
Combo queue needs to die

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Old 03-18-2019, 04:33 AM   #1
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Combo queue needs to die

can we please get rid of combo queue or get it at least heavily nerfed into oblivion?

combination of different types of delay (RPM tech, reach, lag, default input lag etc) and combo queue system is just too much imho

there s nothing more annoying that combos queued in lag and u cant even react to them

also weird kinda of glitches i guess connected to RPM tech when movement or defensive movement/footwork/lunges etc. queue itself, pause itself for whatever reason and then continue being queued after some delay, which will either get u KOed or result of lost of control of ur fighter

sorry devs, combo queue in this form is not really good feature, can something be done about this?
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Old 03-18-2019, 03:26 PM   #2
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Re: Combo queue needs to die

I'd love for free-flowing combos to make a comeback, although I do like the idea they were going for with the combo system they have in place.

I think that what they could do is perhaps have it so that existing combos that a fighter has assigned use up less long term stamina, or have some other positive attribute other than speed. Speed is the issue here, because it makes everything that isn't a preset combo feel like crap to use. If those preset combos were less taxing or even had a slight damage increase instead of a speed increase, I think we'd see less complaining and we'd have more people using free-flowing combos far more often, whilst we'd probably see the more skilled players mastering individual combo sets to be more efficient with their fighters.

If the combo system sticks around, I'd like to see it be more varied. I feel as though too many fighters play very similar to one another, simply because their combos are the same. If I know the level 5 muay thai combos, I can just choose anyone with that combo set and be pretty content using that fighter. I'd much rather each fighter took more time and effort to master, rather than just being able to master a specific combo set and use it with loads of fighters.
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Old 03-18-2019, 04:22 PM   #3
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Re: Combo queue needs to die

Originally Posted by ragreynolds
I think we'd see less complaining
Wishful thinking.
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Old 03-18-2019, 04:57 PM   #4
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Re: Combo queue needs to die

Originally Posted by GameplayDevUFC
Wishful thinking.
Definitely. People will complain no matter what. I don't envy your position.

I do think the combo system was a great idea and I like that it's something that was thought about, but I do have to agree somewhat with others when they say that it makes the game feel a bit restrictive.
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Old 03-18-2019, 05:53 PM   #5
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Re: Combo queue needs to die

Originally Posted by ragreynolds
I'd love for free-flowing combos to make a comeback, although I do like the idea they were going for with the combo system they have in place.

I think that what they could do is perhaps have it so that existing combos that a fighter has assigned use up less long term stamina, or have some other positive attribute other than speed. Speed is the issue here, because it makes everything that isn't a preset combo feel like crap to use. If those preset combos were less taxing or even had a slight damage increase instead of a speed increase, I think we'd see less complaining and we'd have more people using free-flowing combos far more often, whilst we'd probably see the more skilled players mastering individual combo sets to be more efficient with their fighters.

If the combo system sticks around, I'd like to see it be more varied. I feel as though too many fighters play very similar to one another, simply because their combos are the same. If I know the level 5 muay thai combos, I can just choose anyone with that combo set and be pretty content using that fighter. I'd much rather each fighter took more time and effort to master, rather than just being able to master a specific combo set and use it with loads of fighters.

i am talking about combo queue, not predefined combos or combo level system.

i am talking about let s say u input 1,2,1,2 really fast u can put ur fingers off controller and u can see ur fighter will performing 1,2,1,2 because it s queued, this kinda adds into overall feeling of "input lag", delay, unresponsivity etc. of this game

combo queue also makes defense harder, because u have to react to queued list of commands and not to single strikes

combined with online lag it s disaster
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Old 03-18-2019, 06:51 PM   #6
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Re: Combo queue needs to die

You would complain how timing strikes is bad for the game since you wouldn't be able to time them with lag.
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Old 03-18-2019, 07:14 PM   #7
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Re: Combo queue needs to die

Originally Posted by GameplayDevUFC
Wishful thinking.

hi sir, thanks for coming here, here s my beef with u:

u talk about changes (nerfs) to spear TD, driving TD on twitter, thinking aloud for example if 1sec reaction time for spear TD is too much etc.

as a UT div 4 players (i dont play ranked ever) i can say with no prejudice, UT is total striker biased thing-
for example from 14 champions in sets, most are balanced, striker or brawler, from what i know only grapplers are GSP, Khabib, Woodley, DC, i am not sure if recently added Jon Jones is specialist or balanced, so if i personally like specialist there s 1 or none in champions sets in UT

now i am downloading 20gb of UFC2 to read description of Ground Defense stats, because what i barely remember was something about arm traps, bridges etc. i think that stats influenced denials too

why i am mentioning this?

u guys didnt give specialists, grapplers enough stand up slots, so i can be reading on this forum topics from RomeroXVII talking about TDs after sucessful slips etc. but number on stand up slots for grapplers and low default standup stats make it impossible to use

for example my elite Yoel Romero grappler got 5 standup slots, his default standup is like everything 70 except footwork which is 74.

some golden cards for example J.Moraga specialist got 4 standup slots, Oliviera, Mendes, Reis only 3 standup slots.

it s interesting that champions from sets or some fighters from events got more standup slots or sometimes they dont

Zombie specialist Jon Jones elite has 5 standup slots
TOTY Joel Romero grappler has 5
NO LOVE grappler Chael Sonnen has 7 standup slots
NO LOVE specialist Ronda Rousey has 7
i think 7 slots got also Ortiz from No Love too

i think 7 slots it s fine, but for 5 for elite is just too low imho and 3 or 4 slots for golden cards it s just borderline unfairm when specialist/grappler has to face McGregors in UT which got maxed PWR, SPD even on their golden card

that s why i put cards into footwork and speed, so i can get a away and do some lunges and try some TD

problem here is while u re guys so focused on top players, Ranked etc. ur UT mode is suppose to be money making machine.
i dont know how u want to achieve that, when i can tell from my matchmaking that there s just not enough people playing UT right now

i never had problem with MM in ufc2 UT, in ufc3 UT i am constantly getting message that game couldnt find anyone

u re worring about 1 sec window on spear TD, but u re worrying about how that affects Ranked, their got their connection quality indicator, we got nothing in UT, we cant deny matches in UT, so when i play UT and i got some lagger from Russia or from where and game is choppy as hell and he can queue whatever he wants in lag thanks to great combo queue, it s really painful

spear TD 1sec window i would say it s not enough in UT laggy environment, and i dont like driving TD changes either

ufc2 downloaded, let s see:

Ground Defense: Improves bridging transitions, blocking and trapping arm effectiveness.

Top game- controls speed of all ground passess and defensive counters from the top.

off the back- controls speed of all ground transitions (passes, sweeps) and defensive counters from the bottom.

now ufc 3:

top game- determines speed of top transitions and reversals.
bottom game- determines speed of bottom transitions, sweeps, and reversals.

there s no Ground defense stat anymore. so i dont know what happened here,

but i hope it s my correct understanding that in UFC 2 u have to had something in Ground Defense to get succesful arm traps, denies, while in UFC3 striker with no ground stats, can just deny or arm trap like he s BJJ, wrestler pro.

that s ridiculous. i made one topic about Ground Defense asking where this stat dissappear but i never got any answer, so i just want to say all of this secrecy about game needs to stop, because there s nothing more frustrating that not knowing what the heck is going on, i dont know if EA SPORTS doesnt want to spend money on tutorials and are just about pleasing shareholders, but this is driving people away from game too

it would be nice if UT players wont be treated like some second rate customers and balancing focus wont be just on Ranked and catering to top players all the time. what works for div 7,8 doesnt work for div 4.
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Old 03-18-2019, 07:18 PM   #8
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Re: Combo queue needs to die

Originally Posted by tomitomitomi
You would complain how timing strikes is bad for the game since you wouldn't be able to time them with lag.
what ar u talking about?
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