
Tiger Woods 10 Preview (Wii): What's Hot and What's Not

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Old 05-16-2009, 07:14 AM   #25
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sroz39's Arena
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Re: Tiger Woods 10 Preview (Wii): What's Hot and What's Not

^^^ Wow! Impressive. I like the look of that list.

Please, Please, PLEASE let this game be worth getting Based on this series' past versions, I feel like I'm really setting myself up for a huge letdown.
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Old 05-16-2009, 07:34 PM   #26
rolltide1017's Arena
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Re: Tiger Woods 10 Preview (Wii): What's Hot and What's Not

This game is getting some great buzz and I'd love to use the Wii motion plus but, I just can't bring myself to spend $60 on a game with graphics that look ten years old. I haven't played my Wii in almost a year because I can't stand the graphics (My wife plays it or I would have traded it in a long time ago). There are $5 PSN games that look better then every Wii game. The other thing I can't stand is the pitiful online offerings from the Wii. The most unfriendly friends list ever created and no voice chat. Yes, TW will have the Live Tournaments thing but, that isn't enough for me. IMO, Nintendo dropped the ball by not giving the thing more graphical power and they where just stupid to not incorporate an online community similar to XBL and PSN.

I'll probably give it a rent but, my money will go towards the PS3 version for my purchase. I need my graphics and complete online features. Maybe one day MS and Sony will be smart and develop a Wiimote type interface for there consoles.
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