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Old 06-20-2022, 02:15 PM   #1
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2004 M22 PS5

Someone created a Madden 05 (2004 season) roster. I am currently going through it and turning it into a 2004 roster more in line what you would see from a quality historical roster. As a stubborn franchise mode guy ratings will reflect multiple season stretches and not just the 04 run. If you would you like to help me in this endeavor let me know. Since we are just on the heels of the next Madden cycle, I am not making any guarantees this will be completed as this roster needs a lot of work from a ratings and equipment standpoint. Roster wise.....it has a few missing guys or guys on wrong teams due to it being the base madden roster for that season. The best way to ensure this roster gets completed is to offer your assistance. Hit me up for details and the rating systems I am attempting to utilize.

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Old 06-20-2022, 06:56 PM   #2
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Re: 2004 M22 PS5

Good luck on your task I know that can't be easy.

My biggest complaint with most rosters especially on XBOX (Since I don't have a PS5) is that 90% of them are just rushed out the door and look terrible because of it.

I hate when guys create classic rosters and don't put in the actual time to research anything.

I'm not expecting the rosters to be perfect but man when you have a guy like Troy Hambrick who ran a 4.7 and then give him 90 speed that is just ridiculous.

Players won't look anything close to their counterparts. I know EA scrapped the pic's in Madden 22 but prior to that you had the ability to match up faces with guys who at least looked close the classic guy you were creating. For example Le'Roi Glover had a bald head why not create him with a bald head on your file or Phil Simms with blonde hair picture.

The OL's on these roster files are a joke because most of the XBOX user's just put a name on a guy and use the ratings EA gave on a current guy. I can't tell you how many rosters I've seen with OL having 80 or 85 speed or some backup guy who weighs 280 Lb's yet he has the same 99 strength as Larry Allen.

To top that off if you don't know what school, skin color or hometown a player is from just google the damn information. So many guys just rush these rosters out the door you'll see Dan Marino listed as going to Alabama for college or Barry Sanders from Arkansas.

I know this stuff takes time but if your going to do it at least try to do it half way decent. I can't think of a single roster file I've completed in less than 4 months let alone 1-2 weeks like some of these file are done and uploaded. Maybe it's because I'm so obsessed with the player(s) detail.

But if you go back and look at my college rosters which covered 80+ alumni teams or any Madden 90's file I uploaded all that detail reflects.

Again I can't speak for PS users because I don't have the system but the XBOX roster creators have been terrible especially on NG System. I wish EA would for once allow us to carry over roster saves to the next game. It is time consuming if your doing your due diligence and that's why It's hard for me to realistically get a file done every time a new version of Madden comes out. I try to get something done every other year to share with the community.

Later I will post a video of my 2003 rosters and 90's all decade rosters that I've been working on in preparation for Madden 23. I think one of the things that will stick out is the spread ratings you see and the players pic's and information (Height, Weight, School, Hometown) being legit.

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Last edited by Playmakers; 06-20-2022 at 07:02 PM.
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Old 06-20-2022, 10:10 PM   #3
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Re: 2004 M22 PS5

I used to try to fix rosters I found on Madden Share, but they are usually pretty poor. I normally end up getting frustrated and never finish fixing them.

Now I will say, I never deal with the hometown for players. It simply is one of those items that takes a lot of time and provides no value in my opinion. I know some folks want it there, but I just cannot personally justify the time it takes to add it; kudos for those who are willing to do it. I normally do colleges, but there are times I skip that too.

However, I make sure the equipment is right and the ratings are top notch and are designed to help game play beyond EAs normal ratings system. I always try to find a decent matching face, which M22 though the pictures were gone, the added generic faces were pretty decent.

I usually spend several weeks creating an Excel file for the roster and lots of ratings before I ever start anything in game. If I start a roster when the game first comes out, the quickest I can ever get it done is around Halloween. But it all depends on how much time I have outside of work and coaching.
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Old 06-20-2022, 10:33 PM   #4
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Re: 2004 M22 PS5

Originally Posted by Iteachpercussion
I used to try to fix rosters I found on Madden Share, but they are usually pretty poor. I normally end up getting frustrated and never finish fixing them.

Now I will say, I never deal with the hometown for players. It simply is one of those items that takes a lot of time and provides no value in my opinion. I know some folks want it there, but I just cannot personally justify the time it takes to add it; kudos for those who are willing to do it. I normally do colleges, but there are times I skip that too.

However, I make sure the equipment is right and the ratings are top notch and are designed to help game play beyond EAs normal ratings system. I always try to find a decent matching face, which M22 though the pictures were gone, the added generic faces were pretty decent.

I usually spend several weeks creating an Excel file for the roster and lots of ratings before I ever start anything in game. If I start a roster when the game first comes out, the quickest I can ever get it done is around Halloween. But it all depends on how much time I have outside of work and coaching.
Yeah I've heard nothing but great things about your work on the PS systems.

Sometimes I wish they would allow shared files between the two consoles.

And for I agree usually if you try to edit other rosters you grabbed you still end up doing a ton of work.

I'm not sure if it's because EA thinks it's not profitable for their company to allow us to carry over rosters from year to year. But they make it extremely hard and painful for classic roster guys to keep putting out rosters.

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Old 06-20-2022, 10:37 PM   #5
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Re: 2004 M22 PS5

I do have a 1999 roster on Series X for Madden 21. It should be in Madden share.
My name is Brownsfan and then some numbers. I can't remember exactly, but I can let you know later. But you should be able to find it by just searching 1999 in the rosters.

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Old 06-21-2022, 04:07 PM   #6
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Re: 2004 M22 PS5

Originally Posted by Iteachpercussion
I do have a 1999 roster on Series X for Madden 21. It should be in Madden share.
My name is Brownsfan and then some numbers. I can't remember exactly, but I can let you know later. But you should be able to find it by just searching 1999 in the rosters.

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Yeah I remember you told me about this roster last fall I believe. I had issues downloading it back then but yesterday I was able to grab this file finally.

Looks really solid and I'll try to play some games this weekend with it. Might even take the file and copy it to Madden 23 if you don't mind.

Thanks for sharing because as mentioned before XBOX users have been getting shafted with the classic rosters.


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Old 08-12-2022, 01:55 AM   #7
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Re: 2004 M22 PS5

I mos definitely grabbed that 99 roster on X\S I have been following your work for yrs me and my sons and I can tell u we have multiple seasons lol. Great great work!!! And I'm a PlayStation guy lol...
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