
Maybe the devs can give us this type of interaction...

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Old 06-10-2009, 03:47 AM   #1
huskeraddict's Arena
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Maybe the devs can give us this type of interaction...

Madden 10: "Top 25 must-haves"

Get the Top 25 things absolutely needed for NCAA 11.

And please no dev/NCAA 10 bashing, let's actually keep this thread open.
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Old 06-10-2009, 03:59 AM   #2
kkman187's Arena
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Re: Maybe the devs can give us this type of interaction...

1. Correct rosters
2. Implementing pro-trak into NCAA
3. Team specific entrances.
4. Formation subs
5. Teambuilder 2.0- ability to edit roster templates completely by adding removing players, edit stadiums, edit uniforms, add rivals, change schedule, etc
6. actual pocket for QB (possibly goes with pro-trak)
7. New equipment
8. Add referees, coaches, chain gain, hand warmers and all the little stuff.
9. online stat tracking
10. Make use of the ESPN license. Increase pregame, half-time, and end-game highlights.

can't think of anything else at the moment

Last edited by kkman187; 06-10-2009 at 04:03 AM.
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Old 06-10-2009, 05:09 AM   #3
adamcsay's Arena
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Re: Maybe the devs can give us this type of interaction...

hell, just copy ian's post in that thread and you have my top 25.

shame we have no one like ian who seems to care a whole hell of a lot about what the community thinks. not trying to troll ncaa devs, but i just have to give that guy props.
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Old 06-10-2009, 05:55 AM   #4
boisejames's Arena
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Re: Maybe the devs can give us this type of interaction...

Originally Posted by adamcsay
hell, just copy ian's post in that thread and you have my top 25.

shame we have no one like ian who seems to care a whole hell of a lot about what the community thinks. not trying to troll ncaa devs, but i just have to give that guy props.
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Old 06-10-2009, 06:43 AM   #5
kkman187's Arena
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Re: Maybe the devs can give us this type of interaction...

This is from Ian's Madden top 25 community request off which this thread is based.

On to the list!

Presentation & Graphics
1. More real-life atmosphere & emotion: sidelines, injuries with trainers, chain gang measurements, referees, etc.
2. Make every game feel different: pre-game and post-game celebrations, blow out big games (i.e. pre-season should feel way different than the playoffs), better Super Bowl celebrations
3. Collinsworth = good, Hammond = not so much: Hammond comes across too robotic with too much stitching. He needs to be replaced or re-recorded.
4. More animated gear: towels, handwarmers, chin straps
5. Degradation: sliding marks in the snow, better field degradation

Gameplay / Animation

1. Deliver a more compelling 1-player experience - fix CPU play-calling bugs, make them much better at running the ball, get rid of "robo-QB", have them adapt and change to match what you are running
2. More sliders and options - CPU sliders, game speed, fatigue, injuries
3. OL/DL re-vamp - Edge rushing, more double teams, more accurate chips, less "suction", true pocket forming
4. WR/DB re-vamp - More interaction downfield, better head tracking, only play the ball that you see
5. Signature styles & animations: Passing, running, kicking, etc
6. Much more animation variety: More tackles, catches, swats; replace animations that have been around for a long time
7. Gang tackles: More of them, make them better, add more players
8. New ratings, make existing ratings matter more: Along with making them more prevalent, also possibly expose what each one actually does. New QB ratings are highly requested
9. Re-vamp kicking: Universally agreed that it's too automatic and not very stressful.
10. Make user-catching easier: With the removal of strafe catching, many people are struggling to user catch and would like it to be balanced so you can still "go up and get it"

Game Modes
1. Online Franchise: Self Explanatory
2. Better / More Robust Franchise Progression: Self Explanatory
3. More Franchise features and new UI: General consensus is just to focus a bunch more time and add more new stuff that was similar to what was in legacy gen. The mode feels un-touched, and everyone wants a big update
4. Remove the fluff, focus on the core: Things like rings & trophies, agents & emails in superstar, and weekly training drills in Franchise aren't well liked and aren't heavily used by the community
5. Highlight Show in Franchise: See NFL 2k5...but make it better

1. 100% perfect stability
2. Open (or closed) beta testing
3. Custom Cameras
4. Defensive Assignments
5. In-Game Saves

Ncaa do this!

Last edited by kkman187; 06-10-2009 at 06:46 AM.
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Old 06-10-2009, 07:09 AM   #6
FutureVol's Arena
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Re: Maybe the devs can give us this type of interaction...

Originally Posted by kkman187
This is from Ian's Madden top 25 community request off which this thread is based.

On to the list!

Presentation & Graphics
1. More real-life atmosphere & emotion: sidelines, injuries with trainers, chain gang measurements, referees, etc.
2. Make every game feel different: pre-game and post-game celebrations, blow out big games (i.e. pre-season should feel way different than the playoffs), better Super Bowl celebrations
3. Collinsworth = good, Hammond = not so much: Hammond comes across too robotic with too much stitching. He needs to be replaced or re-recorded.
4. More animated gear: towels, handwarmers, chin straps
5. Degradation: sliding marks in the snow, better field degradation

Gameplay / Animation

1. Deliver a more compelling 1-player experience - fix CPU play-calling bugs, make them much better at running the ball, get rid of "robo-QB", have them adapt and change to match what you are running
2. More sliders and options - CPU sliders, game speed, fatigue, injuries
3. OL/DL re-vamp - Edge rushing, more double teams, more accurate chips, less "suction", true pocket forming
4. WR/DB re-vamp - More interaction downfield, better head tracking, only play the ball that you see
5. Signature styles & animations: Passing, running, kicking, etc
6. Much more animation variety: More tackles, catches, swats; replace animations that have been around for a long time
7. Gang tackles: More of them, make them better, add more players
8. New ratings, make existing ratings matter more: Along with making them more prevalent, also possibly expose what each one actually does. New QB ratings are highly requested
9. Re-vamp kicking: Universally agreed that it's too automatic and not very stressful.
10. Make user-catching easier: With the removal of strafe catching, many people are struggling to user catch and would like it to be balanced so you can still "go up and get it"

Game Modes
1. Online Franchise: Self Explanatory
2. Better / More Robust Franchise Progression: Self Explanatory
3. More Franchise features and new UI: General consensus is just to focus a bunch more time and add more new stuff that was similar to what was in legacy gen. The mode feels un-touched, and everyone wants a big update
4. Remove the fluff, focus on the core: Things like rings & trophies, agents & emails in superstar, and weekly training drills in Franchise aren't well liked and aren't heavily used by the community
5. Highlight Show in Franchise: See NFL 2k5...but make it better

1. 100% perfect stability
2. Open (or closed) beta testing
3. Custom Cameras
4. Defensive Assignments
5. In-Game Saves

Ncaa do this!
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Old 06-10-2009, 07:47 AM   #7
Air Raid
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Re: Maybe the devs can give us this type of interaction...

Shovel Pass
Dr Death
Air Raid

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Old 06-10-2009, 10:51 AM   #8
OVR: 5
Join Date: Sep 2006
Re: Maybe the devs can give us this type of interaction...

Presentation & Graphics
1. More real-life atmosphere & emotion: Sidelines, injuries with trainers, chain gang measurements, referees, student section being extra hyped in pre-game. Pre-game team enterances and fanfare, with the bands as well. Make pregame feel festive and true to the college atmosphere.
2. Make every game feel different: Post-game celebrations based on type of win (could be even more hyped when winning a big, or rivalry game vs just a regular win). Blow out big games (i.e. Non-conference games against an FCS team (no offense to those fans) should feel way different than rivalry games, or the BCS title game), better BCS championship celebrations.
3. Commentary needs a true fresh lift, not just an update. I don't mind the trio plus Erin Andrews, but it needs a rehaul. It needs to be replaced or re-recorded. Speaking of Erin Andrews, maybe actually kick it to her on the sidelines for reports rather than just a popup screen with her voice-over.
4. More animated gear: Towels, handwarmers, chin straps, all that junk that was added in Madden, add it here as well.
5. Degradation: Sliding marks in the snow, better field degradation.

Gameplay / Animation

1. Deliver a more compelling 1-player experience - fix CPU play-calling bugs, make them much better at running the ball, get rid of "robo-QB", have them adapt and change to match what you are running.
2. More sliders and options - CPU sliders, game speed, fatigue, injuries
3. OL/DL re-vamp - Edge rushing, more double teams, more accurate chips, less "suction", true pocket forming
4. WR/DB re-vamp - More interaction downfield, better head tracking, only play the ball that you see.
5. Signature styles & animations: Passing, running, kicking, etc. Obviously in NCAA, you can't have "signature styles", but having multiple styles for QBs and kickers, etc, will give the game more life.
6. Much more animation variety: More tackles, catches, swats; replace animations that have been around for a long time
7. Pro-Tak please.
8. New ratings, make existing ratings matter more: Along with making them more prevalent, also possibly expose what each one actually does. New QB ratings are highly requested
9. Re-vamp kicking: Universally agreed that it's too automatic and not very stressful.
10. Make user-catching easier: With the removal of strafe catching, many people are struggling to user catch and would like it to be balanced so you can still "go up and get it"

Game Modes
1. Online Franchise: Self Explanatory (Online Dynasty already in affect, so ignore)
2. Better / More Robust Franchise Progression: Self Explanatory (Progression tweaked in NCAA 10, might already be done)
3. More Dynasty features and new UI: General consensus is just to focus a bunch more time and add more new stuff that was similar to what was in legacy gen. The mode feels un-touched, and everyone wants a big update.
4. Remove the fluff, focus on the core: Things like Season Showdown aren't well liked and aren't heavily used by the community
5. Highlight Show in Dynasty: You could cover the top 25 results, or your team's conference results. Go over major recruiting commits, or preview upcoming big games. Highlights would most definitely be preferred as it will enhance the show.

1. Good rosters (at least be remotely accurate as far as graduated players being out and some freshmen being in). While I'm at it, make it a full 85 man roster as well if at all possible.
2. Formation Subs
3. Custom Cameras
4. Defensive Assignments
5. In-Game Saves

I took the list and actually made it more NCAA centric. Some of that stuff I'm sure is in NCAA 10, but much of it isn't, so I just left it as is.
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