
NHL 13 Video - True Performance Skating Revealed

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Old 05-19-2012, 11:03 PM   #33
daflyboys's Arena
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Re: NHL 13 Video - True Performance Skating Revealed


and because I need 10 chars.

Youch! Youch!
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Old 05-20-2012, 08:34 AM   #34
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Re: NHL 13 Video - True Performance Skating Revealed

Originally Posted by savoie2006
Well maybe, just maybe this will help:

Now I'm not saying this is going to be the answer or even that all these cool new features are gonna make the game what it should be. However, I think until proven otherwise, there's reason for some optimism. As I said, this game has the potential of being the most improved of the series by far.
Savoie, I admire your optimism, but this isn't the first time EA bragged about some new AI feature that would revolutionize the game and make it uber realistic.
Remember NHL2005? Where they spoke about watching video of each team and studied how each club flowed through the neutral zone? Apparently that was going to give each game a unique feel based on the team you faced.
How did it work out? It sucked. Really, really bad.
Last year they spoke about advanced AI. How guys like Ovie would split from the defensive zone faster, or how some guys would hang back longer. They said we'd see clearly defined player types and roles.
It made no difference. Everyone still played the same.
Or how about the time they talked about the all new 'attribute slider'. Hahaha! They might as well have added a sugar placebo in every case.

So when I hear EA tout "EA SPORTS Hockey IQ " I just laugh.
Does anyone here seriously think that this bullet point is for casual fans or guys like to deke up and down the ice with anyone and everyone? No.
It's for guys like us here on OS.
They know their offline game is beyond pathetic so they throw out catchy phrases like "Hockey IQ" and "Player Roles", etc, etc, that translate into absolutely nothing but smoke and mirrors.

I would have been excited about this prior to NHL08 or 09's release, but not anymore.

I'll be extremely shocked if this new IQ has a big impact on an offline game.

What I anticipate is that all these new 'features' will work against the user, but have no affect on the CPU.
The CPU will still snipe goals from Hall Gill, Mike Brown will deke like Datsyuk, the berzerker mode will still exist, and your CPU-controlled teammates will continue to play as passively as a kitten laying on a window sill flooded with warm sunlight.

Again, I warn everyone here to stop holding your breath.
Any major changes to the NHL series will be for online gamers alone.
And they know full well that a HUGE majority of their sales come from casual fans that wouldn't know hockey if they slept with Bobby Orr.
So the first time Joe Fratboy can't go end to end with a 6th defenseman, there will be blood and EA will patch to ensure that they appease their largest consumer base.

I will eat a truckload of crow if I'm wrong, and I really, really hope that I am.
But I've seen EA's track record and considering NHL12 is barely any different than NHL09, I seriously doubt we're going to see any major changes for 13.
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Old 05-20-2012, 10:35 AM   #35
Radja's Arena
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for all sports games, i wait until i see the acheivement point goals to see how they designed the game. if it is tailored to online or be a pro online, like 12 almost exclusively was, then they worked on the online gaming. if it is spread across the board for the offline and online, like nba 2k12 was, then they worked a bit on everything.

nhl has focused on the onine gamer for the last several iterations. offline has been neglected. so since i am an offline nhl player, i am in strongly in the wait and see camp.
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Old 05-20-2012, 11:36 AM   #36
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Re: NHL 13 Video - True Performance Skating Revealed

Originally Posted by Money99
Savoie, I admire your optimism, but this isn't the first time EA bragged about some new AI feature that would revolutionize the game and make it uber realistic.
Remember NHL2005? Where they spoke about watching video of each team and studied how each club flowed through the neutral zone? Apparently that was going to give each game a unique feel based on the team you faced.
How did it work out? It sucked. Really, really bad.
Last year they spoke about advanced AI. How guys like Ovie would split from the defensive zone faster, or how some guys would hang back longer. They said we'd see clearly defined player types and roles.
It made no difference. Everyone still played the same.
Or how about the time they talked about the all new 'attribute slider'. Hahaha! They might as well have added a sugar placebo in every case.

So when I hear EA tout "EA SPORTS Hockey IQ " I just laugh.
Does anyone here seriously think that this bullet point is for casual fans or guys like to deke up and down the ice with anyone and everyone? No.
It's for guys like us here on OS.
They know their offline game is beyond pathetic so they throw out catchy phrases like "Hockey IQ" and "Player Roles", etc, etc, that translate into absolutely nothing but smoke and mirrors.

I would have been excited about this prior to NHL08 or 09's release, but not anymore.

I'll be extremely shocked if this new IQ has a big impact on an offline game.

What I anticipate is that all these new 'features' will work against the user, but have no affect on the CPU.
The CPU will still snipe goals from Hall Gill, Mike Brown will deke like Datsyuk, the berzerker mode will still exist, and your CPU-controlled teammates will continue to play as passively as a kitten laying on a window sill flooded with warm sunlight.

Again, I warn everyone here to stop holding your breath.
Any major changes to the NHL series will be for online gamers alone.
And they know full well that a HUGE majority of their sales come from casual fans that wouldn't know hockey if they slept with Bobby Orr.
So the first time Joe Fratboy can't go end to end with a 6th defenseman, there will be blood and EA will patch to ensure that they appease their largest consumer base.

I will eat a truckload of crow if I'm wrong, and I really, really hope that I am.
But I've seen EA's track record and considering NHL12 is barely any different than NHL09, I seriously doubt we're going to see any major changes for 13.
Agreed. I'm very concerned, as others mentioned, about the desperation by the Goaltender in this video. He lays on the ice waiting for the skater, who then puts it OVER him and in the net. I've never seen a real life goal lay on the ice like that for such a long time BEFORE the skater makes his move. I'm very concerned for this years version.
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Old 05-20-2012, 01:02 PM   #37
canucksss's Arena
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Re: NHL 13 Video - True Performance Skating Revealed

Originally Posted by Money99
Savoie, I admire your optimism, but this isn't the first time EA bragged about some new AI feature that would revolutionize the game and make it uber realistic.
Remember NHL2005? Where they spoke about watching video of each team and studied how each club flowed through the neutral zone? Apparently that was going to give each game a unique feel based on the team you faced.
How did it work out? It sucked. Really, really bad.
Last year they spoke about advanced AI. How guys like Ovie would split from the defensive zone faster, or how some guys would hang back longer. They said we'd see clearly defined player types and roles.
It made no difference. Everyone still played the same.
Or how about the time they talked about the all new 'attribute slider'. Hahaha! They might as well have added a sugar placebo in every case.

So when I hear EA tout "EA SPORTS Hockey IQ " I just laugh.
Does anyone here seriously think that this bullet point is for casual fans or guys like to deke up and down the ice with anyone and everyone? No.
It's for guys like us here on OS.
They know their offline game is beyond pathetic so they throw out catchy phrases like "Hockey IQ" and "Player Roles", etc, etc, that translate into absolutely nothing but smoke and mirrors.

I would have been excited about this prior to NHL08 or 09's release, but not anymore.

I'll be extremely shocked if this new IQ has a big impact on an offline game.

What I anticipate is that all these new 'features' will work against the user, but have no affect on the CPU.
The CPU will still snipe goals from Hall Gill, Mike Brown will deke like Datsyuk, the berzerker mode will still exist, and your CPU-controlled teammates will continue to play as passively as a kitten laying on a window sill flooded with warm sunlight.

Again, I warn everyone here to stop holding your breath.
Any major changes to the NHL series will be for online gamers alone.
And they know full well that a HUGE majority of their sales come from casual fans that wouldn't know hockey if they slept with Bobby Orr.
So the first time Joe Fratboy can't go end to end with a 6th defenseman, there will be blood and EA will patch to ensure that they appease their largest consumer base.

I will eat a truckload of crow if I'm wrong, and I really, really hope that I am.
But I've seen EA's track record and considering NHL12 is barely any different than NHL09, I seriously doubt we're going to see any major changes for 13.
YES! totally agree with you. how long has EA done this, giving us promises and using catchy phrases and turn out to be a dung?
its not bad to hope but if the one promising is not reliable or known for all glitters and no value type of promotion, instead of being optimistic we tend to be pessimistic and to a point cynical.
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Old 05-20-2012, 01:20 PM   #38
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Re: NHL 13 Video - True Performance Skating Revealed

Money, I know exactly where you are coming from, trust me. I said it in a previous post that the whole Hockey IQ thing was going to be a wait and see, based on EA's history. They have touted a new improved AI several times and it ends up the same for the most part, so it is cautious optimism I'm going with here.

Steven, as bad as the goalies can be in this game, I haven't seen one do something that stupid since NHL 06 for the Xbox/PS2. I'm pretty sure that was staged so the guy could actually score the goal and maybe the show off the goalie flexability.
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Old 05-20-2012, 01:45 PM   #39
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Re: NHL 13 Video - True Performance Skating Revealed

Originally Posted by Money99
Savoie, I admire your optimism, but this isn't the first time EA bragged about some new AI feature that would revolutionize the game and make it uber realistic.
Remember NHL2005? Where they spoke about watching video of each team and studied how each club flowed through the neutral zone? Apparently that was going to give each game a unique feel based on the team you faced.
How did it work out? It sucked. Really, really bad.
Last year they spoke about advanced AI. How guys like Ovie would split from the defensive zone faster, or how some guys would hang back longer. They said we'd see clearly defined player types and roles.
It made no difference. Everyone still played the same.
Or how about the time they talked about the all new 'attribute slider'. Hahaha! They might as well have added a sugar placebo in every case.

So when I hear EA tout "EA SPORTS Hockey IQ " I just laugh.
Does anyone here seriously think that this bullet point is for casual fans or guys like to deke up and down the ice with anyone and everyone? No.
It's for guys like us here on OS.
They know their offline game is beyond pathetic so they throw out catchy phrases like "Hockey IQ" and "Player Roles", etc, etc, that translate into absolutely nothing but smoke and mirrors.

I would have been excited about this prior to NHL08 or 09's release, but not anymore.

I'll be extremely shocked if this new IQ has a big impact on an offline game.

What I anticipate is that all these new 'features' will work against the user, but have no affect on the CPU.
The CPU will still snipe goals from Hall Gill, Mike Brown will deke like Datsyuk, the berzerker mode will still exist, and your CPU-controlled teammates will continue to play as passively as a kitten laying on a window sill flooded with warm sunlight.

Again, I warn everyone here to stop holding your breath.
Any major changes to the NHL series will be for online gamers alone.
And they know full well that a HUGE majority of their sales come from casual fans that wouldn't know hockey if they slept with Bobby Orr.
So the first time Joe Fratboy can't go end to end with a 6th defenseman, there will be blood and EA will patch to ensure that they appease their largest consumer base.

I will eat a truckload of crow if I'm wrong, and I really, really hope that I am.
But I've seen EA's track record and considering NHL12 is barely any different than NHL09, I seriously doubt we're going to see any major changes for 13.
agree! ill just wait and see...the NHL13 DEMO has to be AAAAAAAAAWESOME then i ll think bout to buy or not.... otherwise its a NO BUY!!!
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Old 05-20-2012, 02:28 PM   #40
FBeaule04's Arena
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Re: NHL 13 Video - True Performance Skating Revealed

Originally Posted by Money99
Savoie, I admire your optimism, but this isn't the first time EA bragged about some new AI feature that would revolutionize the game and make it uber realistic.
Remember NHL2005? Where they spoke about watching video of each team and studied how each club flowed through the neutral zone? Apparently that was going to give each game a unique feel based on the team you faced.
How did it work out? It sucked. Really, really bad.
Last year they spoke about advanced AI. How guys like Ovie would split from the defensive zone faster, or how some guys would hang back longer. They said we'd see clearly defined player types and roles.
It made no difference. Everyone still played the same.
Or how about the time they talked about the all new 'attribute slider'. Hahaha! They might as well have added a sugar placebo in every case.

So when I hear EA tout "EA SPORTS Hockey IQ " I just laugh.
Does anyone here seriously think that this bullet point is for casual fans or guys like to deke up and down the ice with anyone and everyone? No.
It's for guys like us here on OS.
They know their offline game is beyond pathetic so they throw out catchy phrases like "Hockey IQ" and "Player Roles", etc, etc, that translate into absolutely nothing but smoke and mirrors.

I would have been excited about this prior to NHL08 or 09's release, but not anymore.

I'll be extremely shocked if this new IQ has a big impact on an offline game.

What I anticipate is that all these new 'features' will work against the user, but have no affect on the CPU.
The CPU will still snipe goals from Hall Gill, Mike Brown will deke like Datsyuk, the berzerker mode will still exist, and your CPU-controlled teammates will continue to play as passively as a kitten laying on a window sill flooded with warm sunlight.

Again, I warn everyone here to stop holding your breath.
Any major changes to the NHL series will be for online gamers alone.
And they know full well that a HUGE majority of their sales come from casual fans that wouldn't know hockey if they slept with Bobby Orr.
So the first time Joe Fratboy can't go end to end with a 6th defenseman, there will be blood and EA will patch to ensure that they appease their largest consumer base.

I will eat a truckload of crow if I'm wrong, and I really, really hope that I am.
But I've seen EA's track record and considering NHL12 is barely any different than NHL09, I seriously doubt we're going to see any major changes for 13.
Holding my breath for an NHL game? Never, ever, ever.

In fact, for the last 3 years, all I saw from EA was a nice women offering a tons of thing that could make me go while when she undress, I discovered it was a guy!

EA can come up with any video they want (ex : AI understanding where the puck will be video last summer and how it translated in the game when on the market!) I'll believe it when I see it on the ice, after a few games.

Until then, sorry for EA, but I assume NHL 13 will be as good as NHL 10-11-12, that means only for 6 vs. 6 play, if not, get ready for a game that as the same amount of IQ than Maggie the Monkey!
"Ice hockey is a form of disorderly conduct in which the score is kept." - Doug Larson
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