
First Prizefighter Gameplay Footage; 2K Rep Berates Producer

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Old 05-09-2008, 09:21 AM   #1
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First Prizefighter Gameplay Footage; 2K Rep Berates Producer

Pasta Padre checks in with some interesting Prizefighter news.

"In something that may be even more interesting than the video, a representative of 2K Sports on the company’s official forum (2K Admin Ron) is publically berating the game’s executive producer for his “ridiculous representation of the game“, that it looked like he had never played the game before, and that the game was made a mockery of. All of those quotes and more can be found in the reaction thread in their forums."
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Old 05-09-2008, 09:32 AM   #2
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Re: First Prizefighter Gameplay Footage; 2K Rep Berates Producer

Wow, that is so sad. Damn. Don't know what else to say. If the forum admin is correct the executive producer just did not know how to play and were show casing the special punches like a complete moron. This game will sell less than All Pro Football. I hope I am wrong. Peace.

On a more positive light one of the admins on 2ks forum will hopefully put a video showcasing the real qualities and sim like experience of the game. (fingers crossed).

Last edited by Sausage; 05-09-2008 at 09:38 AM.
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Old 05-09-2008, 10:13 AM   #3
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Re: First Prizefighter Gameplay Footage; 2K Rep Berates Producer

He's since calmed down a bit and explained what really happened.
The producer who appeared on Gamespot thought he had a lot more time so he spent a lot of it on the non-gameplay aspect hoping to show a lot of gameplay as the big finale. But when he only had 30 seconds left he did his best to get a knockout. It didn't come off well.

So he recently fought in a 15 round battle and recorded it. He's working on getting the video posted today so people can see what a real fight looks like when played realistically.
2K Ron said that real boxing fans are going to love how sim this game is.
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Old 05-09-2008, 12:00 PM   #4
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Re: First Prizefighter Gameplay Footage; 2K Rep Berates Producer

This is hilarious....well in a sad way. 2k Sports has the worst marketing of any business I have ever seen. This is just par for the course. I haven't seen the video, but all I can picture is the producer throwing haymaker after haymaker and button mashing while the 2k rep is watching the train wreck unfold before his eyes.

I can't access th 2k boards, but I can't wait to read the uproar there. I'll try my best not to throw gasoline on that fire. But with Fight Night just being announced and now the 2k producer making his own game look like trash, I can only imagine that the Prizefighter series is a dead man walkin.
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Old 05-09-2008, 12:29 PM   #5
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Re: First Prizefighter Gameplay Footage; 2K Rep Berates Producer

Originally Posted by fistofrage
This is hilarious....well in a sad way. 2k Sports has the worst marketing of any business I have ever seen. This is just par for the course. I haven't seen the video, but all I can picture is the producer throwing haymaker after haymaker and button mashing while the 2k rep is watching the train wreck unfold before his eyes.

I can't access th 2k boards, but I can't wait to read the uproar there. I'll try my best not to throw gasoline on that fire. But with Fight Night just being announced and now the 2k producer making his own game look like trash, I can only imagine that the Prizefighter series is a dead man walkin.
It's hard not to rag on them. 2K seems to always seems to have their foot stuck in the door when it comes to marketing.

Look at EA. They announce a boxing game that isn't due out until next year and yet they hold a huge event for it. And what did they say? Barely anything. Yet, the buzz was created from something so simple.
Meanwhile, PrizeFighter is due out in a month and we've only seen one small clip of actual gameplay. And it was a disaster.

However, I'm going to hold off any criticism on the game until I see what the Mod on 2K has put together. He claims the fight he recorded yesterday is very sim like and boxing fans will love it.
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Old 05-09-2008, 07:29 PM   #6
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Re: First Prizefighter Gameplay Footage; 2K Rep Berates Producer

Every 2K release, the producers blamed IGN and other websites for such random stuff-
"oh it wasn't in HD"
"that vid was an old build"
"they posted a beta clip"
"this doesn't represent the retail version"

Now, the executive producer of the game has his best chance to showcase his game and take it out of the hands of third parties and he completely blows it.

What a joke.

People sit on this site and complain about how 2K can't outsell it's rival and it is, and always has been, a result of their own doing.

They will never, ever appeal to casual gamers. Which is quite sad.
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Old 05-09-2008, 08:36 PM   #7
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Re: First Prizefighter Gameplay Footage; 2K Rep Berates Producer

Thanks Steve for the link and man I must say that footage was a bore!

He talked about nothing the whole damn time and gave us 22 seconds of in game play time!

That guy is a spaz, and this is a perfect example of poor marketing of 2k. Who let that guy out the building to think he could interview or display this game! Did he even know the buttons seriously! What was he doing!

He made the game look worse than it already does!
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Old 05-09-2008, 08:59 PM   #8
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Re: First Prizefighter Gameplay Footage; 2K Rep Berates Producer

Originally Posted by bigeastbumrush
Every 2K release, the producers blamed IGN and other websites for such random stuff-
"oh it wasn't in HD"
"that vid was an old build"
"they posted a beta clip"
"this doesn't represent the retail version"

Now, the executive producer of the game has his best chance to showcase his game and take it out of the hands of third parties and he completely blows it.

What a joke.

People sit on this site and complain about how 2K can't outsell it's rival and it is, and always has been, a result of their own doing.

They will never, ever appeal to casual gamers. Which is quite sad.
I thought the same when I watched the video. I think it's just about too late for 2K to fix things. They'll probably be absorbed by EA in due time; however, I will always ask myself, "What happened to 2K Sports in the switch to next-gen?" If you remember, it was 2K that made comments on how they saw fit to focus only on next-gen systems.

The transition to next-gen has been terrible. From the MLB 2K6 freeze issue, to the lack luster attempt in bringing 2K Football back, they just somehow lost their ability to hit the high note.
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