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Old 06-15-2011, 09:43 PM   #49
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - New Custom Conferences

Originally Posted by mavfan21
Here's what I want to know, are the teams going to have the NEW conference logo on their field when you switch them?

It sucked last year because you'd move a team and it would still have the old conference logo on the field every game. Immersion killed....
I believe the conference logos on the field changed when moved to a different conference in NCAA 11.
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Old 06-15-2011, 09:43 PM   #50
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - New Custom Conferences

Originally Posted by mavfan21
Here's what I want to know, are the teams going to have the NEW conference logo on their field when you switch them?

It sucked last year because you'd move a team and it would still have the old conference logo on the field every game. Immersion killed....
incorrect field logos changed last year and will again this year. the thing we've been waiting for is jersey patches to change, but it sounds like we have to wait on that again
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Old 06-15-2011, 10:02 PM   #51
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - New Custom Conferences

Also I noticed in 11 when you changed a team's conference some of them have their conference logo on their helmets. I know you only really see it at the opening scenes before the game but with them putting so much emphasis on making those bigger and better I do hope they will have it so that little detail is fixed.
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Old 06-15-2011, 10:08 PM   #52
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - New Custom Conferences

Originally Posted by Solidice
I believe the conference logos on the field changed when moved to a different conference in NCAA 11.
Hmmmmm, I must be thinking of the year before. I barely played the game last year once I realized the horrible WR recruits were never going to be fixed.

"Also I noticed in 11 when you changed a team's conference some of them have their conference logo on their helmets. I know you only really see it at the opening scenes before the game but with them putting so much emphasis on making those bigger and better I do hope they will have it so that little detail is fixed."

Little details make/kill immersion.
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Old 06-16-2011, 10:34 AM   #53
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - New Custom Conferences

Boredom doesn't do justice to what I actually felt while watching this.
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Old 06-16-2011, 01:01 PM   #54
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Originally Posted by He1nousOne1
Yeah the Big 12 is unraveling at the seams. Texas teams playing in a west coast conference just makes no sense to me personally. I wouldn't be surprised to see Texas take that spot in the SEC just so that A&M doesn't get it. As these Texas teams begin to go their seperate ways, Texas is going to want to end up being the obvious top dog. If Texas A&M goes to the SEC and Texas ends up in either the PAC or longshot B1G then they suddenly find A&M much more of a competitor.

I would still love to see Texas and Oklahoma end up in the SEC West.
I'd like to see it, too. Unfortunately, there are some weird dynamics with all of this.

Oklahoma has already stated they are tied to Oklahoma State. You get one you have to get the other. It's a package deal.

Texas doesn't care about Texas A&M and will do what's best for Texas, which means wherever the most money is. If that's independent, that's what they'll do. They may go PAC 10 by themself if they feel it'll benefit them in a significant way (like dominating the East division or something to that effect). They won't go to the SEC because of academics. Whether they are or aren't does make a difference. Texas still thinks that they are a better school, academically and would only allign themselves in a conference of equal academics or in one they can control (like the Big XII). Since the SEC is viewed as lower academics (save Vandy), and Texas can't control a conference that strong, there's no way they give up their "big fish in a small pond" deal to play in the SEC.

For opposite reasons, Texas A&M will never go PAC ##. They've made that abundantly clear. They will have nothing to do with the west coast. They would prefer that Texas stay, because even though they won't admit it, they NEED Texas (or at least need to play them regularly).

Now, I think if Texas were to go to the PAC ##, I think Texas Tech would cling to their heels as long as possible.

Bottom line is that I think SEC could make a play for OU, and A&M (like they supposedly did last off-season), but they don't want to commit to Okie State (or at least they didn't last summer), and would need to find a 4th team to even out the conference and what direction to you go from there? Miami? Florida State? Georgia Tech? Clemson? TCU? So. Florida?

But as others stated earlier, I would hope that Texas would see the long-term benefits of playing the SEC with OU, OSU and A&M. Let TCU and TX Tech play in the PAC## with Boise State and BYU. The B1G can pick up Mizzou, maybe even Kansas and/or K-State and absorb a chunk of the Big East, like Cinci, or Rutgers or Syracuse or Pitt. Finally the ACC can pick up So Florida or Cent Florida, West VA, or UConn or whatever's left from the Big East as it's stripped down.

But who knows? Maybe we're all wrong and CUSA has been saving billions of dollars all these years and will just buy out USC, Ohio State, Michigan, Notre Dame, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama, LSU, Oregon, Florida, Penn State, Boise State, Florida State, Georgia, and Cal and make the all time super conference... really?... you don't think that's gonna happen?... lol
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Old 06-16-2011, 08:55 PM   #55
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - New Custom Conferences

Originally Posted by prowler
Half the people I work with went to SU or are currently attending and won't shut up about this.

One thing I noticed that has me optimistic for TB squads is that protected rivals can be edited... actually they HAVE to be edited. When he made changes to the divisions all the rivalries got screwed up. Washington/Ok State, Stanford/Colorado, Oregon/Arizona, and Ok State/Eastern Washington Continuation School were listed as the protected rivals.

So maybe/hopefully when TB teams are added, they can have rivalry games that actually count.

EDIT: On the downside, there's only ONE new high school stadium.
I imagine TB is still going to pick up the rival of the team you replaced, IIRC. People are misinterpreting protected rivalries it seems. It's not like an actual rivalry, although it can be. It just means you are going to play a specific team in the other division every year.

As for TB, as far as I remember, the way it worked last year, if I were to replace Akron, my TB team would play Kent as it's rival. From a video earlier, it mentioned that if you split up Alabama and Auburn, the Iron Bowl will still be played and scheduling will try and make the game when it is supposed to be. So you could replace Akron with Northwestern Montana Community College, but you aren't getting out of that Kent game, unless you are that team and doing the schedule yourself. I made my classic setups around this so that the teams I replaced had rivals that made at least a little bit of sense. Everyone and their mother says they are going to get rid of EMU, but do you really want to see Texas State vs. Central/Western Michigan show up on the schedule? I'm hoping maybe this is loosened a bit and then using TB in my classic setups is great. May not have rivals, but they are teams that are now FCS or haven't played in a couple of decades. They don't really have FBS rivals any more.
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Old 06-16-2011, 10:46 PM   #56
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Re: NCAA Football 12 Video - New Custom Conferences

Originally Posted by Sandman1924
I'd like to see it, too. Unfortunately, there are some weird dynamics with all of this.

Oklahoma has already stated they are tied to Oklahoma State. You get one you have to get the other. It's a package deal.

Texas doesn't care about Texas A&M and will do what's best for Texas, which means wherever the most money is. If that's independent, that's what they'll do. They may go PAC 10 by themself if they feel it'll benefit them in a significant way (like dominating the East division or something to that effect). They won't go to the SEC because of academics. Whether they are or aren't does make a difference. Texas still thinks that they are a better school, academically and would only allign themselves in a conference of equal academics or in one they can control (like the Big XII). Since the SEC is viewed as lower academics (save Vandy), and Texas can't control a conference that strong, there's no way they give up their "big fish in a small pond" deal to play in the SEC.

For opposite reasons, Texas A&M will never go PAC ##. They've made that abundantly clear. They will have nothing to do with the west coast. They would prefer that Texas stay, because even though they won't admit it, they NEED Texas (or at least need to play them regularly).

Now, I think if Texas were to go to the PAC ##, I think Texas Tech would cling to their heels as long as possible.

Bottom line is that I think SEC could make a play for OU, and A&M (like they supposedly did last off-season), but they don't want to commit to Okie State (or at least they didn't last summer), and would need to find a 4th team to even out the conference and what direction to you go from there? Miami? Florida State? Georgia Tech? Clemson? TCU? So. Florida?

But as others stated earlier, I would hope that Texas would see the long-term benefits of playing the SEC with OU, OSU and A&M. Let TCU and TX Tech play in the PAC## with Boise State and BYU. The B1G can pick up Mizzou, maybe even Kansas and/or K-State and absorb a chunk of the Big East, like Cinci, or Rutgers or Syracuse or Pitt. Finally the ACC can pick up So Florida or Cent Florida, West VA, or UConn or whatever's left from the Big East as it's stripped down.

But who knows? Maybe we're all wrong and CUSA has been saving billions of dollars all these years and will just buy out USC, Ohio State, Michigan, Notre Dame, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, Alabama, LSU, Oregon, Florida, Penn State, Boise State, Florida State, Georgia, and Cal and make the all time super conference... really?... you don't think that's gonna happen?... lol
Whew! That is alot to respond to so thank you for putting all of that into your response.

I didn't know that about Oklahoma and Oklahoma State being tied at the hip. I remarked earlier about how at this stage of the buildup to a BCS dominated by Superconferences you are going to have Institutions "playing poker" with their bluffs. That is easy to do when the major players have yet to begin "bidding". When those bids begin to be tossed into the pot you will begin to see faces changing and statements being rescinded. Of course that may just be my opinion but I highly doubt any Conference lucky enough to land Oklahoma into it is going to raise an objection to them being allowed to have Oklahoma State on their schedule each and every year. Iowa gets to have Iowa State on theirs every single year just fine and I highly doubt that would change if the B1G goes to 16 and Iowa State is not in that final cut.

Like I said, I could be wrong but I really do not think it is in Oklahoma's best interests to go to the Pac instead of the SEC simply because they want to remain in the same conference with Oklahoma State. We are talking a couple years down the road of course but sooner or later Texas is going to make a choice and I think it is between B1G and SEC. The public talk about going to the PAC in my opinion is just as likely for Texas to be a ploy to get the B1G and the SEC to ante up on their offers to Texas. Of course they both want the biggest name in Texas football in their Conferences.

If Texas is willing to play against Yankee teams for most of the year then they will go to the B1G due to Academics and a great shot at equal consideration for the National Championship spotlight. If the whole geographic and cultural differences gap is just too far to cross for that move to the B1G then I personally think they will get over the Academic issue with the SEC. I still just see that as maneuvering for now. When pressure begins to build for them to make a choice you will see these bluff arguments seem to not matter as much.

An Independent Texas in my opinion has a harder time getting to the National Championship then a Big12 Texas and Football is KING in the state of Texas, that just wont fly. When/if Texas throws in its 10 gallon hat to the SEC you will then see Oklahoma "realize" that its rivalry with Texas means more for the health of its football program then the in state rivalry with Oklahoma State. If the SEC can receive back room agreements from Florida State and/or Clemson/Georgia Tech for addition to the East then they will have that to add to show to Texas that time is winding down on the offer. Choose or we offer it to A&M. At that point Longhorns and Sooners reach out to hold hands as they realize just how much they love each other deep down and how they cannot be apart. Watch that Cowboy love fade away.

The only other far off option I could see happening is that Alabama and Auburn move to the East conference and Texas, Oklahoma, Oklahoma State and Texas A&M join the SEC West conference. With the East conference being so weak right now Alabama and Auburn might find that option to be feasible. Imagine an Alabama vs Texas/Oklahoma SEC championship game? Yeah, that's big.

Edit: Hell I forgot to respond to the TCU talk. Folks seem to take this move to the Big East not so seriously. TCU is not on par yet with the bigger Texas programs. They have a lot of hype around them based upon how they have played against lesser teams. Yeah they did great against Wisconsin but I base my judgements upon more then one game in a year. If they really wanted to go big they would have joined the Big12 along with their fellow Texas teams. They didn't, they ran over to the Big East for an easy BCS consideration. They are willing to play yankee's and travel long distance for every single away game rather then stay in the region and play the bigger Texas teams. The Big12 in my opinion would have eaten TCU alive over the course of seasons.

If anything they will help the Big East entice some of the lesser Texas teams to join the Big East as well. As soon as Texas makes a move, the chatter by the teams down below will begin immediately. When Texas leaves the Big12 dies, it will be the signal flare that starts the race. I would look for Baylor to follow their Christian rivals TCU over to the Big East when that happens.

My long term prediction for the Big East will be that it has up to possibly four teams from Texas in it.

Texas Tech/SMU

Texas Tech would be the more obvious choice perhaps but I dont see the current Big East teams wanting to be steamrolled too much by the state of Texas so taking two Conference USA texas teams makes more sense in my opinion. That and I think the Ohio State situation is going to create an increased sympathy for what SMU went through.

Texas Tech and Oklahoma State can run over to the Mountain West. They will dominate from the start and then they can take advantage of the system in a way TCU became famous for doing.

Last edited by He1nousOne1; 06-16-2011 at 11:00 PM.
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