
Fight Night Champion: To the Penitentiary and Beyond

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Old 11-17-2010, 03:47 PM   #17
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Re: Fight Night Champion: To the Penitentiary and Beyond

I'm not thrilled with this direction, and think it's a knock on the sport as a whole. Just another irresponsible move on EA, in my opinion (like exclusive rights to the NFL) to regress and not promote positive progress in the sports community. Is this what we can expect to see with future sports gaming? Go ahead and put Tyson's ear biting in too then. Some things are better left alone. It'll be the day I ever purchase a Madden or NBA game with the F-Bomb.. something I can't let my innocent kids' eyes see. But maybe that's just me. NBA2k11 is at the top of the charts without this stuff. To me, it's more unnecessary gimmicks that takes quality time away from core aspects. I'm sure the F-bomb is on every NFL game field on Sunday.. so I guess if I hear it in Madden it's going to make it more authentic? Guess it will have more market appeal? What is this world coming to? Guess we're not too far off from seeing Super Mario and Sonic flip off the customers! Yeah, I'm just one of the good old boys voicing his opinion.
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Old 11-17-2010, 04:07 PM   #18
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Re: Fight Night Champion: To the Penitentiary and Beyond

Originally Posted by bbarr43
I'm not thrilled with this direction, and think it's a knock on the sport as a whole. Just another irresponsible move on EA, in my opinion (like exclusive rights to the NFL) to regress and not promote positive progress in the sports community. Is this what we can expect to see with future sports gaming? Go ahead and put Tyson's ear biting in too then. Some things are better left alone. It'll be the day I ever purchase a Madden or NBA game with the F-Bomb.. something I can't let my innocent kids' eyes see. But maybe that's just me. NBA2k11 is at the top of the charts without this stuff. To me, it's more unnecessary gimmicks that takes quality time away from core aspects. I'm sure the F-bomb is on every NFL game field on Sunday.. so I guess if I hear it in Madden it's going to make it more authentic? Guess it will have more market appeal? What is this world coming to? Guess we're not too far off from seeing Super Mario and Sonic flip off the customers! Yeah, I'm just one of the good old boys voicing his opinion.
I have a similar outlook I suppose. I'm not rallying against the story mode as you seem to be, but I honestly have absolutely no interest in it at all. Its great that they're adding this mode for people who enjoy this type of thing though.

I can see it going the way of superstar mode in Madden. Its going to be an extra mode that pretty much doesn't exist on MY menu screen. I'm a regular ole franchise/legacy guy lol.
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Old 11-17-2010, 04:56 PM   #19
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Re: Fight Night Champion: To the Penitentiary and Beyond

To be honest, I don't have an interest in it either. I'm already detracted from the mode. It already seems too narrow a perspective that I have to start in prison. I have a lot more interest in managerial aspects though. Correct rankings and fully customized ladders, more editing power, etc.

I would love to see fighters interact pre and post game. But say more well thought out stuff, say like a Legend Career mode where Ali is giving one of his canned historic poems about how the fighter is slow and ugly. Rhyme and rhetoric being his signature style, fight predictions, etc. Bring in historical significance and fighters characterized by their personality. Don't understand how mature themes need to come in here. These EA gimmicks always seem to be a "selling" focus to detract from what the core game will not get done right. (How many years do we gotta go to get the out route out of bounds fixed in Madden?)

The game's long lasting appeal for me usually ends with how well it plays online anyway. But I can say that's one reason I don't ever get a mic, cause I get tired of the constant foul language on the other end. Ah, but that's just me.... let's just continue to promote the decay of western society...
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Old 11-17-2010, 05:32 PM   #20
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Re: Fight Night Champion: To the Penitentiary and Beyond

The Don King boxing had a story mode. I enjoyed the story.
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Old 11-17-2010, 06:33 PM   #21
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Re: Fight Night Champion: To the Penitentiary and Beyond

Yeah, I played it and liked some of the concepts. I just have a different view on focusing on the good core aspects of boxing and sports gaming in general. Wasn't boxing historically a civilized man's fight? Yes, I still believe in values and think it's unnecessary.

I have a good notion I'm the unpopular minority here, but maybe they need to rethink Career Mode into a Create Your Own Adventure scheme.. Start from: a) Troubled Street Kid, b) Average Athletic Joe Gives Boxing a Try c) Overseas Prominent Wealthy Citizen d) Washed up Boxer (ala Rocky) Returns to the Ring. To me it's like what Sinbad said about his take on clean cut comedy, it's really all about content. Get the content right, you don't need the profanity. I feel like this canned approach will be the same way it annoyed me that Tigger was the announcer for Fight Night 1. "Ooooh.. daa-yam that was a hard hit!" Sheesh, something stinks in suburbia..
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Old 11-18-2010, 12:00 PM   #22
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Re: Fight Night Champion: To the Penitentiary and Beyond

Some of you guys must be monks. Boxing is not a pansy sport. When I first started, I wasn't getting the techniques down. I was learning the art of ducking under punches... bobbing and weaving and such. Coach said he would knock my ********* head off if I didn't start doing it right. I got hit good once and did it right from there on. This should be all too familiar for anyone that's done it. Football is the same way. I assume that why Ray Lewis is rarely miced.

Last edited by ChampN252; 11-18-2010 at 12:11 PM.
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Old 11-18-2010, 01:41 PM   #23
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Re: Fight Night Champion: To the Penitentiary and Beyond

Originally Posted by bbarr43
Yeah, I played it and liked some of the concepts. I just have a different view on focusing on the good core aspects of boxing and sports gaming in general. Wasn't boxing historically a civilized man's fight? Yes, I still believe in values and think it's unnecessary.

I have a good notion I'm the unpopular minority here, but maybe they need to rethink Career Mode into a Create Your Own Adventure scheme.. Start from: a) Troubled Street Kid, b) Average Athletic Joe Gives Boxing a Try c) Overseas Prominent Wealthy Citizen d) Washed up Boxer (ala Rocky) Returns to the Ring. To me it's like what Sinbad said about his take on clean cut comedy, it's really all about content. Get the content right, you don't need the profanity. I feel like this canned approach will be the same way it annoyed me that Tigger was the announcer for Fight Night 1. "Ooooh.. daa-yam that was a hard hit!" Sheesh, something stinks in suburbia..
I love the idea of a Create your own adventure.

Regarding the profanity, I'm in the same boat as you. I realize we're in the short bus on this topic, but I don't see the need for it in a sports game. And I'd like to be able to play it in front of my kids as they're both interested in boxing to some degree.
I hope there's a language toggle to remove all the swearing.
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Old 11-18-2010, 02:19 PM   #24
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Re: Fight Night Champion: To the Penitentiary and Beyond

I feel you about the little on the little ones, but that's part of the sport. I;m assuming this game is probably a bit bloodier than the last titles. You cool with the youngins seeing that?
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