........
--> I know this sounds like a lot of work, but it only takes 3 or 4 minutes per game and it's well worth it. The CPU play calling is absolutely amazing. This is a game changer.

If you use generic books...

(team list and corresponding generic books, courtesy of Schnaidt1)
Bears- Run balanced
Bengals- west coast
Bills- run balanced
Broncos- run balanced
Browns- west coast
Bucs- run n gun
Cards- balanced
Chargers- run n gun
Chiefs- west coast
Colts- run n gun
Cowboys- balanced
Dolphins- run n gun
Eagles- west coast
Falcons- balanced
49ers- run n gun
Giants- west coast
Jags- run balanced
Jets- balanced
Lions- run n gun
Packers- balanced
Panthers- pistol
Pats- balanced
Raiders- run n gun
Rams- west coast
Ravens- west coast
Redskins- west coast
Saints- balanced
Seahawks- run n gun
Steelers- balanced
Texans- run n gun
Titans- run balanced
Vikings- west coast

Defense: Use base 4-3, base 3-4, Tampa 2 or Hybrid for all teams, depending on their scheme.

--From Trojan Man
----A major find for me regarding MCV was this NYKia video: https://youtu.be/YpKaPSCnq7g

If you're running MCV, do the outside shading adjustment. This doesn't just allow you to defend outside routes; rather, it eliminates the instant wins at the LOS that most often favor the receiver and place the DB in an impossible position as soon as the play starts. Instead of this animation sequence, the outside shade adjustment allows the DB and WR to compete for the win at the top of the route. There's therefore more and better jostling right off the snap, and there's generally much tighter coverage.

The significance of this find can't be overstated. You don't get flawless coverage. What you get is much more balanced coverage where ratings will dictate more faithfully whether your DB stays with the route runner.----

Box Scores --> https://dynasties.operationsports.co...id=1&sport=nfl

Last but not least...
I would like to thank DaReal Milticket, JoshC1977, tdawg3782, Tyler28, tommycoa, Trojan Man, Armor & Sword and Schnaidt1 along with the many other slider creators and Madden gurus out there on OS. Most importantly, I would like to give a shout out to the regulars on DaReal Milticket's, Schnaidt1's and JoshC1977's threads. You all make OS fun on a daily basis, and I really enjoy communicating with you all. If I left anyone out, my apologies; send me PM and I will be sure to include you. Cheers!

Thank you, and Happy Madden BABY!!
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Old 09-27-2017, 03:12 PM   #2
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Re: Raider Ren's Madden 18 Sliders and Settings

Nice looking sliders Ren 👍
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Old 09-27-2017, 03:22 PM   #3
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Re: Raider Ren's Madden 18 Sliders and Settings


CFM #2 (CFM #1 is below in post #4)

A Return to Oakland...
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Old 09-27-2017, 03:22 PM   #4
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Re: Raider Ren's Madden 18 Sliders and Settings

CFM Info

The 2017 San Francisco 49ers


Ren Crosses the Bay

On Sunday evening, immediately following week 17 action of the 2016 NFL regular season, the San Francisco 49ers cleaned house, firing Head Coach Chip Kelly and GM Trent Balke. After an extensive coaching search, the 49ers named UConn Head Coach, Steve Rogers-Ren, as their next head coach. Ren, 35, was introduced at a press conference on January 17, 2017, along with newly named General Manger, John Lynch. Ren is the second youngest head coach in the NFL; only Rams' first year head coach Sean McVay is younger. Ren served as the Huskies head coach from 2015-2016, compiling a record of 24-2, including two bowl wins.. Ren previously held the role of offensive coordinator and assistant head coach at Alabama under Nick Saban from 2009-2014, and as a defensive coach under Pete Carroll at USC from 2004-2008. Ren becomes San Francisco's fourth coach in as many years. Will ownership give this new regime a chance to turn the fortunes and change the tides of this proud franchise? "We have big things planned..." --John Lynch, General Manager

April 2017:
During the 2017 NFL Draft, the 49ers acquired QB Jimmy Garoppolo from New England in exchange for a third round pick in 2017 and a second round pick in 2018. The Patriots used the third round pick to select QB CJ Beathard in the 2017 NFL Draft.

2017 49ers NFL Schedule (0-0)

Week 1, v. Carolina
Week 2, @ Seattle,
Week 3, V. LA Rams,
Week 4, @ Arizona,
Week 5, @ Indianapolis,

NFC West Standings
Seattle 0-0
San Francisco 0-0
Arizona 0-0
LA Rams 0-0
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Old 09-28-2017, 01:10 AM   #5
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Re: Raider Ren's Madden 18 Sliders and Settings

Couple of changes coming to Set #2. I値l update them tomorrow. I知 rolling with Set #1 for my CFM.
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Old 09-28-2017, 07:56 PM   #6
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Re: Raider Ren's Madden 18 Sliders and Settings

I知 going to try out the AM sliders here next game tried the all-pro default way too easy lol

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Old 09-28-2017, 10:11 PM   #7
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Re: Raider Ren's Madden 18 Sliders and Settings

Originally Posted by PensFan813
I知 going to try out the AM sliders here next game tried the all-pro default way too easy lol

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You may want to try out Set # 2
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Old 09-28-2017, 10:12 PM   #8
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Re: Raider Ren's Madden 18 Sliders and Settings

Originally Posted by PensFan813
I知 going to try out the AM sliders here next game tried the all-pro default way too easy lol

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Set # 1 is nice tho
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