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Old 10-30-2021, 02:34 PM   #1
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Join Date: Nov 2020
Tutorialization and UFC 4/5

I really do find this game enjoyable even though most of the time I don't knownwhat I'm doing. I feel like most players could benefit from a tutorial system like tekkens or mortal kombats.

They deeply go through every mechanic in the game and have an abundance of information on screen in the training mode. Those games are also cult favorites because of this.

Mortal Kombat proved that if you do a great job educating your users they stay more engaged and more new players gravitate towards the game as well.

Theres concepts that need to be taught like timing your strikes properly, how to properly use the frame data, and making better reads and range management. I cant tell you how many times my corner has told me to manage distance

I just feel like aside from gameplay that this needs to be a priority next game along with grappling. Its already a esthetically pleasing. Most of the playerbases woes stem from really not knowing anything about how it functions under the hood and no frame data available.

I truly hope this is a focus because it helps the game grow.
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Old 10-30-2021, 04:43 PM   #2
OVR: 0
Join Date: Mar 2018
Re: Tutorialization and UFC 4/5

Tekken and Mortal Kombat sold like 7 million and 12 million copies respectively so I wouldn't call them cult classics. Besides, I'm pretty sure Tekken had a really barebones tutorial and it hid frame data behind a paywall.

Regardless, your general sentiment is true. There will always be limits to how much they can cover in tutorials because things like metas develop over time as people's understanding of the game improves, but the fact that people need to look up YouTube videos to understand how to escape caged clinch highlights the state of the tutorials.
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