
Players Leaving Early - NCAA 14

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Old 02-15-2015, 04:36 PM   #1
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Players Leaving Early - NCAA 14

In NCAA 14's dynasty mode, is there any sort of way to impact whether a player declares early for the NFL draft, if you are already years into a dynasty?

I broke out '14 again the other day, and just continued on an old save I had. The declare logic just feels off to me, and I was wondering if you guys knew anyway to impact it.

Ex: I have a dynasty with a 99 over Jr QB and a 98 ovr Jr(RS) TE. Both were 3 year starters and had decorated college careers. The QB has 99 throw power, is 6'4 and the TE is 6'7 260 with mid 80's speed. The team won a NC, with the QB winning the Heismen and the TE taking home the Mackey. They should be elite NFL prospects, for the life of me, I can't get them to declare early. I have Sophomore kickers and punters trying to declare every year, but never the guys who actually would declare in real life.

Is there any known work arounds, before the offseason or something, to make it more likely for guys who would declare in real life to declare in the game?
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Old 02-15-2015, 04:45 PM   #2
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Re: Players Leaving Early - NCAA 14

It looks like you can do this with the editor.

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Old 02-15-2015, 05:19 PM   #3
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Re: Players Leaving Early - NCAA 14

I've read that changing your depth charts after your bowl game can help to keep guys from transferring (even redshirts) by putting them on the depth chart. You might stimulate something similar by taking those guys off the depth chart after your bowl but before you advance past it.
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Old 02-16-2015, 10:06 AM   #4
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Re: Players Leaving Early - NCAA 14

Originally Posted by jyod21
In NCAA 14's dynasty mode, is there any sort of way to impact whether a player declares early for the NFL draft, if you are already years into a dynasty?

I broke out '14 again the other day, and just continued on an old save I had. The declare logic just feels off to me, and I was wondering if you guys knew anyway to impact it.

Ex: I have a dynasty with a 99 over Jr QB and a 98 ovr Jr(RS) TE. Both were 3 year starters and had decorated college careers. The QB has 99 throw power, is 6'4 and the TE is 6'7 260 with mid 80's speed. The team won a NC, with the QB winning the Heismen and the TE taking home the Mackey. They should be elite NFL prospects, for the life of me, I can't get them to declare early. I have Sophomore kickers and punters trying to declare every year, but never the guys who actually would declare in real life.

Is there any known work arounds, before the offseason or something, to make it more likely for guys who would declare in real life to declare in the game?
It seems that the better a player is, the less likely the are to leave. If you take a look at the entire NCAA at the Player Leaving screen, you almost never see any underclassmen declaring and projected higher than the 3rd round.

If I want a player to leave, I'll usually save after I complete the Coaching Carousel, but before advancing to Players Leaving. I'll then advance, see who transferred, then exit and reload the dynasty if the player I wanted to leave does not declare. It'll take a several tries (based on my experiences, I estimate the best players only have a 5-10% of declaring), but eventually the player will declare for Rounds 1 and 2.

Yesterday, thankfully, it only took me 5 tries before my 99 (RS) Jr QB declared, and as a bonus my top rated Jr receiver also left for the 2nd round. I'm excited that the new season presents more of a challenge now with only a starting FB and 2 starting OL coming back.
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Old 02-16-2015, 11:09 AM   #5
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Re: Players Leaving Early - NCAA 14

Originally Posted by ZN30
It seems that the better a player is, the less likely the are to leave. If you take a look at the entire NCAA at the Player Leaving screen, you almost never see any underclassmen declaring and projected higher than the 3rd round.

If I want a player to leave, I'll usually save after I complete the Coaching Carousel, but before advancing to Players Leaving. I'll then advance, see who transferred, then exit and reload the dynasty if the player I wanted to leave does not declare. It'll take a several tries (based on my experiences, I estimate the best players only have a 5-10% of declaring), but eventually the player will declare for Rounds 1 and 2.

Yesterday, thankfully, it only took me 5 tries before my 99 (RS) Jr QB declared, and as a bonus my top rated Jr receiver also left for the 2nd round. I'm excited that the new season presents more of a challenge now with only a starting FB and 2 starting OL coming back.

That's what I do right now, but after about 10-15 tries, I got tired of doing it as neither one of them had ever declared. I tried moving them down on the depth chart, and that still didn't work, but I never tried completely removing them from the depth chart. I'll try that next time.

I agree that it seems like the higher overall they are, the less likely they are to declare. That's just odd. It seems I always have high 80's Sophomores looking to declare, but never the actual elite guys. The QB I was originally talking about was basically John Elway. He was the number 1 overall recruit coming out of high school and a prototypical NFL franchise QB prospect . There is no way he wouldn't leave early, or at least test the waters to see where his stock is.

I wish that the majority of the prospects with an NFL shot would declare, and then it would be on the coach to convince them to come back, or let them pursue playing at the next level. It affects the realism. You rarely have to fully reload like a top tier team would in real life.

The link to the editor seems like it would work, but I'll need to take some time to really read through and make sure I understand what's going on. I was more or less looking to see if there was an in game quick fix that people used.

Last edited by jyod21; 02-18-2015 at 04:12 PM. Reason: adding
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Old 02-17-2015, 05:53 PM   #6
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Re: Players Leaving Early - NCAA 14

The logic has always been broke in this game. It work very well in previous versions. I have just started to CUT players in the offseason who I thought should leave for the draft or whatever to jus keep it simple.
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Old 02-24-2015, 03:52 PM   #7
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Re: Players Leaving Early - NCAA 14

i get a feeling that this has to do with Academic prestige being inflated based on winning, ie Stanford is mediocre in my dynasty and has like a B- Academic prestige

my theory is that if you normalized Academic Prestige you would see more players declaring early.

I think the recruiting changes in NCAA 14 + EA's love of the random number generator necessitated that Academic Prestige improve when you win.

With the editor I assume if you made sure very few of the top recruits cared about academic prestige <5% AND you kept Academic Prestige at normal levels, then you would see more early exits
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Old 02-25-2015, 03:21 PM   #8
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Re: Players Leaving Early - NCAA 14

Reading through this thread I thought of something I read a few months after the game came out. There was a thread about a players height and weight impacted draft classes. In that thread it talked about set numbers of players in the draft per position. I have not tested this at all, but I wonder if you edited some of the CPU players down might trigger your own players leaving early?

I think the game favors seniors but will trigger under classmen to declare early if the seniors were not the highest rated. I just finished year 2027 and I had 2 players leave early. My TE was a 3 year starter and a Gronk clone, he was a 93ovr but a 5th round pick. He was drafted behind a TE that had transferred from my school who was 3 inches shorter and only a 91ovr, but a senior. Looking at some other TEs that were drafted from the SEC I noticed the 2 other junior TEs that left early were rated higher then most of the guys drafted higher.

I also had a career 2nd string QB who was a junior and a 90ovr leave early to be a 7th rounder. The QB class had 3 seniors that were above a 97ovr but all 3 were 5'11" and didn't get drafted. My junior left but my 99ovr soph(Rs) did not.

Here is what I think was going on. The need to fill the position number for the draft triggered the underclass men to leave. For the QBs and TEs, only positions I looked at, it triggered only true juniors to leave. At the start of the 2028 season the 3 highest rated QBs are all seniors(Rs) and all 3 should have left over my true junior QB. All 3 were starters the year before with great stats while my guy had just 457yds passing with 2td and 7ints.

So here is my hypothess, at the end of the bowl games before advancing to the CC, edit the height of the CPU players you don't want in the draft and of the under classmen you want to stay to try to trigger your own players to leave. I know for QBs the height has to be 6'0"+; there is 10-15 players in most Madden draft classes; then make sure your player is in that range to see if they show up.

This might be a potential workaround for those that don't use the editor.
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