07-16-2010, 06:31 PM
Stopping the Outside RUN - Need help!
If you play online you'll quickly realize if you need a big play... you don't run 4 wide outs down the field... you run an off tackle, a pitch, or some form of wishbone running play to the outside.
What formation and play will help stop this? Seriously... I send corners... have every player in man... and I get sealed off all the time and the only player who can make a tackle is the opposite safety who wasn't sealed off.
Should I switch to some sort of zone to keep my players from being occupied? That doesn't make sense to me football wise but whatever.
I try corner blitzing in man coverage, I try send my DE's outside and moving the LB's out... nothing has worked yet. I'm winning most of my games but it's frustating when everyone uses Alabama and Ingram keeps getting to the edge.