09-24-2013, 03:53 PM
Re: Stopping the slant?
Another game QB is 23/26 354 yards and 4 TD's. When guys are in perfect position they don't even try to knock the ball down. Slant across the middle, 3 guys are standing there any no one does anything.
The same goes for deep routes, the cpu just launches the ball down field and my guys are in perfect position and when the ball approaches my guys keeps running and the wr stops to make catch, frustrating. When they actually try to knock the ball down they miss it more often then not.
Every time there is a pass play I hold my breadth hoping that my L1/triangle button works and the cpu doesn't shove my guy out of the way.
I hate that they programmed the game to heavily favor the cpu in one on one situations. When I throw the ball deep in against single coverage it is picked off 75% time, yet the cpu catches ball 75% time on offense.