
Improving Your Short Game - Chipping tutorial

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Old 04-01-2012, 11:46 PM   #1
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Improving Your Short Game - Chipping tutorial

Fellow Tiger Woods players,

I have put in over 1000 holes so far into this game and I have found a way to improve your short game, focusing on chipping alone. I guarantee your ball will land within inches of the hole if not in the hole, or your money back (*since you haven’t paid me anything, this means absolutely nothing). Please follow these steps.

Must follow rule: DO NOT FOLLOW CADDIE! Doing so will mess up this manual, but better, shot placement.

Step 1 – Adjusting to the height of the ball: While standing beside your ball, click on the left analog stick downward to look at your lie. This will tell you two things, the height of the ball and slope. For now, we can ignore the slope. The height of the ball has two attributes; Above/Below feet and Degree. These are very important.

Below Feet: Ball will shoot off the club to the right (opposite for lefty)
Above Feet: Ball will shoot off the club to the left (opposite for lefty)

Click your d-pad to the left or right based on the number of the degree. One degree above feet will require one click right. Three degrees below feet will require 3 clicks left. Use this as your base measurement.

Step 2 – Adjusting for slope of green: Once done looking at lie, push up on the left analog stick to see the slope of the green. Please add the following adjustments to the adjustment made on Step 1. This will be a two-part process.

Part one is to adjust for slope uphill/downhill. Use this as the golden rule. For every inch up or down, adjust the aiming marker up/down to the equivalent in feet. One inch downward slope; bring the aimer back one foot from current marker spot (not from the actual hole).

Part two is to adjust for break. We all use the green grid to make our putts, and this is no difference for chipping. Move your current aimer left or right according to break. This part uses some prior knowledge on how greens move. There is no math on this, so you will have to do your homework. Once this is completed and to your satisfaction please move onto step 3 as your aim is now perfect.

Step 3 – Adjusting the strike: Now that we got aiming out of the way, now it’s time to look at strike. Strike is at the bottom right corner and looks like a golf ball with crosshairs on it. For all shots we are to move the crosshairs slightly below the center of the ball. I find this to work the best so you don’t overshoot the shot. That is all we have to do here, so let’s move on.

Step 4 – Making the perfect shotThis last step requires you to make the shot as perfect as possible. I recommend slowing the backswing so in the matter of a second or so you can land on the perfect amount of power to add to the shot. If you find yourself going into the red, just let go of your shot stick and it will let you attempt again. You should keep doing this until you know you’re lined up perfect because overswinging will affect your shot and this tutorial would be useless.

Also check for perfect straight alignment. If you see a red backswing, I would follow the same method of letting go of the shot stick. If it’s not straight, you will miss! Also the tempo is important, try your best to get perfect tempo. I have landed it in with slow tempo, but not with fast tempo, so watch out.

So following these steps will improve your chipping game and you will hole out a lot more. I can guarantee this for up to 10 yards away from the hole no matter the lie. The bunker is an exception due to the height that you’re usually going against, but I have used these and still is a better shot than normal.

Please try these out and let me know how you do and if you see improvement.

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Old 04-02-2012, 09:45 PM   #2
AldoStrada's Arena
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Re: Improving Your Short Game - Chipping tutorial

thanks for this it helped me out a lot
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Old 04-03-2012, 10:11 AM   #3
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Aldo, out of all the forums I posted on you are the only one that has responded. Thank you for this. I put a good effort in sharing my knowledge and it feels good to help out fellow golfer.

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Old 04-03-2012, 11:22 AM   #4
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Re: Improving Your Short Game - Chipping tutorial

Originally Posted by jaymee13
Fellow Tiger Woods players,

I have put in over 1000 holes so far into this game and I have found a way to improve your short game, focusing on chipping alone. I guarantee your ball will land within inches of the hole if not in the hole, or your money back (*since you haven’t paid me anything, this means absolutely nothing). Please follow these steps.

Must follow rule: DO NOT FOLLOW CADDIE! Doing so will mess up this manual, but better, shot placement.

Step 1 – Adjusting to the height of the ball: While standing beside your ball, click on the left analog stick downward to look at your lie. This will tell you two things, the height of the ball and slope. For now, we can ignore the slope. The height of the ball has two attributes; Above/Below feet and Degree. These are very important.

Below Feet: Ball will shoot off the club to the right (opposite for lefty)
Above Feet: Ball will shoot off the club to the left (opposite for lefty)

Click your d-pad to the left or right based on the number of the degree. One degree above feet will require one click right. Three degrees below feet will require 3 clicks left. Use this as your base measurement.

Step 2 – Adjusting for slope of green: Once done looking at lie, push up on the left analog stick to see the slope of the green. Please add the following adjustments to the adjustment made on Step 1. This will be a two-part process.

Part one is to adjust for slope uphill/downhill. Use this as the golden rule. For every inch up or down, adjust the aiming marker up/down to the equivalent in feet. One inch downward slope; bring the aimer back one foot from current marker spot (not from the actual hole).

Part two is to adjust for break. We all use the green grid to make our putts, and this is no difference for chipping. Move your current aimer left or right according to break. This part uses some prior knowledge on how greens move. There is no math on this, so you will have to do your homework. Once this is completed and to your satisfaction please move onto step 3 as your aim is now perfect.

Step 3 – Adjusting the strike: Now that we got aiming out of the way, now it’s time to look at strike. Strike is at the bottom right corner and looks like a golf ball with crosshairs on it. For all shots we are to move the crosshairs slightly below the center of the ball. I find this to work the best so you don’t overshoot the shot. That is all we have to do here, so let’s move on.

Step 4 – Making the perfect shotThis last step requires you to make the shot as perfect as possible. I recommend slowing the backswing so in the matter of a second or so you can land on the perfect amount of power to add to the shot. If you find yourself going into the red, just let go of your shot stick and it will let you attempt again. You should keep doing this until you know you’re lined up perfect because overswinging will affect your shot and this tutorial would be useless.

Also check for perfect straight alignment. If you see a red backswing, I would follow the same method of letting go of the shot stick. If it’s not straight, you will miss! Also the tempo is important, try your best to get perfect tempo. I have landed it in with slow tempo, but not with fast tempo, so watch out.

So following these steps will improve your chipping game and you will hole out a lot more. I can guarantee this for up to 10 yards away from the hole no matter the lie. The bunker is an exception due to the height that you’re usually going against, but I have used these and still is a better shot than normal.

Please try these out and let me know how you do and if you see improvement.
Thanks Jay I usually blog on Mlb12 section, but I bought 13 because I liked 12. I lv this gm, and your blog really help me alot, and with putting also. Thanks again Jay for your help. Hop
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Old 04-03-2012, 05:01 PM   #5
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Re: Improving Your Short Game - Chipping tutorial

Thanks, will have to try this. My short game and putting are terrible.
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Old 04-03-2012, 06:31 PM   #6
AutoMG's Arena
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Re: Improving Your Short Game - Chipping tutorial

Thanks for this, the only thing that I really hate is the strike part. I wish you didn't have to try and hold the crosshair in place and it would just stay where you set it.
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Old 04-03-2012, 07:10 PM   #7
Gerg04's Arena
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Originally Posted by AutoMG
Thanks for this, the only thing that I really hate is the strike part. I wish you didn't have to try and hold the crosshair in place and it would just stay where you set it.
I feel like I've never had to hold it in place... Am I wrong? Can't wait to try your guide btw OP

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Old 04-03-2012, 08:13 PM   #8
AutoMG's Arena
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Re: Improving Your Short Game - Chipping tutorial

Originally Posted by Gerg04
I feel like I've never had to hold it in place... Am I wrong? Can't wait to try your guide btw OP

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk
What difficulty are you playing on? Don't know if that has anything to do with it since I started on Tour Pro.
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