01-05-2010, 02:44 PM
Re: Online issues
Hey 2Koalition, yea they shut down the leagues for some odd reason, I think because there are only 250+ players online. Also, yea when you play someone on the 360 sometimes you will be able to get the game to start, but you can't play someone with the 360 when your on the original xbox. You have to play someone with the same console you playing, or you will get the error message or the game will be really laggy and kick you out. Also, if you go to the lobby and see people like Nightavengers, they have been there all day an night. They just leave their xbox on all day. If you want someone to play on the original xbox. Hit me up, I'm sega2k. I just started playing this game again. But I do ask that you play sim. What I mean by that is no playing the defensive line, qb rushing, lobbing the ball on posts, quick snapping, and no huddle the whole game, and making ridiculous subs. I also play on veteran to get a more realistic game. Anybody can pick the Steelers, Ravens, Patriots, or Eagles and play Allpro and let the computer do all the work on defense for them, and then they just chuck the ball up high to their best WR (Harrison or Owens). So if your down hit me up.