
Summer Storms: The NCAA Release Story

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Old 07-25-2008, 09:55 AM   #137
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Re: Summer Storms: The NCAA Release Story

Does anyone here remember Old Man Murray? Not only was it the funniest gaming site ever, but Chet and Erik were absolutely ruthless in skewering buggy, unfinished games and lazy, uninspired, and unoriginal game development. And they were even more ruthless in going after other gaming websites that offered watered down puff pieces and inflated review scores for overhyped games.

Sports gamers could use an OMM about now.
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Old 07-25-2008, 10:37 AM   #138
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Re: Summer Storms: The NCAA Release Story

Originally Posted by MattG
That is such absolute ignorance. The overmoderating in this forum is due to countless individuals posting the same things over and over. EA sucks, this game sucks, I'm mad, OS sucks. If we wouldn't have to deal with 100 different people posting the same thing we wouldn't have to close/lock every 5th thread.

I don't know who Adam is...I don't know who OMT is. I've never had a conversation nor have most of the other mods had a conversation with him as far as I know. And he nor anyone else has never told me to lock or close a negative thread. I close replays and I give infractions for those who can't follow the TOS...that's my little job in this huge online world.

I mean give me a break...almost 75% of the threads have been negative, we would have to lock every one. This game is an absolute mess for a lot of people. Online doesn't work, rosters, kickoffs, pass rush, custom sounds, and on and on. Me...I haven't really had a problem with the game. I don't play online, I don't use custom rosters, I tweaked the sliders and I play it and enjoy it for what's it worth.

Do I think this article is bad...yes I do. It completely ignores most of the online community in which it's posted in. It's basically telling a vast majority of the posters they are wrong and over reacting...which is never a good idea. Do I think the game is bad...not totally. As I said I have my fun with it playing Campus Legend and a little bit of Dynasty so far.

If you have a negative opinion then feel free to post it. Just please give some reasons and stay in the threads provided. I'm all for everyone getting their 2 cents in...just stay professional and back it up.
The Biggest problem with this game to me is that I cannot tweak the sliders independently for both offense and defense. When you mentioned tweaking sliders, did you know this is broken?

There will always be conspiracy minded people that think you're in cohoots with EA to block their comments. I agree, that makes no sense considering the amount of negative EA comments on here. You would have to shut the whole site down

Honestly, I really want to like this game, and like a lot of things about it, but it seems like everytime I play now, I get frustrated. If I try to boost the CPU running game, then my running game is too easy because their are no independent sliders right now. My level is between AA and Heisman usually, and that is a real problem for me this year because I cannot tweak the sliders independently.
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Old 07-25-2008, 10:40 AM   #139
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Re: Summer Storms: The NCAA Release Story

Originally Posted by kohlrums
Again-even with all of those issues mentioned you left out one-the ball does not rotate when thrown. This is idiotic. Maybe this is not a gamekiller for some, but if I have a game with all the issues mentioned above, I at least want it to look good when I play it-and it doesn't. when you throw the ball it just floats. The animation for QB's are awful-from the drop back from center, to their throwing motion, to how the ball comes out of their hands well before their arm has moved passed their head on a throw-all the way to the fact that the ball does not make one full rotation on a 15 yard deep out. Is ther anyone at EA that has played football-at any level? The effort put into this year's release is pathetic. I got NCAA 07 on Xbox 360, traded my 360 in for a PS3 so I could get The Show, and bought NCAA 09 this year. NCAA 07 is far an away a better game than this one. How have things gotten so bad? EA is regressing. I am ashamed I was dopped by the reviews to actually spend money on this game.

EA-stop wasting time detailing the viens in players arms, adding a 5th style of helmet, and concentrate on decent gameplay, and getting the ball to rotate when thrown.
I asked Adam - OMT and he stated they had former Division I players and a QB.
Yes, the animations aren't always good, but thats the least of our worries at this point. EA sports - If its in the game, maybe next year
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Old 07-25-2008, 11:11 AM   #140
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Re: Summer Storms: The NCAA Release Story

Originally Posted by MattG
That is such absolute ignorance. The overmoderating in this forum is due to countless individuals posting the same things over and over. EA sucks, this game sucks, I'm mad, OS sucks. If we wouldn't have to deal with 100 different people posting the same thing we wouldn't have to close/lock every 5th thread.

I don't know who Adam is...I don't know who OMT is. I've never had a conversation nor have most of the other mods had a conversation with him as far as I know. And he nor anyone else has never told me to lock or close a negative thread. I close replays and I give infractions for those who can't follow the TOS...that's my little job in this huge online world.

I mean give me a break...almost 75% of the threads have been negative, we would have to lock every one. This game is an absolute mess for a lot of people. Online doesn't work, rosters, kickoffs, pass rush, custom sounds, and on and on. Me...I haven't really had a problem with the game. I don't play online, I don't use custom rosters, I tweaked the sliders and I play it and enjoy it for what's it worth.

Do I think this article is bad...yes I do. It completely ignores most of the online community in which it's posted in. It's basically telling a vast majority of the posters they are wrong and over reacting...which is never a good idea. Do I think the game is bad...not totally. As I said I have my fun with it playing Campus Legend and a little bit of Dynasty so far.

If you have a negative opinion then feel free to post it. Just please give some reasons and stay in the threads provided. I'm all for everyone getting their 2 cents in...just stay professional and back it up.
Please remember without the community, even the ones who recycle "absolute ignorance", there is no Operation Sports. If you don't know who Adam or OMT is you have not spent enough times on the NCAA boards to have such an angry response to criticisms logged regarding the increased restrictions of certain moderators as of late. One need not look far to find devs requesting threads locked and such. OS is a top notch website for unbiased sports gaming news and conversations, lets keep it that way with limited censorship.

Last edited by kiddlex; 07-25-2008 at 01:34 PM.
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Old 07-25-2008, 11:18 AM   #141
Where have I been?
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This isn't a real article is it?

I'm as big a fan of EA as anyone, and even I can't play the game without wanting to put my head through a brick wall.

You might want to think next time before you put your thoughts to paper...er... microsoft word.

I'm sure Madden will be a much better experience, but for you to come out and proclaim NCAA was just a case of loud naysayers... that's hilarious.
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Old 07-25-2008, 12:16 PM   #142
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Re: Summer Storms: The NCAA Release Story

Ive read this article and it makes me think "did this guy really play this game like I did back in the day". I think not because the reason I love this college football game is because I have passion and excitement for the game of college football and a game that brings me closer to that feeling is the best thing ever. I use to play every series before this one like I was drowning and fighting for air. I would ditch out on friends, stand girls up on dates and even go through a day with a hour or 2 of sleep because I stayed up all night tweaking and adjusting every offensive and defensive slider possible "begging" for the right set of sliders to be found so I can have a super fun game but also make it realistic as hell so I could be proud of my win. I use to love when the computer would beat me with a crap team because I played bad or made stupid errors or just wasnt focused on my gameplan. I feel like the rest of all you diehards here (you know who you are), that with the newer games all the bs gimmick plays should be gone (cheese online sh..) and fundamentals should be spot on. I mean seriously whomever tested this game should be punched in the mouth. I mean it took every single one of us 1 or 2 games to find all the bugs and the worst part is more kept popping up. I do like the game and know it can be fixed I just wonder why the heck EA puts out a product like this when they know we expert more being an educated community. TLTR.....just felt like venting
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Old 07-25-2008, 12:20 PM   #143
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Re: Summer Storms: The NCAA Release Story

This is not the OS it used to be. I came to this site many years ago because of the balanced discussions going on, wether it be positive or negative , about sports games inpaticular.

While I can certainly understand other peoples point of view, OS has gradually changed to the point to where you can have nothing negative to say about certain games. At the very mention of anything negative, the people with 10k posts have to come about you and make sure they set you in your place because obviously they know more about the game and its bright spots than you do.

I am thrilled that EA devs are on this site. What I am not thrilled about is the moderators and those in power here, making it a point to hightlight the very few postives of this diasterous game, and trying to sweep all the problems with this title under the rug.

I want the devs to know whats wrong with their game. If I was a dev and came to this site, I would be very happy with myself because the way these forums are moderated these days would make me feel like everyone loves the game.

NCAA is my most anticipated title year in and year out since I was playing Bill Walsh and Segas college football back on the Genesis. Yet if I say something negative about the game, I have to type some kind of 10 page thesis paper defending my position on liking the game before I can even get to the point or else Ill be labled a EA ***** or something.

I dont give a damn about deadlines when it comes to football, so much of the game is finished before the next year is even started. There is only so much they redo. Each and every year, we pretty much get the exact same game, with the exact same problems, plus a couple of gimmick features. I dont believe for one minute that near as much effort goes into these yearly EA football games as they would have you believe.

Bottom line is that NCAA 09 is the most bug ridden, most dumbed down, most unpolished, most unrealistic representation of the game of football in modern sports game history. I dont care bout nets, refs, chain gangs, etc, etc....but the actual representation of the game of football in this title is a disgrace.
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Old 07-25-2008, 12:37 PM   #144
(aka Alberto)
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Quick question: Why doesnt this article have a thread in the forums like every other article?
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