
TDawg's Madden 17 XP Sliders

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Old 08-25-2016, 01:02 AM   #1
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TDawg's Madden 17 XP Sliders

**Please scroll to the bottom of this post for information on how I play and how these XP Sliders would be best utilized**

**It has been determined that End of Season Progression has a flaw. Check bottom of this post for information**

So I decided to start my own thread so I could consolidate all the sims and data I've done on the XP Sliders to date. I'll try to keep this as organized as possible

FYI this is a great thread to check out. Some good discussion about XP Sliders: http://www.operationsports.com/forum...iscussion.html

End Of Season Progression Flaw

When using End of Season Progression the CPU can usually save up a good amount of XP. We liked this route originally because we wanted the CPU to be able to upgrade a wider variety of attributes then 4 Week Progression allowed. Since the CPU spends all XP at it's allotted progression time Every 4 Weeks left some attributes completely off the table. However when set to End of Season it has been revealed that the CPU will always upgrade development no matter what the situation if it has enough XP (Thanks for the find BleedGreen). This results in a lot of wasted XP by the CPU and also if played this way human teams will naturally be quite a bit better then CPU because I don't think many of us are concerned with upgrading many players development and will focus on attributes. So after many, many, many sims focusing on End of Season progression I've decided to throw that out and go back to 4 Week Progression.


Rule 1 - These sliders are not intended for 32 team human control leagues. These sliders are intended for a 1-4 person league with the rest being cpu controlled.

Rule 2 - These sliders are intended for sim play style. If you constantly lead the league in everything or break records non stop the amount of xp you earn will be skewed in your favor.

Rule 3 - These sliders are intended for 4 week progression only. Every Week and End of Season progression will not work with these. Human controlled teams may progress as you please but I still suggest 4 Week for you as well.

Guidelines (How I Play)

Guideline 1 - I sim all training to make sure I only get a bronze. CPU teams do train but it's always the bronze star level and I don't want to cheat them.

Guideline 2 - All starters on my teams must have at least an 80 rating in Awr before I upgrade another attribute. All backups must have at least a 70 rating in Awr before I upgrade another attribute. This does two things. First it makes me have to spend on brains instead of jacking up their other ratings and using my stick skills to beat teams. Second it keeps it inline with how the cpu progresses players. They most definitely spend on Awr so again I don't want to cheat them.

Guideline 3 - I will pretty much never spend any XP on Spd, Acc, and Agi.
I feel guys come in at their peak in those areas so no need to make them better and I don't think the cpu goes for those either.

Guideline 4 - This is something I just started doing. At each progression phase, after I've got my players to the Awr level they need to be at, I auto progress any unused xp they may have left. I believe that the auto progress not only coincides with the cpu progression but also will progress players based off of your scheme. Plus I like having only some control over progression. A little random variety is nice. It gives me the feeling of being a Head Coach. I've trained them on their Awr (smarts), they train their bodies, and position specific stuff falls on their imaginary position coaches lol.

To Sum It Up

So that's basically it. The guidelines you don't have to follow but I think it will add a lot to these sliders. The rules however you must follow for these to work properly.

Side note on a few things. I've read where some think the user gains too much XP with these. Remember that these were created to give you realistic averages of talented players later on in your cfm. If you turn them down, while lowering your xp, you are also lowering the xp of all cpu teams and stunting their progression resulting in a cfm with not much top talent. If you gain too much xp you may just be too good for them. However they do give very realistic results for the cpu and to me that is the most important part for people who want a long and satisfying cfm experience. I haven't had a problem gaining too much xp as of yet and if I do at some point I think the guidelines I have above will help to keep things in check. You can always implement your own house rules for yourself as well. That's it. XP Sliders are below.

**I know these say they are for Post Tuned Online but you can use these for offline until the patch comes out. The difference is not that great and unless you mow through 10 season in a week you will be just fine**

(Post-tuned(online cfm) Current - 9/18 - 11:43am pst)

Madden 17 XP Slider Chart 4 week post sim.png

Link for anyone who can't view image above:

Special Thanks to:
Anyone else I missed as well

Without these guys to check my work and put many hours in simming themselves as well we wouldn't be where we are at right now. Thanks guys.

Last edited by tdawg3782; 12-06-2016 at 07:56 PM.
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Old 08-25-2016, 01:03 AM   #2
I hate you Norv
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Re: TDawg's Madden 17 XP Sliders

SIM #5


SIM #6


SIM #7

This time around I went to the extreme on a few positions just to get a feel of the range I would get. Should be able to narrow down fairly quickly now on those last few positions in the next couple sims. Almost there guys.

SIM #8

I've almost settled on every position. Close.

SIM #9

I'm done for now guys. Will continue to do sims until I get 10 for each position with same XP to get a solid average. Probably won't post anymore until I finish the whole chart but feel free to comment and discuss still.


Last edited by tdawg3782; 08-26-2016 at 01:09 AM.
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Old 08-25-2016, 01:03 AM   #3
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Re: TDawg's Madden 17 XP Sliders

Stat Charts

There was concern that the End Season Progression XP Sliders would cause problems with stats in future seasons. Here is some data I collected to let you see how that is false and things still look good 11 years down the line:

Okay I've finished the two separate 10 year sims. The 2017 sims are my base stat set. Say what you want about comparing to real NFL stats but Madden is a video game and it gets it's stats from the sim engine. As much as I'd love for them to line up that is never the case. They are pretty close though. But for comparison I've chose to use Madden's sim engine stats and not the NFL real stats to compare to. Here it is:


As far as I can tell they are just fine. Let the data speak for itself. A few things are a bit higher but look how much the NFL has changed in the last 10-15 years. Think of it as the evolution lol. The changes are very minor as well. Next up is to see if I can fix the QB Sack problem (see below) because of the "Ideal Sense Pressure Trait" bug. Don't know if it's a bug but it sure seems like it.

Ideal Sense Pressure Trait "Bug" Info

So I jumped the gun somewhat. There were 24 rookie QBs in the last draft. 12 came in with "Ideal" and the other 12 had a mix of "Paranoid" and "Trigger Happy". However the reason this affects the league so much down the line is every single higher rated (68+) had Ideal. The lower guys will never develop into starters. So since the only guys that will even have a chance to develop into starters all come in with "Ideal" this is causing the league to become saturated with QBs with the "Ideal" trait. Still think it's a bit of a bug considering how much it affects the sim stats.
Here is some data to support this:

Hahahahahah. God damn ****ing Madden. So after changing all starting QB's to "Oblivious Sense Pressure Trait" in the 2027 sim guess what happened? Joey Bosa lead the league in sacks with 23!!!!! Breakdown:

20+ - 1
15-19 - 2
10-14 - 12

Still a tad light from the Base Madden Stat Sim Engine averages but light years better then before. So hopefully it gets patched but in the mean time I think I have a few ideas on how to make it fair on who to change and give some random chance to. The only down side is you'd have to change the incoming QBs after the draft each season.

To Much XP Question

I've seen some posts where people are thinking that they are gaining too much XP and will be able to easily progress there players to 99 ovr. Playing sim shouldn't allow this to happen unless you have a stud and put up great stats. So here is a little info on that and I encourage you to read the OP in the thread I've linked. Very good info pertaining to this question:

Attributes are quite expensive this year. This is a good thread about how each year after age 26 things go up by a lot: An In-Depth Look at Player Development and How It Works in M17. So long term even though it seems like you are getting way to much XP it will balance out.
10 Sims of 10 Years Averages (Min and Max also)

Done. My god that took a long time. But well worth it on the data we now have. The data sheet is very similar to the stats sheet I posted recently. I threw in a Starting Positions Available column that takes the top number (amount of starting positions by position in the NFL) and divides it by the Avg Total of players above 85+ (for the full 10 sims) to give you a percentage of the amount of 85+ players that could fill those starting spots. I hope that made sense. Anyways I was shooting for around 30%-40% because that seems like a solid range. A few were higher like QBs (which I don't count because that position is just different). Anyways you'll see in my notes a little more detail on each position:

Last edited by tdawg3782; 09-02-2016 at 02:47 PM.
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Old 08-25-2016, 01:04 AM   #4
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Re: TDawg's Madden 17 XP Sliders

Save for more sims #3
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Old 08-25-2016, 01:05 AM   #5
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Re: TDawg's Madden 17 XP Sliders

Save for more sims #4
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Old 08-25-2016, 01:05 AM   #6
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Re: TDawg's Madden 17 XP Sliders

Save for more sims #5
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Old 08-25-2016, 01:36 AM   #7
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Re: TDawg's Madden 17 XP Sliders

I think you could save yourself a little time by getting even more aggressive with the slider at the HB, WR, DT, and CB positions. I only ran the one 20 year sim but those positions showed the steepest signs of regression over time. I think you're getting close to being on the money at every other position though
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Old 08-25-2016, 01:44 AM   #8
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Re: TDawg's Madden 17 XP Sliders

Originally Posted by bdubbs
I think you could save yourself a little time by getting even more aggressive with the slider at the HB, WR, DT, and CB positions. I only ran the one 20 year sim but those positions showed the steepest signs of regression over time. I think you're getting close to being on the money at every other position though
Ya I just saw your post. Sim 6 is done already and I'm pretty much seeing exactly what you talked about. Getting very close overall.

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