
Who knows how to run from a spread set???

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Old 08-30-2010, 06:19 PM   #1
OVR: 3
Join Date: Jul 2010
Who knows how to run from a spread set???

Please inform me!!! I can play on line against good players (ranked above 500) <-----not that the rank means anything these days... but anyhow, I can rack up 100 plus yards a game 8 out of 10 games easy and it makes everything else so easy for me. Yet I go into a dynasty game against the CPU and I STRUGGLE to get more than 30 yards a game. If its not the DT or DE abusing my O Line, its a LB coming from the backside to ruin any hope I had of making a decent run. I play on Heisman and I've even took it down to AA to see if anything would change. Nada!!! I really don't want to throw the ball 40-50 times a game to win. Can someone help me out? I cant take being molested in the backfield by the CPU much longer.
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Old 08-30-2010, 06:39 PM   #2
OVR: 6
Join Date: Jul 2010
Re: Who knows how to run from a spread set???

yea it can be difficult
words of advice
make decisions faster and don't get beat by too many numbers
another words if you're in Shotgun Normal with 3 WRs, 1 TE, and 1 HB and they have their base set in make sure LB is spread out with your slot first
then based on your run make the proper reads quickly as with spread runs if you don't the base sets will kill your running game along with the blitzes

also realize CPU blitzes like silly on Heisman making spread runs much less effective so if you want to really get a good run game going either get more muscle on the field or if the spread make sure the blitz isn't too fierce and you're not getting totally whooped in the numbers game in the box
that along with quick reads and the spread runs can be effective as regular pro set runs if not more effective as they usually feature alot of off tackle runs or draws to abuse the aggressiveness of the defense

and option runs outside need to be pitched quickly or taken up field with the QB and option passes are sweet as alot of times they'll focus on the pass and then you can run the option with very little resistance

hope this all helps
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Old 08-31-2010, 02:05 AM   #3
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Re: Who knows how to run from a spread set???

It helps to have a speedy QB. Read options have been pretty effective for me.
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Old 08-31-2010, 09:57 AM   #4
southwvboy's Arena
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Re: Who knows how to run from a spread set???

Yeah it's a numbers thing. The cpu cheeses the heck out of you as you may know. You call the read option and if there is 6 in the box and you are in a 4 wide set you are hosed. Never run it if they have a LB lined up on the outside of the tackle on the side of your RB cause 9 times out of ten the end will crash down to take the running back which is your read to keep it and run but then you will have the LB waiting to take your head off. But with the cheesing of the cpu playing the run when you call a run it opens up your bubble screens and other quick routes where you have the slot and outside receiver meshing at some point.

The best way to get the matchup you want is to set the read option as an audible. Call a pass play and if you get the numbers (5 or less in the box) audible to the read option and there you go. But if you don't have a fast QB it's mostly all for not.
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Old 08-31-2010, 10:02 AM   #5
OVR: 4
Join Date: Jun 2003
Re: Who knows how to run from a spread set???

Have you tried coming out pass and audibling to run? It might cut down on the psychic CPU playcalling where they seem to have heavier personnel AND shift to the correct side to stop whatever run play you've called. I wouldn't do this on 3rd down much though, they'll be blitzing a lot and it won't help. On 1st and 2nd I'd think it could be effective.
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