
NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 07-03-2009, 08:51 AM   #1241
Cade Cunningham
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by mmorg
I'm pretty sure there will be an option in the Retail Version for Classic Cam.
Nope. The game has been confirmed to only have one gameplay camera angle and that's the new one.

Greg Heddleston told Hayvis on NCAA Strategies that a patch would be nearly impossible to do for this. Adam Thompson recently chimed in here that a patch has three areas they can work on and that patching in a new camera would involve a grey area and a nearly impossible area to work with. He saw it as a big challenge but didn't know how much it had been looked into.

Either way there will be no camera options on the retail disc and nobody should be holding out hope for the old camera to be patched in.
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Old 07-03-2009, 02:38 PM   #1242
5280Italian's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by IRISHFBFAN1
The Graphics will be fine, actually will be better than 09 which I thought was fine. Yhe DEMO is in beta format, the final product will be fine
I hope you are right. I played the demo twice and was shocked at how it looked visually. I enjoyed 09 and this beta demo has me actually worried for the first time in years. I will say however that I think you are right and I hold out hope because the gameplay videos to me look nothing like the beta.
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Old 07-03-2009, 05:22 PM   #1243
twigstudios's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

I enjoy I can throw over the linebackers now. They don't jump 60 feet in the air and knock down my passes. Please EA fix the camera. The angles are weird especially as it comes out of "Show my play" Coach's Cam. The facemask to the Revo helmets look strange too. They looked better on 08. Also do the player models look different to anyone? Maybe it's just me.
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Old 07-03-2009, 05:25 PM   #1244
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by twigstudios
I enjoy I can throw over the linebackers now. They don't jump 60 feet in the air and knock down my passes. Please EA fix the camera. The angles are weird especially as it comes out of "Show my play" Coach's Cam. The facemask to the Revo helmets look strange too. They looked better on 08. Also do the player models look different to anyone? Maybe it's just me.
As in their arms are bigger than their heads and the models look like a step back? Yes.
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Old 07-03-2009, 11:46 PM   #1245
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Nope. The game has been confirmed to only have one gameplay camera angle and that's the new one.
Wow. That's completely ridiculous.
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Old 07-04-2009, 07:58 AM   #1246
Cade Cunningham
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by mmorg
Wow. That's completely ridiculous.
I don't understand it at all either. People have been asking for multiple camera angles and so when they decide to create a new one they remove the old one? This makes NO sense when they could easily have had both on the disc. They wanted to force feed us their new camera angle.

The current NCAA team seems oblivious to those of us that want more customization. They don't add new sliders or even have working sliders out of the box two years in a row. They must all play the game on the default settings and love it.
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Old 07-04-2009, 09:03 AM   #1247
Madwolf's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

I did like the gameplay on this one a lot more than last year. The improved coverage was immediately noticeable, and the computer attacking deep added a much needed boost the the difficulty level.

Here were the glaring weakpoints for me, that made me cringe:

- Zone coverage still sucks. The computer doesn't play the offensive players like it should. If they don't enter their circle, they don't play them almost at all. This isn't too bad in the middle of the field, but the sideline routes are killers. 2 or 3 times I had 1 man go deep along the side lines against Cover 2, and although he was the ONLY guy deep, my Saftey didn't cheat over to cover him, leading to a big gain each time. This is pee-wee stuff. The circles aren't what they're really covering, just the general area.

- Zones are related to player position and not related to the field. This is really problematic in a 4-3 defense. I'll have 3 LBers almost covering the same exact spot and the sides of the field are completely uncovered. It wouldn't be that bad if the CBs weren't stuck in their shallow routes, with their thumb up their butts when no one is going short at all.

- The Coaching Play Styles feel like a gimmick. I felt like I was forced to make certain decesions to get the game to actually play right. Without certain settings the D wouldn't get any pressure on the QB, and the O-line wouldn't ever throw solid blocks. On the other hand, some of them where really pointless. For instance, telling the O-line to hold their blocks longer will get you non-stop holding penalties the entire game. The differences need to be realistic to being with, then a minor boost vs the minor penalty need to be added. The differences right now are too dramatic, they need to be more subtle.

- Never get sacked QB still exists. Oh no, I'm near him, and he made some stupid throw for a completion, or a awful pick. Take the sack.

- Clipping issues. Way to many instances in the demo of me making bad throws being saved by players going slightly threw each other to make plays.

- No Cardinal Bird - I mean really. There wasn't a ton of stuff added to this game this year, not adding a few new mascots is a crime.

- To many injuries. Not enough this year. Need to tone it down slightly.

- The "too many people occupying the same area" offensive line blocking that stops LBer bliztes too effectively. There is no animation for this. Yea, O-linemen can block 2 guys if they're good, but there is no excuse for this still being like this this many years into the "next gen" game.

- The QB needs to do a drop. This is one thing that kills me to this day in the never-ending 2K vs EA battle. I'm totally converted with Madden NFL 10, but how long is it going to take to get the drop back implemented in an EA title? This is one of the most basic steps in being a good QB, and this being in 2K really helped my play knowledge, and gave me a feel for what to call when. This isn't rocket science, it should be in the game.
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Old 07-04-2009, 06:23 PM   #1248
whosgotcha's Arena
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Re: NCAA Football 10 Demo Now Available, Post Your Impressions Here

I've played both versions of the demo and both look extremely unimpressive visually. the game play appears to be the same but it is hard to tell with only two minute quarters. Hopefully the final game will be impressive in comparison as was the case for me with last years version.
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