
What a mess!

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Old 12-27-2016, 07:07 AM   #1
mondeslicht's Arena
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What a mess!

I don't know what happened but this game since a couple of weeks became unplayable. My team can't defend, my players ignore the ball, they are so passive, the CPU dribbles like crazy in my half, sometimes it's even difficult to control my own players. I don't know what happened, it's just pure frustration.
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Old 12-29-2016, 10:51 PM   #2
cherman24's Arena
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Re: What a mess!

Well, let me preface this with I'm a casual player who only plays offline fut and offline seasons. I'll play a few hours per week. Due to the holidays and a couple new games, I put FIFA on hold. I've been playing a lot the past two days...let me say, either I've lost ALL skill I've had or they did something with the last patch or two. My fut team is rated 80 or 81 depending on the formation and the players involved. They are all EPL guys. I was division 4 when I picked up again. I managed to hold, then replayed and got relegated. I'm on the verge of getting relegated out of 5. The CPU defense is vacuuming all my players and passes, getting every lucky bounce off a defender or post to go in and I just can't score. These are 2 star teams on semi-pro and pro just having their way with me. I'm not saying I'm a FIFA wizard or just because my team is better I should steamroll these teams, but I had no trouble getting to division 4...with a lot lower rated players. Also, quit feeding me bs that you work on server stability as I've been kicked off 6 times today.

I just went from having fun building my fantasy team to getting sick of playing all together.

EDIT: I just messed around in offline fut draft. I got disconnected so it ate my first token and the second time I put it on semi pro. I got bounced in round 2 by some Russian team who had 39% possession and 4 shots. I had a team from ESP 1 captain by Messi and full of totw guys. It was rated 87. Lol

EDIT 2: I had 5 draft tokens and it is a more fun mode. Plus the rewards are packs so when you get crapped on, you don't feel bad because it cost you time and not $35k

EDIT 3: I think I'm going to put this game up for a while. I've spent a lot of time on it the past three days. I managed a division 4 hold (cause the season was 1/2 done), a division 4 relegation, followed up by a division 5 relegation, followed up by a division 6 hold. The game isn't fun right now. Then again, I'm not the ideal customer. The one who buys the super deluxe limited edition and puts a few hundred dollars in FIFA points. I'm the $60 guy who plays offline. I did enjoy drafts, but I'm out of tokens (since they ate 1 with a disconnect and I'm not spending 15k coins or real $ to play).

Last edited by cherman24; 12-30-2016 at 11:36 PM.
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Old 12-29-2016, 11:57 PM   #3
5280Italian's Arena
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Re: What a mess!

I have noticed how recently my players just flat out ignore the ball. In amazing fashion too.
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