12-17-2013, 03:49 PM
Some nice ideas here but this article is pretty hit-and-miss for me. Couldn't agree more about emphasizing team playing styles, but personally I find player individuality to be pretty great and your suggested improvements are a bit underwhelming (improved camera and crowds for player individuality, huh?). It's funny you bring up Hazard 'cause I play with Chelsea in my CM and I'm regularly amazed at how realistic Hazard plays and feels in next gen FIFA.
Player individuality can always be improved but the focus needs to be on implementing more realistic unique team playing styles through improved tactical depth and team management features. Player individuality ought to be further improved with better AI, more animations, and things like realistic weak/strong foot tendencies.
Further improvements to Living Worlds I guess would be nice, but I'd much rather they focus on improving the presentation of gameplay elements, mainly by upgrading the visual quality of things like player models, the grass, weather, etc. Living Worlds is a nice addition but it seems that the consensus is that most people end up skipping much of this stuff after seeing it a few times. Further improvements to stadiums and crowds would be great but I'd argue they should be a secondary concern.
The main focus going forward ought to be harnessing the power of the next gen consoles in the areas that they can matter the most: visuals during gameplay and AI. Both of these have been upgraded for next gen 14, but both still have loads of room for improvements. Improving AI is probably the most important gameplay improvement needed: creating greater tactical depth, upgrading player awareness (too much ball watching goes on), and improving the backline defensive AI need to be emphasized.
After AI and visuals, the next areas most in need for improvement are: the defensive system, the referees, the collision system, the stamina model, and player movement, which is vastly superior to previous FIFAs but still exhibits some sliding and unrealistic turning speeds/animations. For the single player experience, work needs to be done to improve how the CPU plays, so that it feels more balanced and fair by making the CPU more "humanlike" in its playstyle.