
FIFA 15 Postions And What You Should Be Looking For

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Old 10-07-2014, 10:08 AM   #9
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Re: FIFA 15 Postions And What You Should Be Looking For

Originally Posted by Cubone_Jones
I don't think the way this article was written was accurate in terms of how FIFA 15 defines positions. I'm completely baffled by Center Forwards in the game. Can someone please explain this to me? It seems like they're lined up as a second striker in many formations.
What do you mean?

Center Forwards in FIFA play a little bit closer to the midfield. If you're getting technical, Strikers can play higher up the pitch and make runs off the last defender, think Chicharito or Fernando Torres in his prime. The difference between some of the positions from the article is dependent upon your formation. Also, if you create your own formation by dragging positions the game can automatically rename the position. It's not like the PES where you can drag a player into a new position and then tell them what role/position you'd like them to called.

Does this help any?
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Old 10-07-2014, 08:50 PM   #10
RdubYa's Arena
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Originally Posted by SVCbearcat10
I don't disagree but to put in the time, you have to have it in the first place. When I was in college, this wasn't an issue. Now a couple years removed, having a professional career and a wife, I'm lucky to find an hour a night. I'd rather spend that time playing 2 or 3 games, rather than 1 game and the rest in menus. That's why I think there needs to be optional hand holding.

That's the biggest issue I have with sports games going forward. They keep adding more and more depth, which is great. However, not all developers give you the option to have the CPU handle that depth. The generation that grew up with some of the most iconic video games are now young professionals with families. They don't have the time like the hardcore or younger audience. While I enjoy having the full control and want to make my own decisions at certain points, having the CPU handle at other times would be great.

One of my favorite games of recent memory was NCAA Football 14. Recruiting was deep enough that I could have full control, but simple enough that I could spend 3 minutes max between games handling. FIFA and Madden, with their scouting, takes up so much time that it detracts from the experience (if you find yourself struggling to find time to play in the first place). I want to be able to choose a few people to scout then let the CPU fill out the rest of the time/XP.

While I agree, the more time I can put in the more I can get out of it. It just isn't achievable. I feel like there are many out there like me (and maybe not enough yet) that wants the depth of a mode, but wants to be involved occasionally because your schedule dictates 1 or 2 games a night and we don't want to sacrifice that 1 game to be stuck in menus.
Count me in as one of those

This is my first attempt at even understanding soccer. My daughter has expressed an interest in playing it (in real life,) and I figured that was as good an excuse as any to pick up FIFA and learn. Unfortunately, the lack of any type of hand holding has been an issue. I have been able to learn from co-workers that are soccer fans, but I would find it beneficial to have some additional guidance.
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