
Golf Club Vs Tiger Woods 14

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Old 09-04-2014, 02:52 AM   #1
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Golf Club Vs Tiger Woods 14


Just recently bought a PlayStation 4. One of the main games I played before on my Xbox 360 was Tiger Woods Golf 14. I had all the DLC content and courses.

I loaded the game up and played on simulation default settings where I was unable to zoom out on tee shots, etc and played with no green grid. It was probably the most rewarding experience that I'd ever had in a golf game. At first my scores were in the high 70's or low 80's but as I progressed and became better at the game I was finally able to start winning tour events on that level. Never won any of the major but had a blast playing the game.

My comments go out to the people who have recently picked up the Golf Club and are enjoying it. Do you guys really think that Tiger Woods on Simulation mode with the default sliders(no zooming out, no green grid) wasn't an accurate simulation?

In my opinion it would be difficult not to be more of an accurate simulation than having it that way. This is coming from someone who thought almost all of the previous Tiger Wood's games were too easy and not sim based but after they added that simulation mode I thought that the game played and looked great.

Does anyone share my same opinion on that and yet still thinks the Golf Club is a better simulation? I'm really interested in other peoples experience with both games. I'm not trying to sound as if I'm supporting Tiger Woods more as I've never played and have zero experience with the Golf Club.

I'm just surprised at some of the criticism I see in reviews or when comparing it to Tiger Woods as I thought Tiger Woods 14 was an amazing game and simulation when played on that simulation difficulty level.

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Old 09-04-2014, 03:22 AM   #2
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Re: Golf Club Vs Tiger Woods 14

The majority of users who browse this forum all played TW 14 and I'd be willing to say that the majority of us loved TW 14 aside from the issues that have been present in the game for years now.

During TW 14's prime we had a couple of Country Clubs going for both PS3 and 360 that were heavily active for close to a year after TW 14's release. OS Bushwood was the most popular, and at one time we had easily 40+ active members competing in each tournament whether it was daily or weekly tournaments.

As for the sim arguments, it's hard to say really. I thought EA's sim difficulty was a bit artificially created with the no wind HUD, difficult and unrealistic swing difficulty, aiming etc. Instead of creating a TRUE sim experience, they opted for the turn settings off approach which is why most people never really touched it and made a "custom sim" experience with aiming and swing mechanics at high difficulties but not too difficult with green reading with no beads on and with wind HUD on. It was the best of both worlds.

As for The Golf Club, it IMHO is close to a true sim experience. Keep in mind, The Golf Club has been designed and created to imitate the rounds of your average golfer. There are no pro's in the game nor does the game treat you like a pro. How your everyday 15 handicapper plays golf, is how The Golf Club was designed to be played like. The swing mechanics aren't absurdly hard but they do take time and practice to master unlike the TW 14 counter part. Short game mechanics are especially hard to master compared to TW 14 as in The Golf Club I constantly find myself over shooting chips and pitches or leaving them short. It's a game in which replicates real life somewhat decently. You'll have those amazing shots, then you'll have your horrible ones just like a real life round. Where as with TW 14, as soon as you discovered tactics and easy ways to "cheat" the swing mechanics it became too easy even on the most difficult settings. There came a point in our Country Club for TW 14 where people were shooting ridiculous scores like -9 in one round which ended up being close to -40 during weekly tournaments which is the main reason people stopped playing the Country Club. People figured out and got used to the new mechanics.

One thing I LOVE about The Golf Club compared to TW 14 is that The Golf Club punishes you if you don't hit the fairway. Being in the rough, bunker or other hazards makes it nearly impossible for you to reach the green. In TW14 you could hit an arrant tee shot but still reach the green easily if the ball was sitting down in long rough.

The Golf Club isn't the most prettiest to look at at times and there is alot they can improve upon. But, HB Studios worked on what mattered most, game play mechanics and IMHO like I said, I think they've nailed it. It's not overly difficult but it does take time to master. I've only shot under par maybe once or twice since I started playing the game earlier in the year on the PC Beta. All this time and I've YET to master the swing and short game mechanics.

HB Studios has set the bar for future golf games with it's depth both in gameplay and customization in the totally awesome Course Creator, but that's another discussion for another because it is truly one of the best things about this game. Being able to have hundreds of upon hundreds of user created courses (and VERY GOOD ones at that!) at your finger tips is unreal. Compare that to TW 14 where you had to spend an additional 40$ just to get courses that you had played in previous versions of the game but were taken out and created as DLC.

Aside from small issues that can be patched/ fixed, The Golf Club is the real deal, simple as that and you owe it to yourself to play it.

Last edited by SinisterAlex; 09-04-2014 at 03:26 AM.
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Old 09-04-2014, 03:29 AM   #3
JazzaJDN's Arena
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Re: Golf Club Vs Tiger Woods 14

Your experience in game play would be similar to the one you get in TGC however in TW you had the ability to power up your golfer to the point they are super human which you obviously don't get in TGC so its even more realistic.
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Old 09-04-2014, 03:33 PM   #4
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Re: Golf Club Vs Tiger Woods 14

Originally Posted by cneuy3
Do you guys really think that Tiger Woods on Simulation mode with the default sliders(no zooming out, no green grid) wasn't an accurate simulation?
No, it wasn't an accurate simulation IMO. There has not been an accurate simulation on a console ever IMO, until now that is. While turning all the aids off in TW14 did make it harder (not to mention the crazy circus pins), the core gameplay was still the same old easy gameplay the series has had for over a decade. Once you trained yourself to not need the aids, you could shoot just as low as anyone and scores got low in the OS country clubs.

The Golf Club focused on gameplay and getting it right first. For the most part, they've got it right and it is a very rewarding experience. It's easy to pick up a controller and play but, hard to master and score low. You really have to think about your next shot. You can hit driver every time but, your next shot might be easier if you don't, you have to think to score low. You never had to think while playing TW. The short game and putting are the most difficult aspect of the game, which mimics real life. They've just done an amazing job with this game.

I can't give this game enough praise, no other console golf came comes close IMO.
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Old 09-04-2014, 03:51 PM   #5
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Re: Golf Club Vs Tiger Woods 14

Originally Posted by rolltide1017
No, it wasn't an accurate simulation IMO. There has not been an accurate simulation on a console ever IMO, until now that is. While turning all the aids off in TW14 did make it harder (not to mention the crazy circus pins), the core gameplay was still the same old easy gameplay the series has had for over a decade. Once you trained yourself to not need the aids, you could shoot just as low as anyone and scores got low in the OS country clubs.

The Golf Club focused on gameplay and getting it right first. For the most part, they've got it right and it is a very rewarding experience. It's easy to pick up a controller and play but, hard to master and score low. You really have to think about your next shot. You can hit driver every time but, your next shot might be easier if you don't, you have to think to score low. You never had to think while playing TW. The short game and putting are the most difficult aspect of the game, which mimics real life. They've just done an amazing job with this game.

I can't give this game enough praise, no other console golf came comes close IMO.
I actually think that powerstar golf does. It's very hard and in many ways is similar to TGC - it's cartoony exterior makes that seem unlikely but I played the heck out of that game and loved it. TGC is more realistic and has the course creator, but powerstar is one of the better golf games I've ever played and I think my fav of all time (before TGC but still too early to judge) was outlaw golf 1.

A couple of things about TGC that are a bit confusing is at times the ball physics (very minor but sometimes seem a tad off) and putting perspective. During putting sometimes the actual green looks like it slopes left but the grid shows the opposite - it's almost like a camera leveling issue.

Other than that TGC is amazing though, I'm loving it.
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Old 09-04-2014, 06:00 PM   #6
rheller's Arena
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Re: Golf Club Vs Tiger Woods 14

I like both for different reasons. Another poster put it best saying that neither is really "sim", but IMO, both bring it's own difficulties to the table. I've been playing TGC on the PC since april and have recently bought it on the PS4.

Swing style:
I loved the swing style in TW. (diagnal swing path on the stick) I wasn't able to hit the fairway everytime. In TGC, I hit the fairway 95% of the time, because all it entails is pulling straight back and straight forward. I may have to club down, but I make it appoint to hit the fairway at all costs.

Short game:
I like the short game that TGC has. It was too easy in TW to get close to the pin or even hole out. I think most of it had to do with the "practice swing" in TW. I could gauge how far I had to bring it back in TW and then go hit the shot. TGC doesn't have a practice swing like that, so it's basically feel. Flop shots, chips, and pitches all come into play for TGC.

I'm not a fan of hitting out of the rough or the sand in TGC. It's almost like hitting out of U.S. Open rough everytime. There are times in TGC that I've had to go three clubs up to hit out of regular rough. At times I can only advance it 70 yards up the fairway. Don't get me wrong, I've greened a few out of the rough, but most of the time, I'm looking at hitting a third shot into a green. In TW, I played a difficulty where I had to hold the other stick in a certain position to hit it square. I liked that, because sometimes I might pull it, push it, skull it, or even hit too much under it. Each game poses it's own difficulties out of the rough.

I loved playing the real courses when the pros were playing them. It made it more real when I was watching it on TV. Some of the user created courses in TGC are amazing. Some people come up with some great stuff. I've spent many hours in the course creator. On the flip side of the user generated stuff, you will run into a lot of 480-500 yd par fours that have a restricted landing area for your driver. Like TW you will see pin placements in TGC that are on major slopes.(Nothing wrong with that it's the users creation and they are entitled to do anything they wish.)

Hope this helps. I like both games. They both have a different game experience.
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Old 09-05-2014, 01:51 AM   #7
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Re: Golf Club Vs Tiger Woods 14

Since you have both the PC and PS4 version, which one is better?? I'm looking to make the jump soon and need to figure out which one is better. Thanks in advance.
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Old 09-05-2014, 09:56 AM   #8
rheller's Arena
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Re: Golf Club Vs Tiger Woods 14

Gameplay is the same on both. I bought the PS4 version so that I could play in some OS tournaments. My PC runs the game better. (Framerate is much smoother on high settings)

It all really depends on what you want to do. Is your PC good enough to run the game smoother? You will be able to find tourneys on the PC side, but you won't be able to play the OS PS4 tourneys.
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