
I forgot how horrible the training games are in FNC

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Old 12-04-2011, 08:24 PM   #1
OVR: 6
Join Date: Sep 2011
I forgot how horrible the training games are in FNC

Seriously, most of these training games are garbage. Some are broken at times. And not it's not because i suck, but the way some of them are set up just makes no sense.

For example, i just did the stay defensive training game where you get points for good defense(blocking and slipping punches) Well, no matter what i had the punch output slider at the computer just would NOT throw very many punches at all. I literally couldn't get a good rating in the game because the computer just wouldn't throw enough to allow me to use my defense. What kind of crap is this? How the hell can i stay defensive when the computer barely throws anything. That's just stupid, it's like they didn't even test this crap. Stuff like this makes me want EA chicago to come back to the series.

Or the maize bag, it also has problems. I'm pretty good at it but i can recognize it has problems too. Often times when i slip the bag it doesn't count, it's some kind of glitch or something. It's like it'll randomly just not count my slip.

What training games do you guys have problems with or get annoyed by the most?
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Old 12-05-2011, 05:08 PM   #2
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Re: I forgot how horrible the training games are in FNC

For example, i just did the stay defensive training game where you get points for good defense(blocking and slipping punches)

lol my problem is the exact opposite. The defensive training is like cheating for me. I get around 30k+ points allways, even on the greatest of all time. So I do this 2x times and my boxer has a rating of 84+ for each fight. And thats not to much of a challenge early on. You just always close in then step a little back and wave, wave and you get those points almost allways over 20k+. Some sparing partners punch a little less, some more thats true.
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Old 12-08-2011, 03:41 PM   #3
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Money99's Arena
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Re: I forgot how horrible the training games are in FNC

Boxing games need a big update when it comes to training.
What's the point?

I'm of the mind that if you want to have a training exercise that helps the player become better at the game, simply put in sparring.
Or have a heavy bag.

If we have to stay with the old and tired way of leveling up our fighters, do it in other means.
Do it via sparring, or how well you did on your last fight.

I've beat this topic to death, but I think it's time to retire the 'train-collect points-fight-repeat' system.

Allow the player to start off as weak, or as great as they want. Right off the bat, allow us to be a 100 OV fighter. Really, why not? I paid $60, let me do what I want.
And if the player wants a challenge, reduce your skill, or even add a Random fighter mechanic. Let the CPU randomly choose your skill set.
See how hard it is to win a belt with a fighter who has no power and a glass jaw.

As far as training goes, have a diet, schedule workouts, training sessions, etc.
Depending on how much, or little you pack into your weeks prior to the fight will help determine stamina, speed and even a touch of power.
That's where points should be.

But in order to prepare for a fight, you can schedule sparring sessions to work on the controls and gameplay.

No more of these horribly boring "hit the speed bag" crap, or timing wind-sprints.

Yeesh, these developers beg for more powerful consoles and then they treat us with training modules that were seen on the SNES.
Time to think outside the box boys.
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Old 12-10-2011, 10:50 PM   #4
parker002's Arena
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Re: I forgot how horrible the training games are in FNC

I only do sparring and I usually use it to work on techniques for the upcoming fight.
Recovering slider addict...Fight Night Round 4 caused me to relapse...
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