
Undrafted: Underrated x Underestimated

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Old 02-09-2022, 01:40 PM   #1
infamyice's Arena
OVR: 7
Join Date: Dec 2008
Undrafted: Underrated x Underestimated

PS5 | NBA 2K [21/22] | Dual Player Chise
Origin: http://dynastysports.net/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=1072

Last edited by infamyice; 02-10-2022 at 08:41 PM.
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Old 02-09-2022, 01:40 PM   #2
infamyice's Arena
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Re: Undrafted: Underrated x Underestimated

Last edited by infamyice; 06-17-2022 at 06:48 AM.
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Old 02-09-2022, 01:41 PM   #3
infamyice's Arena
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Re: Undrafted: Underrated x Underestimated

Last edited by infamyice; 06-17-2022 at 06:49 AM.
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Old 02-09-2022, 01:43 PM   #4
infamyice's Arena
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Re: Undrafted: Underrated x Underestimated


Tonight was the night, the beginning of the end. After three years on campus at the University of Southern California, Recks was ready for the show after the show. The only obstacle between him and the NBA was the senior season.
"Big man! You ready for tonight?" Coach Enfield addressed to Recks. "Yes sir! Born and raised to be ready, always ready!" "That's what I like to hear. You know this is your final year, and I'm gonna hate to see you go once it's all said and done. You've been nothing but leader to this locker room and a warrior among trojans, arquably the best of the best."

Recks takes the praise in stride, "Thanks coach, means a lot, but I'm not focused on that. Right now, I'm focused on game one, then the next one. We'll get the speeches when it's time."

Recks hopped around, staying loose as game one of the season was merely moments away.
"Absolutely, you're right about that, but I want you to take it all in. Soak in all the hardwork and effort you dedicated to this team since you got here three years ago and unleash hell on whoever stands before you." "Don't I always Coach?" "Yes, you do. And some would call it arrogance about you, but you're just a kid with a lot of moxie, keep that edge about you Recks." "Always and forever Coach, it's what got me here and it's what's going to take me further."

Coach Enfield pats Recks on the back as they head for the corridor. Recks rallies the team around him for some words of encouragment.

"Aight guys! Listen up! Tonight's the night we show everyone that stands in our path what we're about! Tonight, we feast! Tonight, we dine! All for glory and honor! Trojans on three! 1! 2! 3!"


The USC Trojans were set to open their season to the visiting Stanford Cardinals. USC has been dominate for a stretch of seasons before recording a 16-17 (8-10 conference) season. They bounced back with a 22-9 (11-7 conference) record last season. Though still chipping away at capturing their first NCAA title, some magic was in the air for USC, as this could be their finest hour.
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Old 02-09-2022, 01:44 PM   #5
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Re: Undrafted: Underrated x Underestimated

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Old 02-09-2022, 01:45 PM   #6
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Re: Undrafted: Underrated x Underestimated

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Old 02-09-2022, 01:46 PM   #7
infamyice's Arena
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Re: Undrafted: Underrated x Underestimated

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Old 02-09-2022, 01:48 PM   #8
infamyice's Arena
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Re: Undrafted: Underrated x Underestimated


"Man, it's nice to back on campus" Recks drops his duffle bag onto his bed, plopping next to it. A few of the stuents passing by poked their head in to adulate Recks on his performance on the road.

"Knock, knock! You guys finally made it back."

Recks looks towards the door, seeing it was Khyri, long time friend, on and off girlfriend.

"Khyri, what's up?" Recks gets up to hug her, noticing her gym clothes drenched in sweat. "You couldn't shower first before you came over?" "Shut up, I just finished practicing", Khyri retorted. "I saw you guys return and I wanted to share the good news with you." "Which is?" Recks asked. "I won the starting job for this season!" "Word? congrats! It's about time Coach Gottlieb recognized your talent. I was starting to think I was your only fan." Khyri punches Recks in the arm, "Ha, ha, very funny. Suit up, lets hit the court for a set. I'm not even close to being maxed out and I'm too jittery to relax." "Nah, nah, it wouldn't be fair. I just got back, you just had practice,-" "And we're not at 100%" Khyri mocking Recks. "Really? That's what we're doing?" "I don't know, you running from a challenge from a girl that can beat you one-on-one?" "Here you go, you still holding onto that? I wasn't at my best that day. But since you want to be so snooty about it, I'll see you on the court." "Great, see you in half hour. Show up or I'm telling everyone you're scared to play a girl." "Pssh! Try me and get dunked on!" Recks shouted as Khyri left the room.

Some time gone by just before Recks was to meet Khyri. As he collected his phone and water bottle, Recks bumps into his other long time friend, Clinton Brown.

"My duuuude! Recks, what's shaking baby boy!" "Yo CB, what's good brodie? I didn't think you was coming back to school." Recks giving a dap and a bro hug.

"Nah man, I just had some family issues I had to deal with, grant it was over-extended. But I'm back, in the flesh, ready to get this degree and be outta here, you already know, riding that senior wave!" "I hear that, good to see you dude" "Likewise bro. I caught that game last night, you and that JP kid was serving it up." "Yeah, it would've been close if we didn't put clamps on one of his teammates. But you know, I wasn't taking no L." "Right, right, ain't none of these cats out here ready for you bro." "Yo, so what's up? What you getting into?" "Ain't nothing, I was just passing through and wanted to see my boy. On my way over, I was checking out your scouting reports, everybody is still high on you. Dig this one."

Clinton hands over his tablet showing Recks one of the scouting feedback.

[*Overall is for story line purpose]

"High praises... Mike and The Glove? I can appreciate that" Recks said grinning. "But I don't appreciate their criticism on my good eating. I'm still a growing boy." "Yeah, you grow any more, you gonna have to change career and put you on the grid iron." "Man, don't give me that. There's baseball players today out doing the thing." "True, but they're not as athletic as you. They not out there running at mach speed and jumping over stars." "See, now you just gassing." "Nah, I'm promoting." "What? You my agent now?" "Bitch, I might be, if we keeping it Gucci" Clinton laughs off.

"What you about to do Recks, I know you just got back, you trying to chill later?" Recks looked his clock on his phone, remembering that he has to an appointment with Khyri. "Actually, I'm about to run a set with Khyri. She made starter for the team today." "Congrats to her, she bust her *** to be as good as she is, glad it's finally paying off." "Yeah, now she wants to challenge me one-on-one." "So what you need, a ref?" "Just a witness. She got stakes on claim." "Oh, that one time she beat you in a game?" "How the hell you know about that??" Recks asked quisitively. "News get around buddy" Clinton shrugs.

"I'm surprised y'all still talk. As much as you two bump heads, I figured you'd end up on the news missing, girl is hella fiesty." "Yeah, who would've thought we survive a whole 4-years together in college with all the stress and craziness around." "Y'all been at it since junior year in high school, and you let this girl chump you in basketball." Clinton noted jokingly. "I'ma dunk on both of y'all when it's over, come on..."
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