
Everyone's age?

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Old 09-15-2011, 12:50 PM   #1
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Everyone's age?

It's evident that everyone on this board hates this game (well, nearly everyone). But a disturbing trend I'm seeing is that people are placing very serious, real world emotions on programmed computer code and companies. "EA is really let me down... they're literally stealing from us... I'm beyond upset... etc., etc."

Then we get "solutions" such as contacting the Better Business Bureau, writing long letters to the company, petitions to bring back the 2K series, and such.

I feel like I'm on an island in that I find this game is enjoyable. Maybe it's just because there is so much else going on in my world (not that that makes me 'better' by any means, and I'm certainly not trying to imply that) that bugs in a VIDEO GAME don't ruin my day/week/month/life as it appears they do to some of you.

It's almost comical to see the SAME complaints year after year from people who - you guessed it - BUY the game year after year. If you keep spending, why should EA do anything at all?

I just don't understand the incredible outrage over the game. Nobody held a gun to your head forcing you to purchase it. Sure, you bought in to the advertising hype, but nobody forced you to buy the game on Day 1, either.

Of course, perhaps I should expect extreme emotions/reactions regarding a video game on a video game forum - that's kind of the purpose of the site, ya know? It's not like people are rioting in the streets over a franchise freeze. But the levels of displeasure are absurd and a bit childish. So all 8,000 of your custom formations don't work in a no huddle offense. Big deal. The world keeps revolving. Just enjoy the game, because that's what it is - a game. Or don't enjoy it, and sell it and never buy it again.

Either way, you DO have choices.
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Old 09-15-2011, 12:54 PM   #2
Bullet Sponge's Arena
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Re: Everyone's age?

I've had issues with the game each year but always buy it because the fun outweighs the problem by far. But this year is different. The game for some people is literally broken to the point where it is unplayable. I'm happy for you that you've avoided these problems, but some of us can't even look past the problem because the game just doesn't work. People have every right to be upset when they spend $60 on something that does not do what it promises. In ANY other case it would be returned it as defective.
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Old 09-15-2011, 12:56 PM   #3
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Re: Everyone's age?

Trying to reason with those who have done nothing but bash every single aspect of the game is a completely lost cause. You'll only be lumped in with those of us who are "blind EA loyalists" and be bashed because you were able to actually enjoy the game.

But, hey, if you're lucky, they might just "feel sorry for you" like they do for me...

Anyways, to answer the title: 30.
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Old 09-15-2011, 12:58 PM   #4
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Re: Everyone's age?

I think that just about everyone on here can put this in perspective...that there are obviously more important things in life. HOwever, I think that also a lot of people are mad because they spent 60 dollars on a game that is broken in a lot of areas.

Think about it too...probably the general demographic on here is going to be a 20-30 year old who doesn't have a ton of money. For them, including me, 60 dollars is a big investment, and to have that 60 dollars stolen from you for a game that doesn't work right, I think you have a right to be mad.

I obviously still have a social life, and don't let the game consume me, but they are part of my leisure time, and something I want to enjoy. They are also something that are a one time investment, that in the long run I hope to see be paid back to me, and be worth it...and in the end, should be, much like Halo, MW2, NHL09, Fifa world cup and 11, NBA2K have been for me. In the end, it saves me money over long term because I buy one game, and don't buy a new one because I enjoy the current game that I have.

So yeah, maybe some of the comment on here are blown out of proportion, but IMO, I think that anyone that plays this game and feels cheated out of their money has ever right to complain.
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Old 09-15-2011, 12:59 PM   #5
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Re: Everyone's age?

Originally Posted by BGarrett7
Trying to reason with those who have done nothing but bash every single aspect of the game is a completely lost cause. You'll only be lumped in with those of us who are "blind EA loyalists" and be bashed because you were able to actually enjoy the game.

But, hey, if you're lucky, they might just "feel sorry for you" like they do for me...

Anyways, to answer the title: 30.
I'm not calling you a "EA loyalist," but I would say that if you don't like people pointing out broken aspects of the game you aren't really viewing this in an objective way.
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Old 09-15-2011, 01:00 PM   #6
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Re: Everyone's age?

Originally Posted by BGarrett7
Trying to reason with those who have done nothing but bash every single aspect of the game is a completely lost cause. You'll only be lumped in with those of us who are "blind EA loyalists" and be bashed because you were able to actually enjoy the game.

But, hey, if you're lucky, they might just "feel sorry for you" like they do for me...

Anyways, to answer the title: 30.
Perhaps. Is the game 'perfect'? No. But is it fun? It is for me. The game isn't broken to the point of being unplayable - when I put in the disc, I'm able to play a football game. Coach progression is no better/worse than it's ever been. Passing is simple, as always, as is running. It's a video game!!! The vast majority of NCAA purchases simply do not care about/notice some of the problems. Personally, I'd NEVER notice player tendencies changing.

Heck, I feel like I see more absurd graphics glitches on Madden.
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Old 09-15-2011, 01:06 PM   #7
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Re: Everyone's age?

Originally Posted by mra85a

Think about it too...probably the general demographic on here is going to be a 20-30 year old who doesn't have a ton of money. For them, including me, 60 dollars is a big investment, and to have that 60 dollars stolen from you for a game that doesn't work right, I think you have a right to be mad.
But my argument is that nothing was 'stolen' from you. Nobody forced you to buy the game. You (and I'm not singling out JUST you) could've waited for reviews. You could've waited for a general consensus to form on the forum before purchasing.

I just picked up the game last week after the second patch released, and I'm pleased. I do not feel as if anything was 'stolen' because I made the choice myself to buy the game.

Sure, people can be upset, that's fine. And I acknowledged the level of displeasure is certainly magnified on a sports video game specific forum.

But people can sell the game on ebay for nearly all of what they purchased it for if they're truly unhappy. It's the people that buy, complain, play, complain more, and then buy next year's game only to do it all over again that are inhibiting progress with the series. If, no matter what, the game will be a best seller there is no incentive to EA to put inordinate amounts of time and money in to the game's development.
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Old 09-15-2011, 01:11 PM   #8
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Re: Everyone's age?

Originally Posted by jswaykos
But my argument is that nothing was 'stolen' from you. Nobody forced you to buy the game. You (and I'm not singling out JUST you) could've waited for reviews. You could've waited for a general consensus to form on the forum before purchasing.

I just picked up the game last week after the second patch released, and I'm pleased. I do not feel as if anything was 'stolen' because I made the choice myself to buy the game.

Sure, people can be upset, that's fine. And I acknowledged the level of displeasure is certainly magnified on a sports video game specific forum.

But people can sell the game on ebay for nearly all of what they purchased it for if they're truly unhappy. It's the people that buy, complain, play, complain more, and then buy next year's game only to do it all over again that are inhibiting progress with the series. If, no matter what, the game will be a best seller there is no incentive to EA to put inordinate amounts of time and money in to the game's development.
Dude, I read reviews...most of them were rave and very good.

Come on man...if a game has multiple features that simply do not work, and you pay for it, wouldn't you be unhappy?

Say you buy Modern Warfare 3 this fall, and there are certain guns that you can't use...or say that the game freezes and crashes when you get to a certain level or crashes all the time in online play...would you not be annoyed, and want your money back?

And no, for an opened game, I am not going to get near full price...I might get 75% back....and honestly, it is a hastle, especially considering by the point you pay for shipping, the other person is just going to buy the game new.

The game is broken...I have every right to be ticked off...period.
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