
Poor coding and QC (the Bayern Example)

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Old 11-12-2014, 01:08 PM   #1
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Poor coding and QC (the Bayern Example)

So, this is a story of remarkably bad programming and QC by EA and what is further evidence of their lack of commitment to Career Mode. Let me preface this by saying that for the most part I very much enjoy Career Mode. I know there are deficiencies and problems but for the most part I enjoy CM. However, what bothers me is when EA fail to fix the simple things. Here is an example:

I am quite a far ways into my RB Leipzig CM (in the 2024/2025 season I believe), and for the most part it is a battle between my team, Dortmund, and Bayern each year. Well, this past season I noticed that Bayern were pretty far down the table a few months into the season. I didn't pay much attention at first because this has happened numerous times in CM where a good team will start off slow but eventually make it to the top 4 by year's end. I end up playing Bayern in the league the first game after the Jan. transfer window. I don't very often look at the league table in full, so I was quite surprised to find that when I played them they were sitting last in the table with a terrible 5 pts. I played the game and won and then checked the league table in full. I then went and took a better look at their roster. This is what I found (I went back to a previous save and simmed the game so you could see the line-up in whole):

That is right, Bernat is their GK. You may say, what is the big deal... well Bernat is a LB and while he is a very solid LB, he is a terrible GK as you can see:

So, I investigated the problem further and it turns out this wasn't an issue of having a GK injury crisis. No, Bayern Munich have no GKs on their roster. This is what I found when I searched Bayern's roster and looked for GKs:

So, what happened to Bayern? Well they were relegated and relegated big time:

I am someone who would like to see more variety in CM over time but this is not a way to achieve it. Obviously this is a bug but is is a bug that should easily be avoidable with competent programming and a QC department with a pulse. The code should simple have in it somewhere that all teams for GK > or = 2 players with primary position = GK (I know that isn't proper code). This is an example of lazy work by EA and something that really should never happen. If this was a free game, I could let it slide but I paid $60 for this game and things like this really tick me off. I really don't understand how CM can continue to be so buggy when they have barely made any additions in the past 4 years. I mean, the new menus and team sheets are about it. That must have taken a week max to program. This is just EA being lazy and taking their CM players for granted, AGAIN.
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Old 11-12-2014, 03:08 PM   #2
jfrost32's Arena
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Re: Poor coding and QC (the Bayern Example)

Originally Posted by milrod22
So, this is a story of remarkably bad programming and QC by EA and what is further evidence of their lack of commitment to Career Mode. Let me preface this by saying that for the most part I very much enjoy Career Mode. I know there are deficiencies and problems but for the most part I enjoy CM. However, what bothers me is when EA fail to fix the simple things. Here is an example:

I am quite a far ways into my RB Leipzig CM (in the 2024/2025 season I believe), and for the most part it is a battle between my team, Dortmund, and Bayern each year. Well, this past season I noticed that Bayern were pretty far down the table a few months into the season. I didn't pay much attention at first because this has happened numerous times in CM where a good team will start off slow but eventually make it to the top 4 by year's end. I end up playing Bayern in the league the first game after the Jan. transfer window. I don't very often look at the league table in full, so I was quite surprised to find that when I played them they were sitting last in the table with a terrible 5 pts. I played the game and won and then checked the league table in full. I then went and took a better look at their roster. This is what I found (I went back to a previous save and simmed the game so you could see the line-up in whole):

That is right, Bernat is their GK. You may say, what is the big deal... well Bernat is a LB and while he is a very solid LB, he is a terrible GK as you can see:

So, I investigated the problem further and it turns out this wasn't an issue of having a GK injury crisis. No, Bayern Munich have no GKs on their roster. This is what I found when I searched Bayern's roster and looked for GKs:

So, what happened to Bayern? Well they were relegated and relegated big time:

I am someone who would like to see more variety in CM over time but this is not a way to achieve it. Obviously this is a bug but is is a bug that should easily be avoidable with competent programming and a QC department with a pulse. The code should simple have in it somewhere that all teams for GK > or = 2 players with primary position = GK (I know that isn't proper code). This is an example of lazy work by EA and something that really should never happen. If this was a free game, I could let it slide but I paid $60 for this game and things like this really tick me off. I really don't understand how CM can continue to be so buggy when they have barely made any additions in the past 4 years. I mean, the new menus and team sheets are about it. That must have taken a week max to program. This is just EA being lazy and taking their CM players for granted, AGAIN.
Because EA only cares about the money making whore FUT. The gameplay and offline career mode are now second in line to them. Bayern will always be a power house, same as real, barca, and so on. Those teams will always be in the top 5 in their league forever
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Old 11-12-2014, 03:26 PM   #3
BradyBunch88's Arena
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Re: Poor coding and QC (the Bayern Example)

Originally Posted by milrod22
So, this is a story of remarkably bad programming and QC by EA and what is further evidence of their lack of commitment to Career Mode. Let me preface this by saying that for the most part I very much enjoy Career Mode. I know there are deficiencies and problems but for the most part I enjoy CM. However, what bothers me is when EA fail to fix the simple things. Here is an example:

I am quite a far ways into my RB Leipzig CM (in the 2024/2025 season I believe), and for the most part it is a battle between my team, Dortmund, and Bayern each year. Well, this past season I noticed that Bayern were pretty far down the table a few months into the season. I didn't pay much attention at first because this has happened numerous times in CM where a good team will start off slow but eventually make it to the top 4 by year's end. I end up playing Bayern in the league the first game after the Jan. transfer window. I don't very often look at the league table in full, so I was quite surprised to find that when I played them they were sitting last in the table with a terrible 5 pts. I played the game and won and then checked the league table in full. I then went and took a better look at their roster. This is what I found (I went back to a previous save and simmed the game so you could see the line-up in whole):

That is right, Bernat is their GK. You may say, what is the big deal... well Bernat is a LB and while he is a very solid LB, he is a terrible GK as you can see:

So, I investigated the problem further and it turns out this wasn't an issue of having a GK injury crisis. No, Bayern Munich have no GKs on their roster. This is what I found when I searched Bayern's roster and looked for GKs:

So, what happened to Bayern? Well they were relegated and relegated big time:

I am someone who would like to see more variety in CM over time but this is not a way to achieve it. Obviously this is a bug but is is a bug that should easily be avoidable with competent programming and a QC department with a pulse. The code should simple have in it somewhere that all teams for GK > or = 2 players with primary position = GK (I know that isn't proper code). This is an example of lazy work by EA and something that really should never happen. If this was a free game, I could let it slide but I paid $60 for this game and things like this really tick me off. I really don't understand how CM can continue to be so buggy when they have barely made any additions in the past 4 years. I mean, the new menus and team sheets are about it. That must have taken a week max to program. This is just EA being lazy and taking their CM players for granted, AGAIN.
That's really weird! I've never seen that before. And EA should know better, in the Madden series it tells you that you have to have minimum positions required. For example if you try and trade away all of your QB's, doesn't it say something like "one quarterback minimum required" or a FB. I remember I couldn't sim a week because I needed a "FB at the position" or at least one true FB on my roster.

Either way, I completely agree with you man. They should have something in their code or what not that says you need at least two goalkeepers on a team.
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Old 11-12-2014, 03:38 PM   #4
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Re: Poor coding and QC (the Bayern Example)

Originally Posted by jfrost32
Because EA only cares about the money making whore FUT. The gameplay and offline career mode are now second in line to them. Bayern will always be a power house, same as real, barca, and so on. Those teams will always be in the top 5 in their league forever
Five years into my ManU CM and Bayern is still a powerhouse. I was looking for new young talent to sign, and Bayern had three guys rated 84-86 who were each 22 years old. So looks like they will stay loaded in my CM.
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Old 11-12-2014, 03:44 PM   #5
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Re: Poor coding and QC (the Bayern Example)

Oh, Bayern is quite strong in the 10 other field positions. All starters are 80+ with some good depth as well, but it is hard to win when you have a LB as your starting GK all season.
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Old 11-12-2014, 04:48 PM   #6
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orion523's Arena
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Re: Poor coding and QC (the Bayern Example)

Originally Posted by milrod22
Oh, Bayern is quite strong in the 10 other field positions. All starters are 80+ with some good depth as well, but it is hard to win when you have a LB as your starting GK all season.
Ive never come across something like this, is it possible that your file has become corrupted? Are there any other clubs with this issue? AI behavior should be consistent throughout the league regarding roster building so if one club has issues others should as well. Either way you should report this to EA over on the FIFA 15 forum.
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Old 11-12-2014, 05:53 PM   #7
jfrost32's Arena
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Re: Poor coding and QC (the Bayern Example)

Originally Posted by Gatorfan89
Five years into my ManU CM and Bayern is still a powerhouse. I was looking for new young talent to sign, and Bayern had three guys rated 84-86 who were each 22 years old. So looks like they will stay loaded in my CM.
Ah you play with manchester united too! Quick question have you experienced van persie always wanting to leave after the first season? I mean I said no since the board gave me an option but i always see him wanting to leave.
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Old 11-12-2014, 05:55 PM   #8
jfrost32's Arena
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Re: Poor coding and QC (the Bayern Example)

Originally Posted by orion523
Ive never come across something like this, is it possible that your file has become corrupted? Are there any other clubs with this issue? AI behavior should be consistent throughout the league regarding roster building so if one club has issues others should as well. Either way you should report this to EA over on the FIFA 15 forum.
We should all start praying now that they actually listen or care about this since it doesn't have to do with their beloved FUT mode
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