05-28-2015, 12:49 PM
OVR: 4
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Chicago, Texas
Re: 12 Women's National Teams are in FIFA 16, Releases September 22nd - Trailer Inclu
this coulda been tacked on as a DLC like the EUFA tourney.
I'm sorry but La Liga, Bundesliga and Serie A are now being bumped down for a slower less skilled womens side of the game... so she is an 80ovr but it isn't a man's 80ovr... great, so if you decide to play USA v Brazil its like playing Stevenage v AFC Wimbledon but still slower.
at least it wasn't a FUT announcement to start the releases but this does absolutely 0 for me. it'd be like nba 2k announcing that the WNBA teams were added to 2k16, spin how you like but it means very little to a very small slice of the market.
I hope EA doesn't keep the metrics hidden on how many games are being played with the women's teams.