
FIFA Ultimate Team Chemistry Glitch Reveals Mode Could be Broken, Title Update Coming

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Old 06-27-2016, 06:07 PM   #1
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FIFA Ultimate Team Chemistry Glitch Reveals Mode Could be Broken, Title Update Coming

YouTube user RighteousOnix may have discovered a pretty serious issue within FIFA Ultimate Team, specifically when regarding the chemistry within the game. In a video uploaded this past weekend, Onix breaks down how chemistry could be artificially raising and lowering skill levels with no rhyme or reason by using the dribbling attribute as an example.

This could prove the feeling many gamers have of the game artificially limiting performance without any real rhyme or reason despite higher chemistry ratings within the game.

Whether this is a bug or a deliberate balancing move -- EA should comment on it considering Ultimate Team brings in over half a billion dollars a year in revenue. That's simply a lot of money people at throwing at these modes.

There is a large thread on Reddit discussing the issue.

"What we've found:
Just to give a really quick run-down of what has been discovered, in lay-mans terms:
1) In FIFA Ultimate team you open packs to gain access to cards which represent players in the game. You can also buy these cards from other users.
2) When you build your team, by playing cards in particular positions, and with particular set-ups, you can increase their chemistry attribute. Having a high chemistry attribute on a player will give them boosted stats, having a low chemistry will nerf their stats. These chemistry stats boosts are huge for how your team plays.
3) It turns out that for a large chunk of the most expensive cards in the game, FIFA has not been attributing the stats boost to the cards afforded by their chemistry. Meaning that they feel sluggish, slow and clumsy in comparison to other, cheaper cards in the game which have been given the chemistry stats boost.
4) This means that users have been spending vast amounts of in-game and real life money, sometimes hundreds even thousands of dollars/pounds, to obtain player cards which are NOT what they seem and are in fact heavily nerfed."

So in layman's terms, some higher rated cards are not getting boosted like lower rated cards -- resulting in the more expensive cards performing worse in a relative sense than lower rated cards due to some sort of artificial handicapping or bug.

The issue is, of course, these higher rated cards are sold at a premium by EA but play by a different set of rules vs. day-1 cards which actively limits their performance. We'll update this post if EA posts any response to the controversy, either directly to us or in any other official manner.

UPDATE (6-29): EA is looking into it and sent an official response (via GamesRadar)

“Thanks to the FUT community for raising awareness of a potential fitness and chemistry inconsistency in some FUT items. After hearing this, our teams were in over the weekend and continue to thoroughly investigate the information. We will keep you informed with updates from the investigation. Our commitment to a fun, fair and secure experience in FIFA is ongoing, and as a community your feedback helps us achieve that goal. A special thanks for your continuous efforts across all channels.”

UPDATE: (7-1): EA has posted another update, as they investigate the fitness and chemistry issues being reported, another title update is coming...

Our development teams have continued to investigate the reports of potential chemistry and fitness inconsistencies within FIFA Ultimate Team in FIFA 16, and we want to provide you with an update.

Our work has shown that there appear to be some differences in how fitness and chemistry apply to some FUT items. The differences appear to be the same for all FUT fans, but only applying to some FUT items, so we’re making some changes to ensure the attributes are being applied consistently across all items in the game.

To do that, we’re working on a title update for FIFA 16 on PC, Xbox and PlayStation platforms, and will be deploying it as soon as possible. We’ll continue to keep you updated on timing.

We appreciate the help from the FUT community and ongoing dialogue across channels like YouTube, the forums, and r/FIFA. We hear you and your interest in better understanding how FUT works, and as we move towards the launch of FIFA 17, we will be sharing more about the deeper mechanics of Ultimate Team.

We’ll be in touch again when we know the target date for the upcoming FIFA 16 update. Thank you.
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Last edited by Steve_OS; 07-01-2016 at 04:02 PM.
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Old 06-27-2016, 08:42 PM   #2
bxphenom7's Arena
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Well, this could get messy smh
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Old 06-27-2016, 10:45 PM   #3
half-fast's Arena
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Re: FIFA Chemistry Glitch Reveal Shows Ultimate Team Could Be Broken

Imo, I never found the game mode fair. I wont get into any talk about why I do or dont play it, but I've never liked the chemistry model in this game, not for regular fifa and especially not for FUT.

One thing I found was, I would play a guy online who has a seriously buffed team. I had a couple stars, maybe a few guys that are recognizable to those of us that watch a lot of soccer, but my team was pretty hurting.

With the same goalie in career mode, the guy would make great stops, and play as a normal keeper. That same keeper as my keeper in FUT, and guys are scoring on me from half just because they have bumped up chemistry and hes shooting with some Spanish star.

It never made sense to me, and made the mode ridiculous.
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Old 06-27-2016, 10:57 PM   #4
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I cant for the life of me understand how anyone has enjoyed playing this mode online. Played five games last year it was truly awful. I played the original FIFA. FUT is awful online and off. If you enjoy it, that's your choice, but it kind of makes me laugh to see the level people went to figure out something wasn't quite right with this mode.
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Old 06-27-2016, 11:18 PM   #5
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Half a billion? So 500 million? Holy crap thats insane.
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Old 06-28-2016, 01:19 AM   #6
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Re: FIFA: Ultimate Team Chemistry Glitch Reveals Mode Could be Broken

I would believe the unintentional angle. Just like I believe the AI in career mode functions the way it does because no one really knows how it works anymore, and not because every year they wilfully perform maintenance on the code and decide to keep things as is.
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Old 06-28-2016, 01:21 AM   #7
dubcity's Arena
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Re: FIFA: Ultimate Team Chemistry Glitch Reveals Mode Could be Broken

Lol. Sorry, but this is hilarious. Don't feel sorry for them at all.
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Old 06-28-2016, 04:36 AM   #8
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I don't feel sorry for them either. Especially to all these people giving EA an extra 500 million dollars to play a game that you already paid for or paying extra for special editions just so you can create your "Ultimate Team" for pretty much just for bragging rights.
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