
OS Tip of the Day: Respect the Settings (Tiger 13)

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Old 06-27-2012, 11:05 AM   #9
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Re: OS Tip of the Day: Respect the Settings (Tiger 13)

Originally Posted by eye guy
I only just bought this game and play on Pro. I haven't actually sat down and played a TW game properly for probably ten years. I did try (and I still have a copy I got free with my ps3) TW10 but didn't like it after maybe 5 minutes?

At this point i'm trying to become re-acquainted with reading the greens without the help of the Caddie or Putt Preview, but still use it if i'm not entirely sure. Hopefully i'll be able to change all the assists in my Michael Jordan career lol...
Even playing on Pro (for now) this is the most fun I've had with Tiger Woods since probably the 2004 version on PS2. Granted, I haven't played every one since then, but, then again, I haven't really had the itch to do so.
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Old 06-27-2012, 07:05 PM   #10
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Divot --

Yeah, I dunno, man. I'm sitting in the menu, paging through the difficulties. The caddie option does not change it to "custom" difficulty. The only four options that change it to "custom" are the ball spin, putt preview, swing difficulty and swing meter. All the caddie option changes is the multiplier. I've hit the "reset to default" button on the settings and experience the same results. I even disconnected the Kinect just in case it was interfering with it (I use a controller to play, obviously).

All I can tell you is what I'm seeing. I'm more curious to know what's up there. I stand corrected if that's the true setting, but it doesn't appear that way to me.
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Old 06-27-2012, 08:25 PM   #11
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Re: OS Tip of the Day: Respect the Settings (Tiger 13)

Originally Posted by Wiggy
Divot --

Yeah, I dunno, man. I'm sitting in the menu, paging through the difficulties. The caddie option does not change it to "custom" difficulty. The only four options that change it to "custom" are the ball spin, putt preview, swing difficulty and swing meter. All the caddie option changes is the multiplier. I've hit the "reset to default" button on the settings and experience the same results. I even disconnected the Kinect just in case it was interfering with it (I use a controller to play, obviously).

All I can tell you is what I'm seeing. I'm more curious to know what's up there. I stand corrected if that's the true setting, but it doesn't appear that way to me.
Not sure how you are getting the Caddy to come up in Tournament mode. I can hit press the Y button til the cows come home and nothing happens when it is OFF in the Settings. In fact, the Caddy is OFF by default in every mode as I ran through each one of them. So, you CAN play Tournament mode with the Caddy, but when you select Tournament or any mode it is OFF by default and the user has to select either Manual or Automatic.
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Old 06-27-2012, 08:37 PM   #12
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Well, yeah, of course you can't use the caddie when it's set to off. What I'm saying here is that obviously it's an independent setting that only affects the multiplier score (2.45, 2.60, etc). I presume you've left it off altogether ever since playing, so yeah, as you page through the settings, it's just going to keep saying "OFF." Altering the setting to manual or automatic still gives you "credit" for tournament difficulty, and the setting is not locked into the OFF position. It doesn't say "custom," meaning it's not tied to difficulty.

All I was saying in the article that to win on those "settings" you have to deal with increasingly less assists. The caddie is clearly independent of that, hence the multiplier change. Same goes for green grids. Anyway, that's how I see it.
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