Having tweaked the custom tactics and adjusted the speed and acceleration attributes, I thought I had hit the sweet spot with FIFA 09. But then I could feel that something wasn’t right. But I couldn’t put my finger on it. So I put FIFA 08 (not 09) on my XBOX 360 just to remind myself of how it played. Having finished one game in FIFA 08, I realised what had to happen in 09.
FIFA 08 is being seen as a more tactical game ONLY because it was slower. In all other respects, FIFA 09 is far superior.
We have already reduced the speed and acceleration attributes by 15 points. So what had happened is, the players have become slower and very reasonable in their ability to move. It does give a lot of opportunities for tactical gameplay but for one little thing. While the players have slowed down, their passing has not. So what happens is, players move slowly but when they decide to pass, the pass goes lightning quick which makes the game look very ping-pong. Also if the passes are so quick, you don’t get to see players moving as the ball is still transiting. It is important because even before you receive the ball, you should have multiple options to proceed.
So, I decided to reduce the short passing attribute by 15 points. That should now sync well with the reduction of player speeds. It works perfectly. When you make a 20-yard pass, it should go at a certain speed. And that passing speed is very important for the dynamics of the attacking game. With slower passing speed, my ability to receive passes successfully has also improved. The ball receiver now gets a fraction more time to react. With reduced passing speed, I’ve even started using the first touch skill with the right analog stick. More than my convenience, I find the game incredibly realistic now. For whatever reason, I think EA has deliberately boosted the speed, acceleration and short passing which makes the game very arcadish.
I know there has been a lot of efforts to have the player edits done. I wish I had realised this point on short passing much before so that when you guys were editing the player attributes you had also take care of short passing values. But I had to test this myself to confirm if it has an impact and more importantly a positive impact on the gameplay. I could only confirm it now. As of now, I don’t know if I’m done with the tweaks. As I learn the game and nuances, ideas keep coming so it’s always possible that there is another discovery from me or anyone else.
Now onto the super players. I see that people complain about Messi not being Messi and Xavi not being Xavi. I have observed that this is primarily to do with three key attributes that separate star players and normal players. They are consistency, aggression and strength. Consistency refers to how often the player plays true to his rest of the attributes. If the finishing is 92 and consistency is 100, he always plays with a 92 finishing ability. When the consistency is say 65 and the finishing is 92, he could make some amazing finishes every now and then but could be on and off in terms of form. Aggression refers to the determination of the players. It shows how the players want to keep the ball or win the ball. Players with high aggression are difficult to be shoved away. If you notice, EA have rated a lot of star players very low on aggression. If aggression is a mental attribute, strength is the equivalent physical attribute. Even if your aggression is 100, if your strength is 60, your player might want to keep the ball at any cost but his physical strength won’t help him.
What I have done is, picked out those real star players and improved their stats on consistency, aggression and strength. If you ask me if I have increased them by 10 or 15, I’d say I increased the stats on a case to case basis. It’s purely my opinion and belief based on which I propped up the stars. For instance, I’ve put a 90 for Messi when it comes to consistency. For players like Iniesta and Xavi, I’ve put the aggression in 90s and strength in 80s. For someone like Essien, both those attributes would in 90s. I’d put Adriano high on strength and low on aggression; Fabregas, low on strength and high on aggression. So I suggest you to identify the star players who want to improve and adjust these attributes as per your judgement.
On a different note, in the tweaked custom tactics, make sure that teams do not have more than a value of 50 in shooting. If you set it beyond 50, the AI keeps shooting from unreasonable positions and very stupidly at times which results in numerous shots most of which wouldn’t have troubled you.
Finally, I can cross now! Crossing in this game has been such a let down for me. Practically, my inability to cross in this game has changed the way I play this game. Because I couldn’t cross, I have always been looking for passing the ball even from fantastic crossing positions. I think I have the definitive solution to crossing - set crossing to SEMI. Yes, it doesn’t work well in manual or assisted. In SEMI, my crossing is back to its best. Now my custom tactics for crossing does have a meaning. I tried setting the crossing my custom tactics to 80 so that I have people in crossing positions and also have people crowding in the box to receive the crosses. It was fantastic. Now crossing is one of my potent weapons. I’m gonna make AI taste a dose of its own medicine!
And now, personally my biggest discovery wrto visuals: DYNAMIC camera. Yup. I’m generally a fan of wide and far camera angles. I always used to play in WIDE camera or TELE camera (co-op in Euro 2008 ) because I want to see the spaces in the pitch to exploit. I never thought dynamic camera can be useful. The advantages of a wide camera is the ability to see spaces. If you don’t exploit those spaces, there is no point in playing a wide angle because the dynamic angle provides a lot more in terms of playability. In DYNAMIC camera angle, I’ve set the height to maximum and zoom to zero (no zoom at all). With this, my game has vastly improved, especially my possession football. The camera angle being so close, it certainly gives that extra fraction of a time which is more than enough or the human brain to react and make the best use of it. Believe it or not, my quality of passing/shots has highly improved in dynamic camera. Please try this yourself and enjoy. Again, don’t write this off without actually testing it.
To remind you, I play in SLOW gamespeed, use assisted controls (semi crossing), use dynamic cam, play in world class difficulty and player select set to automatic, two points from the left. I no longer play online and in offline
I play only exhibition matches, single player and also co-op with my mates. And my
style of play is possession football.
To summarise:
1. I take it that you’ve already tweaked the custom tactics and the speed/acceleration attributes
2. Now reduce the short passing attribute by 15 points for all players in the teams you play or play against
3. For star players, improve these attributes - consistency, aggression and strength
4. In custom tactics for all teams, ensure that the shooting value is not beyond 50
5. Set the crossing to SEMI
6. Use DYNAMIC cam - maximum height & zero zoom
If you guys want to see these settings in action, take a look at this video. I'm playing as Atletico Madrid against Sevilla. This is on world class. The video is on match speed and not a slow motion replay.
All the above in totality is what I’ve named as ‘FIFA Revolution update’. If you apply this FIFA Revolution update, I can bet that this game becomes ‘unputdownable’. As always, try these and let me know how these work! Your comments are most welcome.
If you want assured responses,
leave a comment in my blog too.