Can anyone help...
I am having trouble playing some users. Don't know why. I have the internet wire plugged straight into the PS3 from the router.
I can play some users on-line in the Lobby & Play now... But others, for some reason I can't...
What happens is whoever is "Invited" to the game is kicked off when they hit "start" after they pick their team or adjust their uniform or whatever. After that screen (The team Selection) it kicks the 2nd User off. Doesn't matter if I am the 2nd User or if the other guy is the 2nd User. It's always the 2nd one that gets kicked off when this happens. Also what happens is that it shows the same team for both users. Doesn't matter if one user is scrolling through teams, the other user can't see it. You can see yourself scrolling, but not the other user. Again, doesn't always happen... Just from time to time..
It's pretty frustrating.. It happens with 2 of the people on my Friends List (none of the rest) & it's happened with several other Users I have tried to play on-line.
This has become very annoying especially now that I am on an On-Line Dynasty & it is happening with the user I am trying to play against...
Does anyone have any advise on what I should do, or can do... Any & all help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
This happened early on with NCAA 2009, but stopped eventually & now it is happening against with NCAA 2010...