
Maybe you guys could help me with this?

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Old 04-17-2011, 07:27 AM   #1
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Maybe you guys could help me with this?

I just got the game and I was playing Legacy Mode and I was wondering what would be the quickest way to build my created boxer up and get more XP points? Also I was wondering which is a better button set up to use the buttons or the total punch control? I am getting smashed by computer so is there anyone that can with this?
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Old 04-17-2011, 06:40 PM   #2
OVR: 7
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Re: Maybe you guys could help me with this?

Originally Posted by country842
I just got the game and I was playing Legacy Mode and I was wondering what would be the quickest way to build my created boxer up and get more XP points? Also I was wondering which is a better button set up to use the buttons or the total punch control? I am getting smashed by computer so is there anyone that can with this?
Button punching in FNC has a distinct delay which really makes it tough...

TPC on the other hand is much more responsive...

That said i found what works best for me is a combination of both...I throw jabs and straights with the buttons and use the stick for hooks and uppercuts...
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Old 04-18-2011, 08:21 AM   #3
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Re: Maybe you guys could help me with this?

Originally Posted by country842
I just got the game and I was playing Legacy Mode and I was wondering what would be the quickest way to build my created boxer up and get more XP points? Also I was wondering which is a better button set up to use the buttons or the total punch control? I am getting smashed by computer so is there anyone that can with this?
what level do you play?
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Old 04-24-2011, 04:43 AM   #4
adembroski's Arena
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Re: Maybe you guys could help me with this?

I use generally the same training method for every match.

Week 1: Skills training... whatever I'm good at. In particular, double end speed back or push the heavy bag.

Week 2: Athletic training at level 2

Week 3: Athletic Training at level 1

Week 4: Rest

I do all of my growth after all training is complete and before I enter a fight.

As for button vs. full control... I use both, let me explain why.

Full spectrum control is faster, more responsive, and more intuitive (at first). However, it's also very sensitive and you can 'overextend' yourself on punches very easily. Remember that when you select a punch, you're 'preloading' it, so it's going to be thrown even if you pushed it before your last punch was finished... accidentally swing the stick around the right side? Your boxer is going to throw 6-4-2 before you get control back, even if your opponent is 8 feet away.

For this reason, which control scheme I use depends on what my strategic approach is. If I'm being aggressive and throwing punches in bunches, I'm going to use the face buttons. It's easier to memorize basic combinations on the face buttons, and once you can mentally orient yourself 45 degrees right of the controller, right and left become as second nature as on the stick. Once you learn your combos, tapping X-Y-A for a 1-2-3 becomes natural, and you don't get the same accidental punches you get from doing combinations on the stick.

However, it's slower, and even worse with the input delay, so when I'm counter punching, I'm going to use the stick. When counter punching, you're being reactive, rather than proactive, and so you need to be able to adjust quickly to circumstances. A power right hook to the head off of a lunging jab (my favorite counter) requires pretty tight timing, so I need to be able to tap down on the left stick and get the punch off almost, but not quite, simultaneously. I am far more effective doing that on the stick.

So, my advice, learn to transition seamlessly mid-match between face buttons and full spectrum control for best results.
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