09-24-2018, 03:25 AM
Jersey Number Array Workaround
Quick workaround for utilizing jersey number styles/color.
***This was done over Broncos ugly brn/yellow retro uni
A) go to [content][characters] and select "mixmatch" of two teams you'll use
1) 1st team will be the team you imported over
2) 2nd team will be the team you copy Asset part from
B) go to "MixMatchParts" and find part number that has the asset you want to copy designated by...
1) PartAssetName
C) copy-n-paste over the PartAssetName of the mixandmatch team you imported your jersey over
D) always copy over OfficialTypeIndex #0 and #1 because...
1) these are the Home/Away default that load first (AI purposes) for play
2) are seen when in Player Editing (equipment)
3) do the same for PartAssetName where the "Rush Home/Away" uni's are that the correct jersey is used during Thur games in CFM
E) select "RestrictedType" dropdown and change to "Uniform_Not_Public"
a) this will hide/removed this PartAsset from being double used by two teams during gameplay (esp AI)
F) edit PartAssetVersionName for the name seen in selection (if you want)
G) if you want an outer sock for sock asset that don't have one (ex Relo Teams & Retro socks), check the box for OuterSock
1) a slightly lighter or darker shade of white will create the D. Sanders double sock look many are rocking today
H) Launch and check for satisfaction!!!
- there may/may not be other edits within the mixandmatch, have to test
- for numbers on helmet use Broncos retro helmet (Bro_Helmet_1960_BRO)
***can't change color of helmet numbers (bummer!!!)