
Twelve Ways to Improve Dynasty Mode

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Old 07-14-2009, 05:28 PM   #17
VincentGrier15's Arena
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Re: Twelve Ways to Improve Dynasty Mode

Originally Posted by deucepoppi17
Great read! I want it exactly how MLB09:The Show is setup to where u can designate different parts of dynasty to USER/CPU....is it really that hard? Does EA ever look at other games to get some ideas?

The "coaching aspect" should be done like CollegeHoops 2k. Work ur way fromt he bottom up and u have to be attain certain goals to get that next big offer....

Ur ideas are great, a little tinkering and it would be perfect.
exactly i;ve always felt this way cuz 2k bball had great dynasty feature there should be diff ratings for diff coaches for example the Gophers coach Tim Brewster has pulled down some pretty good recruiting classes like after they were 1-11 he still had #17 class so he should be easier to recruit with but maybe have players not improve as quickly or something like that.
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Old 07-14-2009, 05:38 PM   #18
OVR: 4
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Some good ideas here. I would definitely buy this game. The game we have now.....not so much.
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Old 07-14-2009, 05:53 PM   #19
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Re: Twelve Ways to Improve Dynasty Mode

I've been wanting Coordinators fo a long time. Since this is basically a wishlist let me add to it.
-Your yearly Budget would be determined by your final ranking, your Team Prestige, your Coaching Prestige, your Home Attendance, and your Conference (ie. The teams from the big conf. would get more from their conf. than the teams from the smaller ones) The amount of money given by each conference would be determined by how the teams in those conf. are ranked (ie. the conf with the Nat. Champ gets so much, the Runner up gets a little less, the rest of the top 5 gets a little less, then #6-10, #11-25, #26-50, #56-75, and #76-120.) This money would be added up and divided between all the teams in that conferece.
-You would then use that money to hire Coaches, upgrade training facilities, send coodinators to coaching clinics, upgrade equipment, recruit.
-You would have to hire four(4) coaches: OC, DC, QB Coach, and Strength CoachCoaches would be hired to 3,4,or five year deals and have their own attributes that would effect your players training in certain areas. (ie. one O Coordinator might boost your players awarness, and break tackle more while another O Coordinator would boost receiving, and jumping more) OC's and DC's would only leave for the same position at a more prestiges school or a Head Job at a less prestiges school. QB Coaches would leave to be an OC, and Strength Coaches would leave to be a DC. OC's and DC's would effect training of awarness, and all offensive and defensive atributes eccept QB specific atributes, those would be effected by the QB coach, and Strength Coach would effect the attributes that apply to all positions (ie. strength, speed, agility etc..) Coaches would also have recruiting attributes that would effect your teams recruiting.
-Your training facilities and equipment would have to be either maintaned or upgraded. There would be different levels of of facilities and equipment (ie. Level 1-10 for both) and each level would have a level of condition. The condition of you facilities and equipment would go down each year, and you would have to either maintain it to keep it in good condition or it would eventually drop down to the lower level. You would also be able to upgrade at a higher cost to raise you facilities/equipment to the next level. The level and comdition of your equipment would then effect you recruiting.
-You could also send your coaches to Clinics that would boost their coaching attributes, add plays to your playbook (as long as they are coaching for you), and eventually make them attractive to other schools. Different clinics would focus on different things (ie. effect different attributes) and the would be different levels that cost more to attend, but you would have to attend them in order (ie you could't go to the 3rd option running clinic if you havent been to the first two.)
-You would also have to use money to visit recruits. Instate recruits would be reatively cheap, border state recruites and pipeline recuits would be a little more, and all other state recruits would be a little more.
Now I know this is way too detailed, and would never happen. But a guy can dream right.
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Old 07-14-2009, 06:13 PM   #20
Roggie's Arena
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Re: Twelve Ways to Improve Dynasty Mode

Well, since they make NFL Head Coach, why not take that as a base, and make NCAA Athletic Director?

Throw the CH2k8 stuff on it (I just simmed 35 seasons recruiting and managing a team, and even with the boring recruiting on that game, I enjoyed it), put some of their own touches on it, and boom. Most fun I'll ever have.
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Old 07-14-2009, 06:17 PM   #21
CurryStorm's Arena
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Re: Twelve Ways to Improve Dynasty Mode

"I've been wanting Coordinators fo a long time."

You're not the only one. That list as a whole is great but there is one thing that I've always wanted. I wish that you could start off as an offensive or defensive coordinator for a school and only be able to play that part of the game; with the way you can sim through whatever part of the game you want on the PS3 and X360, I don't see why this can't be done. So if you decide to be offensive coordinator for Oregon (or whoever), you would only be able to actually play the offensive part of the game for Oregon but the rest would be simulated.

After your first season is over, the game would take into account what size school you coached for and how well your offense/defense did statistically. It would then give you a list of colleges that would be willing to hire you as their head coach. So if you had an amazing offense with Oklahoma (or a team of their caliber), you would have offers from bigger schools than if you did so-so at a team like Tulsa for instance. Or even if your offense/defense didn't do so well, no schools would offer you a head coaching job, and you could just stay another year at the school you're at and try to get better.

I feel you could do so much with this, and it would feel like you actually had a reason for becoming a head coach instead of just selecting it at the beginning of the game. You could get an offer to become the offensive/defensive coordinator at Florida or become the head coach at Buffalo. I always thought it would be neat to do something like this- create me as the offensive coordinator and my brother as the defensive coordinator for a school like Utah State. We both do well and get job offers from other schools to become their head coaches. Then I could keep up with what my brother is doing at his school and see who ends up with the better career.

Here's to wishing...
Al Bundy: Peg, we don't need insurance. Insurance is like marriage. You pay, you never get anything back. Besides, the car isn't worth more than 100 bucks with both kids in it.
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Old 07-14-2009, 06:39 PM   #22
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Location: Detroit, MI
These are the best ideas I have seen. I know it may be a long shot, but it would be great to see these things. I would even wait for a two year period (as long as I get roster updates) to get them.
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Old 07-14-2009, 06:53 PM   #23
OVR: 3
Join Date: Jun 2009
some of the points are good in the article....however, they MUST do the following:
1) as mentioned by someone-roggie?-above bring in elements of NFL head coach. One in particular: CREATE A PLAY (WORKING CORRECTLY offensively: with all blocking, pitching, receiver's routes, motions, pre-play shifts, etc AND defensively: blitzes, coverages, stunts, crosses,etc... left free form up to the designer/player...............there may be some "cheese" on this at first but--if that occurs players can just agree to not allow that beforehand.
2) FIX THE OPTION (or optioning on the unblocked defender)!
3) along with the above introduce the shovel pass
4) bring back the opening toss and team/school specific entrances
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Old 07-14-2009, 07:07 PM   #24
andy4theherd's Arena
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Re: Twelve Ways to Improve Dynasty Mode

Differentiate TV Games - I know having more than one announce team is impractical, and it's understandable. However, why can't the broadcasts for regional, national, and game of the week type of games all be handled differently? One little touch is different intro music for each type of game. Another thing you could possibly do is have some sort of a different ESPN branding for each type of game. There are a lot of little things you could do to make big games seem bigger and lesser games seem more normal.

this would be sooo easy! just throw an ESPN2, ESPN U, Gameplan, ect logo up for lesser games! i too remember how sweet it felt to finally get a game on national tv with a small school. if i'm playing on ESPN on a Thurs. night, it should be a better atmosphere than playing at noon on Sat. with no TV.
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