05-02-2012, 07:12 PM
Re: im new to soccer...help!
Okay it's been a while since I last played fifa12 manager mode but as to budgeting: All you have to do is shift the arrow left or right to increase/decrease your teams TRANSFER/WAGE amounts.
One side represents the TRANSFER amount total, the other represents the WAGE total. The system does the math itself, obviously increasing one side decreases the other because your team only has a certain amount of income. (and as Southend Utd, you probably have very little so temper your expectations and buy cheap, no superstars.)
TRANSFER = a one time payment for purchase of a player under contract from another team. That player can still then refuse to sign for you IF you offer too small of a wage, which brings us to:
WAGE = the continual salary that you must pay any player that signs for you or is currently under contract on your team.
Loaning = usually means you pay 0 transfer $ but must pay that players WAGE instead of his owning team.
Through Lob = Modifier trigger (not the finesse button) plus Through Ball button, your receiving player should run.