01-04-2011, 06:38 PM
OVR: 0
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Minn.
Re: NCAA Football Wishlist Tournament at TheGamingTailgate
First of all, I was very happy to see coaching carousel take the prize -- I voted for it after all.
That said, I have a couple of issues. First, I think custom playbooks is a definite need. That, along with carousels, should already be in the game. Their exclusion is getting to the "Really?" stage.
Second, the issues concerning special teams overhaul, better depth charts, better AI/CPU playcalling, better defensive AI, better CPU recruiting, better DB play... These are all obvious issues, and some have been problems for years (I'm looking at you Road to Glory). Most of these are past the "Really?" stage, and have entered the "I guess this is how it's always going to be," stage.
Finally, I do not want to see anything added until the overall gameplay issues/legacy issues are taken care of. I would support RTG being scrapped in favor of a carousel, but other than that -- and the absolute, no questions asked, don't ever bring it up again deletion of Season Showdown -- I want the obvious gameplay problems taken care of. Carousels would be awesome, but if Robo-QB is still around next year, I'll probably just get off the horse mid-ride.
"You guys pair up in groups of three, then line up in a circle."
- The late Bill Peterson, former head coach at FSU