
Needing a little advice on Ranked play

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Old 08-08-2019, 12:10 AM   #1
OVR: 2
Join Date: Sep 2009
Needing a little advice on Ranked play

I am getting older not so fast on the controls. With that said I still stay away from usering my D line and trying to cover the middle. I still can keep most of my opponents to 14 points. I could use some help on 2 things though.
The 1st is how the h*** do I stoo Lamar Jackson.. I have tried containment with blitzes containment with spies. Spying with corner backs . I have basically tried everything and still I Get guys that shred me for 200 plus yards. No matter what I do they drop into shotgun and Lamar is so fast he can roll around my containment and outrun most of my spies for 10 to 20 yd.
Secondlie and more important I could really use some advice when I am up against someone who is Leet at usering A linebacker. I try for the most part to flood the middle of the field. Once they catch on to that I'm not sure what else to do. When I find myself against guys like this as of right now I try to slow down the pace run a lot little dump offs Eat up the clock as much as possible but The more plays I have to run the higher chance I get Picked off. Anyway any suggestions or ideas on how you deal with players that are Extremely good at controlling the center?
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