12-06-2011, 08:27 PM
Pass Percentage
Hey guys,
I recently picked up NHL 11 just to get some hockey fix. I have played the NHL series since the 08 season on either the XBOX or PS3. And like everyone here, I have been really upset on how easy it has been to pass the puck. I don't if my "theory" could translate over to NHL 12 as I wasn't a huge fan of the game when it first dropped.
I know very little in regards of sliders, I usually just plug and play with slider posts on this website. Anyway, the sliders I have been messing with are the attribute and pass speed sliders. Here is what I have come up with to get the game to become a little messy:
Game Speed: 0
Attribute: 0
Player Acceleration: 5
Pass and Saucer Speed: Max
Pass Accuracy: 0
The rest of the sliders don't matter as much with what I am trying to get across. With this set up, I get pass percentages below 70%, and guys cannot always take in that "hot pass." I know you may think this set up might not be ideal as it could be too fast, or this set up will not reflect players' attributes but I have enjoyed playing this way over the last week. It does bring out a lot of turnovers, icing, and offside calls. On a side note, I do player lock as a goalie on All-Star level with 15 minute periods. I am HORRIBLE, but it is kind of fun to see the CPU struggle to keep in passes.
I hope someone will give this a shot for NHL 12 as I will pick it up in the next couple of days to see if it does work. Sorry I don't have the rest of my sliders posted as I am at work. Hopefully someone will use it as a base to come up with something better. Thanks for your time guys.
Last edited by christopher; 12-06-2011 at 08:38 PM.