03-10-2022, 12:46 PM
MASTER LEAGUE 1V1s (offline)
Hi guys,
This is more of an enquiry from a business perspective.
I feel as though all competitive gaming is online nowadays, it's all based on internet connections, lag levels and in the case of PES (other sports games as well) who has the better team
What I miss from my childhood growing up was playing against my mates in the same room with us both getting instantaneous gameplay instead of this online stuff.
Master League is such a great mode, i've had such fun with it over the years. The beauty is, everyone does Master Leagues in a different way, some people like to sign loads of young players and build a dynasty that lasts 10 seasons. Some like to win everything then quit. Some like to play with strong teams, some like to build up a weaker team, so many possibilities
However what we've never been able to do is test our ML creations against other people's ML creations
This could surely be a LAN competition? All it takes is two players and one venue, playing against each other on the same console with their Master league teams
The key to all of this is online storage. Each player should save their team data in Master league, save this to their online storage. Then all we need to do is get both players to log into the venue console and download their data from the online storage to the console and we have 1v1 master league teams
Let me know what you think about this. But I think it's a far more creative e-sports idea than the typical ultimate team/myclub/matchday BS we have currently
If I ever make enough money, I will make this happen
Last edited by ChaelMir; 03-10-2022 at 03:59 PM.