
How should I go about giving tOSU the death penalty?

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Old 06-01-2011, 01:39 PM   #1
troy184's Arena
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How should I go about giving tOSU the death penalty?

I have seen this thread a couple times on here but none since Coach Tressel stepped down. That got me to thinking how I should go about tryimg to do it on NCAA 12. Should I start every game with the 2nd string rosters and sim it? Should I dock them 10 to 15 scholarships per year? Should I purposely throw games to get their prestige down around 4 stars? There could be a lot of ways to go about this and I am sure some of you guys have some good ideas. Any ideas would be appreciated.
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Old 06-01-2011, 01:45 PM   #2
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Re: How should I go about giving tOSU the death penalty?

Do you want the death penalty or just to make them suck for a year? None of your ideas would approach the death penalty. The only way to truly get the effect of the death penalty is edit the roster and make everyone seniors, and do no recruiting at all so the next season the entire team will be walkon's, or if you dont want it quite that bad, only recruit 1* players.
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Old 06-01-2011, 01:46 PM   #3
Andrews85's Arena
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Re: How should I go about giving tOSU the death penalty?

Originally Posted by troy184
I have seen this thread a couple times on here but none since Coach Tressel stepped down. That got me to thinking how I should go about tryimg to do it on NCAA 12. Should I start every game with the 2nd string rosters and sim it? Should I dock them 10 to 15 scholarships per year? Should I purposely throw games to get their prestige down around 4 stars? There could be a lot of ways to go about this and I am sure some of you guys have some good ideas. Any ideas would be appreciated.
Why when OSU gets caught doing something people want the program cut, but any other school and it's just another day.

Im not a fan of OSU, I actually hate Ohio lol, but its just funny seeing all these "Death Penalty" threads.
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Old 06-01-2011, 02:09 PM   #4
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Re: How should I go about giving tOSU the death penalty?

Originally Posted by Andrews85
Why when OSU gets caught doing something people want the program cut, but any other school and it's just another day.

Im not a fan of OSU, I actually hate Ohio lol, but its just funny seeing all these "Death Penalty" threads.

It's funny how people are all "off w/ their heads over tOSU" but yet when it comes to Cam & other very corrupt NCAA dealings it's no biggy,lol.

Last edited by str8upnobs; 06-01-2011 at 02:14 PM.
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Old 06-01-2011, 02:10 PM   #5
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Re: How should I go about giving tOSU the death penalty?

Yah I don't see why people are trying to make them into SMU? I honestly don't care about OSU at all but don't think their infractions are that big a deal. Not any bigger than anything USC, Auburn, or any of the recent stories have done. They should be penalized, and obviously Tressel has but if you think for one minute tOSU is gonna turn into Eastern Michigan the next 10 years you are wrong. They may be down a couple but "tOSU down" not Western Ky down.
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Old 06-01-2011, 02:23 PM   #6
BurnsideAdmiral's Arena
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Re: How should I go about giving tOSU the death penalty?

I live in NW Ohio and have been an OSU fan all my life but this fall I'm taking my talents to Cincinnati for college (didn't even apply to OSU tbh haha). With that said now that I'm kind of switching gears to a new team it's funny to hear some of my buddies talk who are going to OSU this fall. I'm not saying they deserve the death penalty like someone said above it's no worse than what USC or Cam did. In fact it's probably less. But I do get a kick out of hearing all this stuff that it's a conspiracy from ESPN ABC Mark May Brent Musberger and every other "Buckeye Basher". I was never this extreme, I was more of realist (I knew Kentucky was going to beat them in bball and was crucified by the entire area when I made the call) so I can say they do deserve some penalties unlike everyone else around here who wants to say they did nothing wrong (thank you Ray Small for putting it into perspective and bringing the real situation to the light).

Personally in RL I think they should be taken out of bowl games for a couple years and be limited some scholarships. However that isn't going to really do anything. It's still Ohio State. They're still going to be getting top flight recruits and a big name coach when all this is said and done.
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Old 06-01-2011, 02:28 PM   #7
Signaltheescape's Arena
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Re: How should I go about giving tOSU the death penalty?

The NCAA has said the Death Penalty would not be given again unless the infractions are so severe that is violates more than SMU did. Even NCAA officials say the Death Penalty was too harsh on SMU. They will not give it to OSU. Simply because OSU makes too much money for the NCAA as evident in the Sugar Bowl. You will see the same penalty given as USC received. No titles games, no bowls for 3 years.
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Old 06-01-2011, 02:43 PM   #8
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Re: How should I go about giving tOSU the death penalty?

Originally Posted by str8upnobs
It's funny how people are all "off w/ their heads over tOSU" but yet when it comes to Cam & other very corrupt NCAA dealings it's no biggy,lol.
What what ever proven that Cam did wrong? Nothing. Not one iota of evidence that he or anyone in his family took any money. The only thing that was proven was that Cecil had a conversation about money with an MSU booster. That was what Cecil admitted to. No indication of who initiated that conversation or what was said. Everything else was conjecture made by sports "journalists" who were looking for face time. The NCAA got records and found zip. OSU on the other had has provable violations and will get the punishment they deserve. Frankly, it should start with taking the farce of a BCS game from them where they got to play the kids who had already been caught trading memorabilia or tattoos. But here's the kicker for me. I think it's dumb that a kid can't take something he's earned (jersey, pants, shoes, socks, jockstraps, etc) and sell it. If the school has given it over to them, it's their property and if they want to get a tattoo with it, who gives a flying flip.

Oh and OSU will not get the DP. No way, no how. Unless they come back in a couple of years and get caught with the same type stuff again. It's the "repeat offender" clause. The ONLY thing funny in all this is the fact the Big 12 commissioner was all high and mighty when the media went nutso over the Cam stories they were making up. That's irony of Alanis Morissette proportions, only it's real irony. Not like her song which ironically didn't contain much irony. But I digress...
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