
New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

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Old 05-27-2011, 01:22 PM   #161
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

This argument boils down to how you see it. Is the dealership charging you extra for power windows? Or is the dealership charging you extra for the rear axle?

The ability for commissioning 5 dynasties online is equivalent to power windows to me. Without it, my car is still rolling fine.

[/weak analogy]
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Old 05-27-2011, 01:32 PM   #162
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by mattbooty
I'm coming in late to the game on this thread, but I've posted in similar threads over the last week.

The one major point that hasn't really been mentioned yet in this thread is that web-enabled content requires ONGOING server/infrastructure costs to keep running. These are costs that increase proportionally to the number of people who use the feature. It doesn't cost EA any additional money if 1,000 or 1,000,000 people buy NCAA 12... but it is a significant difference if 1% or 50% of those use the web-enabled features and those costs are ongoing, it is not a one time deal.

These are not features they had to add to the game to be competitive (as there is no competition) or sell more copies (as mostly only hardcore fans want this feature and 99% of them are buying the game anyways). They did it because the hardcore fan was clamoring for it (which was noted in the article in OP). The only way they were going to add these features was to find a way to offset the server costs they would need to add to support them (with development costs on top of that but infrastructure costs alone justify this).

I do not believe we are looking at a question of do they offer these web-features as paid DLC or free, I think it is more do they offer them as paid DLC or not at all. A VERY small % of consumers (if any) will buy the game strictly because of these particular features, so considering the additional costs to support them these features are a money pit. Without recouping some money on them, what possible motivation could EA have to add them in?

Yes, EA has to improve the product each year to keep consumers interested, and (taking the "business" part out of it) just as payback to their loyal fanbase. And they have done that with dozens of new features this year that you get right out of the box for your $60. The key is that the costs to develop those features end the day the game goes gold (with the exception of possible future patches, but that is just part of every game's life-cycle these days). HDR isn't going to keep costing them money after the game is gold so there is no added costs for it.

I can understand the argument about alternate uniforms and similar items (although I personally don't use them so have no real care one way or another on those), but the web-enabled features I have no problem with the added charge, and I don't believe we get those features without the charge so if I have to choose between $7 or not having the feature at all I'll pay.
This post deserved more than just the "Thanks" button.

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Old 05-27-2011, 01:48 PM   #163
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

I apologize for being a little confused, but can someone list what, exactly, is for sale here?

I know these two:

2.99 for advance week online
2.99 for sim games online

Is there other things (aside from jerseys, w/e) that have been announced for sale?
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Old 05-27-2011, 01:56 PM   #164
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by Colt45
I apologize for being a little confused, but can someone list what, exactly, is for sale here?

I know these two:

2.99 for advance week online
2.99 for sim games online

Is there other things (aside from jerseys, w/e) that have been announced for sale?
you can get those 2, along with the ability to host 5 ODs together for $6.99 total, which FWIW, cost $15 in NCAA 11 by itself.

I imagine all the "boosters" or whatever they were called will still be there.
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Old 05-27-2011, 02:06 PM   #165
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by kbmnm247

None of this has anything to do with DLC. Business is business and they are in it to make profits I agree. But EA Sports only does this because they CAN, period. If you don't see that then you need to look closer.
So do other gaming companies.

I said in the Madden thread, our son pleaded for us to buy a map pack for COD. We bought it for him and he told me it was a piece of crap. He's never asked again. That was $15.00, this is $3.00.

It's all about options. If this is burning inside of you, don't buy the game. That's the only way you'll feel better and not give EA your hard earned $.

I'm not buying it the "extras" because I don't need it, but that isn't preventing me from purchasing a good game if that is what it is.
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Old 05-27-2011, 02:30 PM   #166
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by Dame
Are the people who are mad at this only mad because they feel this is open a pathway to charge for other things in the future(which is understandable) or are y'all mad because y'all want to use this option but don't want to pay for it.

I'm just trying to figure out people arguments. I understand people mad because EA didnt say it was a fee at first I just wonder why the debate is going on for so long

This reminds me of Apps for your Iphone or Droid they usually offer an app for free but if you want to do something extra they charge you for a different version yea they could offer it for free but for whatever reason they charge.
I'm upset because it's being boasted as a new feature for online dynasty but you have to pay extra for it besides the $60 you already pay for the game + if you buy the game used you have to pay for an online pass.

I'm also upset and more upset with this than the other thing, that it is opening a door for future DLC for more and more "new features". What's stopping them from creating a new mode and charging us for that too? I'd be fine if I could buy this stuff a la carte but I can't. The fact they waste ANY resources whatsoever on mascot mode is bad enough.
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Old 05-27-2011, 02:45 PM   #167
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

Originally Posted by kbmnm247
I'm upset because it's being boasted as a new feature for online dynasty but you have to pay extra for it besides the $60 you already pay for the game + if you buy the game used you have to pay for an online pass.

I'm also upset and more upset with this than the other thing, that it is opening a door for future DLC for more and more "new features". What's stopping them from creating a new mode and charging us for that too? I'd be fine if I could buy this stuff a la carte but I can't. The fact they waste ANY resources whatsoever on mascot mode is bad enough.
They aren't going to charge for any modes. This isn't a doorway for more charges. You pay to help the servers.

The only way they were going to add these features was to find a way to offset the server costs they would need to add to support them (with development costs on top of that but infrastructure costs alone justify this).

Also, mascot mode is essentially play now with mascot skins on the players and different juke animations. It does not take up as much space as you're implying.
If for any reason you're not completely satisfied, I hate you.
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Old 05-27-2011, 02:46 PM   #168
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Re: New Features Aren’t All Free in NCAA Football 12

I don't mind most DLC.

Lots of it is just extra goodies that aren't honestly necessary. As long as you don't have to pay for DLC in order to "complete" the game, I don't really care. It's the difference between asking for money and demanding it at gunpoint.

My main complaint with it is that it seems mostly aimed towards less-serious gamers much of the time (like, instead of allowing "cheat codes" to make the game easier like 99% of games have done, they make you pay for the thing that help you cheat in recruiting and all that... or in MLB The Show they let you buy the luxury of having a bigger budget to spend in franchise mode). Or those dumb ultimate team card-collecting schemes. That's aimed at children and people who are obsessive compulsive (not necessarily obsessive about gaming in particular, just obsessive in general). Or, in Sony's baseball title, they sell historic stadiums, which I think no longer even exist.

Ideally, I'd like to see them use DLC as a reason to implement more content for the hardcore gamers. For years, when they get ripped for games being too arcade-ish and not sim enough, they explain they make their money by focusing on the kind of things that will suck in casual gamers. So when the community asks for something kind of hardcore that wouldn't appeal to casual gamers at all, they almost never take it seriously as something worth putting time toward putting in the game. I wish they'd start using DLC as a justification to put resources toward features the more hardcore crowd would dig -- since those people would then throw some money at the DLC to essentially "make it worth their while" to put those things in the game when they otherwise never would have made it in.

Or maybe the prospect of DLC could be used to tempt the developers into fighting to put something in the game that they currently give excuses for why they aren't allowed. Like a playoff system in NCAA.

EA claims they aren't allowed to. But the history of EA Sports is littered with games that featured the option to implement rules/formats in those sports that aren't what the real-life sport actually uses. Like when they'd let you use a shootout in hockey games before the NHL moved to the shootout format. Or letting you change how many games are played in NBA playoff series. Or the designated hitter rules in baseball.

I accept that EA hasn't gotten NCAA to let them give you a playoff option in the game yet. Just like, before last year, I'm sure the NCAA wouldn't have let them re-name conference divisions or create Super Conferences or completely change sponsored bowl game tie-in's. It just shows nothing is permanently off-limits; things are just off-limits until they're not anymore. I don't think EA tries that hard to get the permission to do this because I don't think they care at all (especially since they probably put in work to secure all those real bowl games). If EA thought a high enough number of gamers would pay 7.99 or whatever to unlock a playoff format for dynasty modes, though, if they were looking at enough money dangling there if they just get the ability to implement this feature, I think they'd be a lot more motivated to do that finally.

DLC can be used like they do now, selling children packs of cards and cheat codes. It can be used to squeeze money out of the "graphics" crowd who pays for more uniforms/outfits and locations/stadiums/maps to look at. Or it could be used as motivation for putting features in the game that otherwise they would never care enough to get done.
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