
Longer health events/more diversity

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Old 08-19-2018, 03:33 PM   #1
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Longer health events/more diversity

With the new patch dropping soon I’m probably certain that nothing has been done to the health events. There have been a few threads in the past with some really good ideas but nothing has really changed in this area hence my decision to make a new thread highlighting my issues with this mechanic.

So right now many people would probably agree that you can get rocked and put into a health event too many times in a single fight. The problem is the lasting impacts of these health events are not as well felt as they should be or in other words the repercussions are not heavy enough for players when they are constantly getting into this state. I for one firmly believe the long term stamina tax is something that should be much greater in this scenario of getting put into a health event. However my main problem is the animation and the diversity of these health events.

Point 1

Firstly when these health events are being triggered the guy on the receiving end goes into the stunned/wobbled animation and then a few moments later he magically recovers into a normal stance. It should be a gradual animation change between being in a health event and getting back to normal movement, not just a sudden animation transition that looks unrealistic.

Point 2

Also the second point I’d like to make is to get a varying degree of the health event in terms of length. The length of said event could be solely determined using a random time generator or better yet based more upon character stats, how clean the strike landed was, how many times the player was rocked before or a combination of all points etc. When someone gets hurt it should feel more dynamic and would force players to play a more conservative but realistic approach if we saw these changes made due to the risks.


In terms of the points i've made strongly feel it would make a huge difference to fight approaches as well as enhanching replayablity. Reckless players should be made to pay in a big way and should be fully aware that getting into a health event is super risky. Afterall risk and danger is a huge facet of MMA and encapuslatiing this in the game is something we should push towards.

So to conlude i would like to hear everyone else’s opinions also, as im banking on this even being partly considered because we probably don’t have many patches left at this point.


Last edited by ab541; 08-19-2018 at 03:40 PM.
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Old 08-19-2018, 03:37 PM   #2
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Re: Longer health events/more diversity

They tried point 1 in an earlier patch and people didnt like it. The only thing that could he considered is adding varying animations instead of instantly returning to normal like you said.

Point 2 already exists in the game.

I would like standing TKOs added

If you keep gettin dropped IRL a (non Mario Yamasaki) ref will stop the fight
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Old 08-19-2018, 03:43 PM   #3
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Re: Longer health events/more diversity

Originally Posted by Phillyboi207
They tried point 1 in an earlier patch and people didnt like it. The only thing that could he considered is adding varying animations instead of instantly returning to normal like you said.

Point 2 already exists in the game.

I would like standing TKOs added

If you keep gettin dropped IRL a (non Mario Yamasaki) ref will stop the fight

Thanks for the reply. To me it seems that all health events are more or less the same length. I think there should be a more disparity visually beetween each one. Could you possibly give me a breakdown of how point 2 currently works, as i must have missed this point in previous patch notes. I would like to understand how this is currently calculated ?

Also yes i remember when getting put into health events caused a big long term stamina drain and people complained so it was reduced. Really im always going to stand by my point of this being MMA not a game of tag. The risks should be severe and the game should be a realstic representation of how dangerous MMA is. Even if casuals dont like it at first they will ultimately get better due to how it forces someone to approach a fight in a more logical way.


Last edited by ab541; 08-19-2018 at 03:54 PM.
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Old 08-19-2018, 03:58 PM   #4
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Solid_Altair's Arena
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Re: Longer health events/more diversity

They vary in length. They also vary in head health regen during them, which is another big deal, when trying to survive block breaks without being knocked down.
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Old 08-19-2018, 04:07 PM   #5
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Re: Longer health events/more diversity

Originally Posted by Solid_Altair
They vary in length. They also vary in head health regen during them, which is another big deal, when trying to survive block breaks without being knocked down.
I have probably misunderstood the mechanic then. I think what I really wanted is the ability to at rare times to get the health events are around 30-40 seconds or maybe even more depending on scenarios. If you remember Alvarez vs RDA for example, RDA got badly rocked (put in health event) and stayed wobbly for quite some time till he was finished.

Really though i think that animation transiton beetween being in a health event and going back to normal state (point 1) is the bigger issue for me. Its too jarring and visually very unappealing. Im sure this is something that can be changed, but i guess its really up to how badly everyone wants it as well.


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Old 08-19-2018, 04:20 PM   #6
MacGowan's Arena
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Re: Longer health events/more diversity

Originally Posted by Phillyboi207
I would like standing TKOs added

If you keep gettin dropped IRL a (non Mario Yamasaki) ref will stop the fight
I would love to see the ref get closer "fight back!" "defend yourself!" "I'm gonna stop it!" While you get your butt handed to you.

Could make it more exciting and would give you more endings to a fight. For sure we need subs to be easier too. Right now it's kinda the simple KO, or TKO. Or a rare decision where the cinematic angle and animation is pretty much the same.

Could be hard to program though, for sure you'd need mocap, and you also don't want the ref to start yelling every single time you take a combo to the face.
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Old 08-19-2018, 04:25 PM   #7
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Re: Longer health events/more diversity

Yeah I think something more Fight Night Championish could be cool. I believe that game had health events that made fighters more vulnerable to knockdowns for extended periods of time. Like they weren't super wobbly during this event, but they felt slower (I think stamina recovery was way slower) and took more damage during this event and it lasted a while.

Right now we don't really have anything in EA UFC 3 that represents those moments in MMA where one fighter is clearly hurt for a while, but not like super wobbly legs hurt. At least nothing that is clearly animated and presented to the player.
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Old 08-19-2018, 04:30 PM   #8
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Solid_Altair's Arena
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Re: Longer health events/more diversity

Originally Posted by ab541
I have probably misunderstood the mechanic then. I think what I really wanted is the ability to at rare times to get the health events are around 30-40 seconds or maybe even more depending on scenarios. If you remember Alvarez vs RDA for example, RDA got badly rocked (put in health event) and stayed wobbly for quite some time till he was finished.

Really though i think that animation transiton beetween being in a health event and going back to normal state (point 1) is the bigger issue for me. Its too jarring and visually very unappealing. Im sure this is something that can be changed, but i guess its really up to how badly everyone wants it as well.


I think you can have some sequences in the game, where a fighter can look battered and in survival mode for a long time, even without being literally rocked for 30 seconds. An actual rock for 30 seconds sounds way too weird to me. But people could remain at a heath and stamina disadvantage for along time, while also surviving a couple of rocks on the way.
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