
OS Roundtable: The Player Tendencies Snafu - Short Term Blunder or Long Term Mistake?

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Old 11-04-2011, 01:03 PM   #41
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Re: OS Roundtable: The Player Tendencies Snafu - Short Term Blunder or Long Term Mist

Originally Posted by Juggernaut55
I love that everyone bashes on EA and says how great 2K's football games were....personally i HATED 2K5...and personally I really like Madden '12...yeah there are some things that piss me off such as the uber linebackers who can jump like Megatron, but who cares, try learning to throw a lob rather than bitching about it all the time.
This thread is about EA sports NCAA football and the errors it has. Noone is talking about 2k5 or Madden for that matter.

EA loves you.
Chalepa Ta Kala.....
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Old 11-04-2011, 03:54 PM   #42
HokieTokie's Arena
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Re: OS Roundtable: The Player Tendencies Snafu - Short Term Blunder or Long Term Mist

I applaud OS for opening up the discussion on the hottest topic for this years game.

And to answer the OP: I think NCAA 13 will take a hit b/c of this. They should see it most in dropping pre-orders and week 1 sales. If they don't deliver AGAIN, then the will hopefully see a noticable drop in overall sales.

Last edited by HokieTokie; 11-04-2011 at 04:00 PM.
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Old 11-04-2011, 05:17 PM   #43
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I'm simply of the opinion that the same guys have been in charge of developing NCAA on this gen and they simply don't do a good job. Every year the game is released sloppy. Too many bugs and broken things. After this many years we shouldn't expect anything different. Until they replace the core of the dev team or possibly give them more help I don't think anything changes.
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Old 11-04-2011, 08:49 PM   #44
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Re: OS Roundtable: The Player Tendencies Snafu - Short Term Blunder or Long Term Mist

Here is my saga NCAA current gen.

NCAA 09. Had fun at first, but the wide open offense started to feel arcadish. I traded it in Nov.

NCAA 10. Broken fatigue on defense annoyed me to no end! Recruit progression out of wack. Let it go in mid September, weeks before the unexpected recruit progression patch. We should also keep in mind that EA gave in to constant pressure from the community regarding this issue, with this site playing a huge part. Initially they argued back (right here on this site) that recruit progression was perfectly fine...yeah ok.

NCAA 11. Actually a good game but I just got bored because it felt like something was missing. I felt in my heart that NCAA 12 would be the first big push towards a solid NCAA title, so I traded it in around Thanksgiving.

NCAA 12. New tackling system. New animations. Improved gameplay. It was very promising early on, until the glaring bugs began to surface. The patch situation with this game has been a complete and total failure. EA laid the biggest egg in the history of this series based on the fact that this is actually a title with LOADS of potential. That is what makes this bullcrap so frustrating. NCAA 12 in my mind will now and forever be labeled as the Jeff George of sports video games. Flashes of brilliance, but no substance, no consistency, no foundation.

Next year if I find myself getting the football bug I'll just hold out until I'm able to watch a football game on TV. I won't subject myself to this again. EA Tiburon needs to come out with a near flawless NCAA game next year for me to even consider buying 13. I'm talking Mass Effect 2, Uncharted 2 type good. Anything less will be ignored from this point forward. I don't mind speaking with my wallet.
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Old 11-05-2011, 04:37 AM   #45
BeatArmy's Arena
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The last EA game I bought was NCAA10. I have refused to give EA *any* money whatsoever. As posters have said is previous threads, if you think you want to buy an EA sports game, come to the OS fora and read the posts. You'll be cured. Find a game you can get into like a warm bath: I suggest MLBShow11, maybe some Civilization... anything that won't get you losing your mind like EA's BS does.

You guys said what everybody else thinks/thought. Well done. Let's hope it's not falling on deaf ears.
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Old 11-05-2011, 09:34 AM   #46
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First thing guys, nice write-up and thanks for sharing, its almost like OS's response to utopia's "letter" just a few weeks ago, but i have a question, to OS's "gamechangers"/community day guys, "will there still be a need for your presents in tiburon?" "do you guys still want the title?" "Can it still hold any merit?" These aren't questions that i wanna kno personally but rather just a few questions you guys should ask/answer yourself, my response tho, after reading this is simply, "my name is Toris Ford, and i will not be purchasing NCAA Football next year"
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Old 11-05-2011, 10:20 AM   #47
therealslimshady's Arena
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Post Re: OS Roundtable: The Player Tendencies Snafu - Short Term Blunder or Long Term Mist

Great Read! IMO with '13 I will be waiting until some sap trades it in to the local game shop. I will not ever be giving EA any more money until this stuff stops. Also how can they have an "exclusive license" these days? I thought it was illegal to have a monopoly? What if the OS'ers here started a new company? What if a company created a new NCAA game and took EA to court for said Monopoly? There are too many What IF's for me to trust/give money to EA in the future until this broken *** game is fixed.

It really is too bad because I don't play too many FPS games. Most of my gaming buddies have moved away for work and the only interaction we can get or "hanging out" if you will is playing sports games and that is in our 12 team dynasty. Its too bad that most of us will not be buying this game next year as we really enjoy "hanging out" with this game. I really hope that EA can get 13 correct.

Hell MAYBE they should just do a re-release next year and call it NCAA 12 because it will be 2012 anyways and EA just looks stupid calling a game NCAA 12 when 99% of the season is completed in 2011 anyways...
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Old 11-05-2011, 12:51 PM   #48
prowler's Arena
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Re: OS Roundtable: The Player Tendencies Snafu - Short Term Blunder or Long Term Mist

What's really going to hurt NCAA 13 will be the lack of a home run feature that EA can use to distance it from the glaring issues of NCAA 12. Just looking at the Wishlist Tourney on TGT there isn't one must have feature listed; it's a huge list of Improved X or Y 2.0. Without a major feature to hype to death, EA will have to rely on improving existing features to win over detractors and that's never been their strength.
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