
NCAA Football 10: TeamBuilder Has 100,000 User-Created Teams (Team OS Screenshots)

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Old 07-01-2009, 04:51 PM   #25
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Re: NCAA Football 10: TeamBuilder Has 100,000 User-Created Teams (Team OS Screenshots

Originally Posted by Adam_Thompson_EA
Exactly. We are very encouraged by the amount of teams that have been created!
Congrats on your success thus far. HOWEVER, you have 100,000 + teams but the better question is how many creators do you have? I have been having fun designing uniforms and have like 18 teams (I probably won't use them because I like realism but it's fun... kind of like an A.D. director). Probably everyone on these forums account for 1,000's of teams?????
Roar you Lions roar!
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Old 07-01-2009, 04:59 PM   #26
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Re: NCAA Football 10: TeamBuilder Has 100,000 User-Created Teams (Team OS Screenshots

Originally Posted by hcopenhagenh
But 750,000 is a relatively low number when you start looking at percentages. I am a businessman and I look at it like this. People using Team Builder are going to make at least 5 different teams. Lets limit this and say they make 3 each. With your number of 750,000 created teams, this is a relatively small percentage of people using this feature. This gives you 250,000 people using the Team Builder. If you only sell 1 million copies, you have only targeted 25% of your audience. Being the businessman I am, I want to satisfy as close to 100% as I can. This is especially so when you have people abandoning this game in record numbers this year.

750,000 created teams sounds like a lot, which it is a huge number, but when you talk of people actually using the program those numbers are low.
The problem here is it is impossible to satisfy 100% of your audience. The OS community alone wanted a million different things, it just so happens the ones who didn't get what they wanted are currently banging the drum the loudest.

The other issue you're assuming is that all these teams were created by gamers who already purchase the game and there is no way of knowing that. You see it as 25% of the current audience when it could be a 25% increase. This will be the first next gen version of NCAA I've ever purchased, due in large part to Teambuilder, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

Only time will tell but as of right now it's just numbers that can be interpreted many ways.
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Old 07-01-2009, 04:59 PM   #27
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Re: NCAA Football 10: TeamBuilder Has 100,000 User-Created Teams (Team OS Screenshots

Originally Posted by hcopenhagenh
LOL... Why? This poll is skewed.

Adaptive AI --- It is horrible in the demo so why would anyone look forward to it.

Art, Wind Socks, etc. Who cares about this stuff anyway?

Custom Conferences---- Again who really cares?

Defensive Keys--- I don't even understand this option.

Game Planning--- One of the dumbest features EA ever put into a game.

Improve Pursuit Angle--- Small item that should have been in the game in 2008

Improved OL/DL--- The demo shows it is still broken

Improved WR/DB Interaction--- It is still broken

Layered Blending--- This is really an option?

Player Lock--- Another wasted option.

Road to Glory--- Another dumb addition to this game even from the Race to the Heisman days. Also a feature that has been in the game for several years.

Season Showdown--- Yeah... another great feature.

Just a skewed poll. Heck I wouldn't even vote because nothing there interests me at all.

To let you know... I am glad you have this feature. But, there are a bunch of things that needed to be fixed before this feature was introduced. Same thing goes with OD from last year. This is the entire point I am trying to make. NCAA doesn't play like a football game. OL/DL blocking and interaction is horrendous. These things are huge because college football is built on schemes and there is no scheme in NCAA. It is just straight head on blocking. The entire engine needs to be rebuilt for this series. There are just a bunch of other things needed for this game to play and replicate football that it doesn't have now. All I am saying is fix features that effect close to 100% of the people. EA as it is now has turned a bunch of people off. I am predicting a decline in sales this year and EA will rub them off as a bad economy. I will attribute it to a bad game.
And we're done talking. Wow i'm really not trying to insult you, but i don't even know why you're here. It's kind of beyond my comprehension how you can not understand some of these features. Also how on earth can the poll be skewed? that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard they laid out every new addition to this year's game and said which one are you the most excited for. I'm dumbfounded right now, nice talking to you take care.
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Old 07-01-2009, 05:00 PM   #28
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Re: NCAA Football 10: TeamBuilder Has 100,000 User-Created Teams (Team OS Screenshots

Originally Posted by moylan55
but again your missing something here. How about the number of people that will download a team someone else created. Even though these people aren't going in and making teams themselves they are still in fact using the feature.
No offense, but you just don't get it.

And why would anyone else use another persons created team? That seems stupid to me.
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Old 07-01-2009, 05:07 PM   #29
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Re: NCAA Football 10: TeamBuilder Has 100,000 User-Created Teams (Team OS Screenshots

Originally Posted by moylan55
And we're done talking. Wow i'm really not trying to insult you, but i don't even know why you're here. It's kind of beyond my comprehension how you can not understand some of these features. Also how on earth can the poll be skewed? that's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard they laid out every new addition to this year's game and said which one are you the most excited for. I'm dumbfounded right now, nice talking to you take care.

Team Builder is not a new feature. OL/DL interaction is not a feature. DB/WR interaction is not a new feature. Art is not a feature. Road to Glory isn't a new feature only a new name. Improved pursuit angles is not a feature. Defensive keys is not a new feature.

There needed to be a feature up there that stated "None of the above."

This poll only represents option for people that will be purchasing this game. If people aren't purchasing this game they aren't going to vote. There are a lot of people at NCAA Strategies that aren't purchasing this game. There fore this poll is skewed.
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Old 07-01-2009, 05:07 PM   #30
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Re: NCAA Football 10: TeamBuilder Has 100,000 User-Created Teams (Team OS Screenshots

Originally Posted by hcopenhagenh
No offense, but you just don't get it.

And why would anyone else use another persons created team? That seems stupid to me.
many people are making FCS teams, you don't understand why someone who is a FCS fan and doesn't want to go through the process of making the team themselves would simply download someone else's work? you are the clearly the one not getting it.
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Old 07-01-2009, 05:09 PM   #31
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Re: NCAA Football 10: TeamBuilder Has 100,000 User-Created Teams (Team OS Screenshots

Originally Posted by moylan55
many people are making FCS teams, you don't understand why someone who is a FCS fan and doesn't want to go through the process of making the team themselves would simply download someone else's work? you are the clearly the one not getting it.

I understand that. FCS makes sense. However, FCS teams SHOULD be included on the game. Heck, even if there would need to be two discs, these should be on the game.
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Old 07-01-2009, 05:09 PM   #32
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Re: NCAA Football 10: TeamBuilder Has 100,000 User-Created Teams (Team OS Screenshots

Originally Posted by hcopenhagenh
Team Builder is not a new feature. OL/DL interaction is not a feature. DB/WR interaction is not a new feature. Art is not a feature. Road to Glory isn't a new feature only a new name. Improved pursuit angles is not a feature. Defensive keys is not a new feature.

There needed to be a feature up there that stated "None of the above."

This poll only represents option for people that will be purchasing this game. If people aren't purchasing this game they aren't going to vote. There are a lot of people at NCAA Strategies that aren't purchasing this game. There fore this poll is skewed.
WOW you don't need that option. If you're not buying or not looking forward to any of these than you don't vote. it doesn't make it a skewed poll at all. and whoever said those things were new? they're simply asking which things people are looking forward playing with the most.
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