
Next-Gen PES 2022 - What Can the Previous Next-Gen Launches Tell Us?

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Old 10-30-2020, 12:00 PM   #1
ChaseB's Arena
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Next-Gen PES 2022 - What Can the Previous Next-Gen Launches Tell Us?

During the next couple weeks leading up to the launches of the PS5 and Xbox Series X, we’ll be...

Written By: Kevin Groves

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Old 10-30-2020, 03:05 PM   #2
jrnlgrn's Arena
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Re: Next-Gen PES 2022 - What Can the Previous Next-Gen Launches Tell Us?

I'm expecting big things next year but also willing to accept that if it's not good I might be out of the market for soccer games or at least be at a point where I only play Football Manager. The season update is solid but I can see them totally flubbing 22 by trying to emulate/chase EA in all the wrong ways.

Konami needs to focus on making a solid Master League, stick with realistic game play and expand on the customizability of it's game. I remember reading they wanted to make a lot more of PES customizable for 22. This is one time I'm okay with a company leaning on it's user to do some of the work. Just make Option Files or whatever future system more user friendly and expand on it. The community does some great work.

Accept the fact that maybe your market is a bit more niche. Or at least that you have a hill to climb that will take a while to conquer. Focus on realistic gameplay and master league that's he strength of PES. Let EA have it's arcade-ish mess of ultimate team they have a stranglehold on it and will ultimately (pun intended) lose that as more countries realize that it's gambling.

Ditch MyClub and go for something similar to Pro Clubs and make that your eSport. Do something similar to overwatch league. Imagine a real life team sport having an eSport that *shockingly* is played by a team!

With the switch to unreal engine that will hopefully make player customization and player models a 100% better as they are currently terrible. The animations look great but off get to close and it's uncanny valley robots.

Low hanging fruit but the UI/UX is straight garbage. It runs slowly and has so many random sub menus it's hard to find anything. As was mentioned in the article clearing those notifications everytime I load is a pain.
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Old 10-31-2020, 04:27 AM   #3
KennyJ1976's Arena
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Re: Next-Gen PES 2022 - What Can the Previous Next-Gen Launches Tell Us?

Originally Posted by jrnlgrn
I'm expecting big things next year but also willing to accept that if it's not good I might be out of the market for soccer games or at least be at a point where I only play Football Manager. The season update is solid but I can see them totally flubbing 22 by trying to emulate/chase EA in all the wrong ways.

Konami needs to focus on making a solid Master League, stick with realistic game play and expand on the customizability of it's game. I remember reading they wanted to make a lot more of PES customizable for 22. This is one time I'm okay with a company leaning on it's user to do some of the work. Just make Option Files or whatever future system more user friendly and expand on it. The community does some great work.

Accept the fact that maybe your market is a bit more niche. Or at least that you have a hill to climb that will take a while to conquer. Focus on realistic gameplay and master league that's he strength of PES. Let EA have it's arcade-ish mess of ultimate team they have a stranglehold on it and will ultimately (pun intended) lose that as more countries realize that it's gambling.

Ditch MyClub and go for something similar to Pro Clubs and make that your eSport. Do something similar to overwatch league. Imagine a real life team sport having an eSport that *shockingly* is played by a team!

With the switch to unreal engine that will hopefully make player customization and player models a 100% better as they are currently terrible. The animations look great but off get to close and it's uncanny valley robots.

Low hanging fruit but the UI/UX is straight garbage. It runs slowly and has so many random sub menus it's hard to find anything. As was mentioned in the article clearing those notifications everytime I load is a pain.
Do you really expect Konami to get rid of its most popular and profitable game mode? That makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever. Wouldn't a better idea be for Konami to improve myclub and ML, along with possibly adding new game modes for next gen? I don't play myclub, but it would be selfish of me to want Konami to get rid of it just because I don't play it.
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Old 10-31-2020, 04:41 AM   #4
KennyJ1976's Arena
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I'm not expecting much from PES 2022 tbh. *I'm expecting the game to be bare-bones and for Konami to use the excuse that most of the development was focused on gameplay and graphics so everything else will have to wait for PES 2023. * I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't have the faith that Konami will give us the game we expect them to.
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Old 10-31-2020, 09:35 AM   #5
jrnlgrn's Arena
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Re: Next-Gen PES 2022 - What Can the Previous Next-Gen Launches Tell Us?

Originally Posted by KennyJ1976
Do you really expect Konami to get rid of its most popular and profitable game mode? That makes absolutely zero sense whatsoever. Wouldn't a better idea be for Konami to improve myclub and ML, along with possibly adding new game modes for next gen? I don't play myclub, but it would be selfish of me to want Konami to get rid of it just because I don't play it.
No I don't and never implied that they would. I'm saying Konami should stick to their strengths which had previously and still mainly are ML and realistic gameplay. Unless they have separate gameplay for online and offline my worry is they will eventually end up in the same position as FIFA. At some point someone in a boardroom will tell them to start catering gameplay to online interactions human v human to make them happy.
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Last edited by jrnlgrn; 10-31-2020 at 09:45 AM.
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Old 11-05-2020, 04:02 AM   #6
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Re: Next-Gen PES 2022 - What Can the Previous Next-Gen Launches Tell Us?

I really hope they put some work into the atmosphere. This is an area pes completely lacks in. We should be to the point where there aren’t black screens when the ball goes out of play. Play should be able to be continuous like fifa if the user chooses. Subs warming up. Ball boys tossing balls so the screen doesn’t fade to black, replays of goals/saves/skill at opportune times, season stat overlays, pans of the stadium, etc. they’ve neglected this aspect for ages. In addition, crowd noise and chants need an overhaul as well. And if they aren’t going to give us a stadium creator, we need about 50-70 realistic generic European stadiums. A variety that can be applied to big, medium, and small clubs
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