Your board? This website was created as a sim website dedicated to sim sports games?
Please excuse me as I step on your toes ever so slightly. As one of the many people who helped to build OS, I have to say you comments are full of falsities. Operation Sports, Steve Noah era, was created by a group of people who wanted to discuss SPORTS GAMES and not be treated as bastard children of sites like IGN. The majority of the people who came over to build OS came from sites like IGN who were tired of childish forums filled with people who would rather discuss sports games and the real life games we love to watch.
There was never any intention of creating some sort of super-sim bastion. OS covers all sports games, not just "heavy on sim sports titles." It grew on people who enjoyed all sports games, sim or arcade.
As OS has grown, like any internet forum you have a group of undesirables who seem to think the anonymity allows them to act like every 10 year old you see on Nanny 911, etc. Something must be this or that, otherwise you are an idiot. Basically, most threads after a game has released turn into political debates, replacing candidates with sim or fun, sucks or does not suck. After a few weeks things calm back down and more civil discussion as the biggest whiners, complainers and ban-stick haters tend to move onto the next game that will anger them to no end.
You want to do this forum a favor, lighten up Maynord. People have differing opinions and forums are in place to discuss them.
Bdoughty (on-off member since 2001)