
FIFA 12 Video - Pro Player Intelligence: Vision

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Old 07-02-2011, 06:56 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by JerseySuave4
those are just the ignorant people who like american football over soccer so they feel they need to just bash soccer. I came from american football but for work most of our business is soccer and ive come to greatly appreciate it and ive noticed over the past few years the interest of soccer rising in this country.

That being said, Fifa is still the cash cow because it sells more around the world than Madden could imagine.
I wouldn't call someone disliking soccer "ignorant" I can think of a hundred reasons people wouldn't enjoy watching a sport for an hour and the score still being 0-0. I do understand why the sport is more popular in the world (only requires a ball) but the word "ignorant" could very easily be used to describe half of the soccer fans in the world too. Just saying, it was a poor choice of wording, you could have tried a little harder to come up with a decent insult.
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Old 07-03-2011, 10:36 AM   #10
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This is a nice feature in helping to individualize player performance. Watching the video made me think of the passing cone in Madden a few years ago.
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Old 07-03-2011, 10:56 AM   #11
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Re: FIFA 12 Video - Pro Player Intelligence: Vision

This video is so awesome as I love the little things.
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Old 07-03-2011, 02:32 PM   #12
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Re: FIFA 12 Video - Pro Player Intelligence: Vision

Originally Posted by PowerPitcher
I wouldn't call someone disliking soccer "ignorant" I can think of a hundred reasons people wouldn't enjoy watching a sport for an hour and the score still being 0-0. I do understand why the sport is more popular in the world (only requires a ball) but the word "ignorant" could very easily be used to describe half of the soccer fans in the world too. Just saying, it was a poor choice of wording, you could have tried a little harder to come up with a decent insult.
And I can think of two hundred ignorant comments I've heard from people bashing soccer. I'm not saying you're ignorant, nor am I saying any sport is perfect, but those people exist. Saying Madden is the cash cow is an ignorant statement, however. FIFA brings in more money on a global scale, which in the end, is all that matters.

Last edited by Whitesox; 07-03-2011 at 02:36 PM.
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Old 07-06-2011, 01:44 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by PowerPitcher
I wouldn't call someone disliking soccer "ignorant" I can think of a hundred reasons people wouldn't enjoy watching a sport for an hour and the score still being 0-0. I do understand why the sport is more popular in the world (only requires a ball) but the word "ignorant" could very easily be used to describe half of the soccer fans in the world too. Just saying, it was a poor choice of wording, you could have tried a little harder to come up with a decent insult.
It's actually a good description on how a big part of Americans view soccer. I'm as American as Apple Pie and I admit there is such thing as an "American Ignorance" towards soccer. I put it in quotes because it's an actual phrase, believe it or not. I here it locally on the AM airways and amongst friends. We still have this 'jock' attitude towards it like it has nothing to offer the country as far as entertainment. As a country, we're even cocky enough to name our league champs, "World Champs" when our clubs, sans our olympic teams, don't even play against clubs from other countries.

In soccer, seasons aren't over. You win your league championship? Good. Now you're qualified to play in a league full of champions from your respective regional confederation. Win and you can compete in an additional tournament for all the regional champs, and perhaps then, you at least have the right to be called "World Champion". It's a great sport. Your club and national teams have a chance and earn the right to be called "World Champs". Here in the states, the MLS is growing. Yes, it's not the NFL, NBA or even MLB but don't surprised if it passes the NHL in popularity in the next few years.

The reason I think the word 'ignorance' suits is because soccer isn't even given a chance in their eyes. I love the NFL. Football is number one in my book, and soccer has climbed over the years to 3rd in my book...sometimes 2nd. I'm not a huge fan of the NHL or MLB but I understand the sports and appreciate them. I used to be one of those Americans ignorant to soccer until I gave it a chance and it quickly grew on me. I hope more people give it a chance because I'd like our country to have a part in the "Beautiful Sport".
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Old 07-06-2011, 02:50 AM   #14
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Re: FIFA 12 Video - Pro Player Intelligence: Vision

Originally Posted by Skyliner80
The reason I think the word 'ignorance' suits is because soccer isn't even given a chance in their eyes.
Not only this, but I've heard such gems as "Soccer teams take timeouts too" and "Diving only exists in soccer". I've given up on debating those people, it's just frustrating when someone says something is stupid without even giving it a chance first.
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Old 07-06-2011, 03:48 AM   #15
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Re: FIFA 12 Video - Pro Player Intelligence: Vision

Originally Posted by Whitesox
Not only this, but I've heard such gems as "Soccer teams take timeouts too" and "Diving only exists in soccer". I've given up on debating those people, it's just frustrating when someone says something is stupid without even giving it a chance first.
Add me to the list of guys who hated on soccer and now see it as my number one sport (by far). I actually see American sports soo watered down and a lot of fans almost toolish (prob just the ignorant fans i talk to).. I think the main reason people dont appreciate soccer is because they don't realize how difficult it is to play at a high level. Professionals make it look so easy just to trap a ball coming at them from 40 yds away. I dont wanna get in a huge debate.....but this is how I see it...

Football- way too much dead time, way too many timeouts/commercials, field goal kickers are more valuable than every player except the qb.

Basketball- great sport, but game is pretty much irrelevant until the last 6 minutes or soo.

Baseball- waaay too much dead time. I think I read the ball is only in play 6 minutes in a 3 and half hour game...crazy.

I usually despise women's sports, but I have found myself watching the Women's World Cup on occasion because these girls are soo technical...its awesome.
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Old 07-06-2011, 03:23 PM   #16
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Re: FIFA 12 Video - Pro Player Intelligence: Vision

I hate the 'score' argument Americans tend to make against soccer when America's #1 sport - the NFL - consists of 93% stoppage, huddle, commercial and break time over a 3+ hour broadcast. A country that stretches 11 minutes of playtime into a 180 minute broadcast has little room to criticize other sports for being 'slow'.

America's past time - baseball - doesn't fair much better with only 6% of the total viewing time being spent with the ball in play. If you break down scores per game the MLB comes out slightly ahead of the NFL in 'action' as well (who would have figured). MLB averages around 9.5 scores over a typical game while the NFL only sees around 7.2.

So America does offer some of the most action packed sports in the world with a score being made, on average, every 1.3 minutes over their 11 minutes of game play. However, they also managed to pack another 20+ minutes of absolute nothingness between those action packed scoring moments and that, unfortunately, is bordering into soccer territory.

Are you the type of fan that goes to appreciate the race or just to see the wreck.

Last edited by lnin0; 07-06-2011 at 03:27 PM.
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