
Official: What 2k Should Do List (If 2k10 is in development)

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Old 03-19-2009, 04:03 AM   #1
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Official: What 2k Should Do List (If 2k10 is in development)

Here are my views..

1 - Scrap the Legends.
2 - Add a Franchise mode.
4 - Eliminate the frequency of the spin-off move (with Right Stick)
5 - Fix all the bugs of APF (obviously)
6 - Add 1st Person Mode Back
7 - Clean up the graphics more (better field detail would be nice)
9 - Release a really good demo to sell people on the idea of customization
10 - Announce the details of the modes piece by piece, so EA cant copy all of them
11 - Add 2k5 Presentation Style
12 - Add 2k Share


---- I think that they should package a CD with the game that includes a software for your computer (like Finn's 2k5 Editor) in which you can create all of your teams and customize all of your options on the PC. You could upload images off the computer for your teams (like you do in EA's Skate) and the possibilites for this are ENDLESS. After you are finished customizing, you upload your file to the 2k Share server. Go on your 360 or PS3 and download your customized file.

It would be the absolute best way to reach everyone and appeal to all of us that love customizing. With the dedicated roster creators we have for 2k5, this could provide the true resurrection of the 2k Sports football franchise in the next gen era.

2k Share should have increased functionality. Online Leagues should be expanded to include User-Generated logos and names (so we can do our best to mimic the NFL). If they make all of this an option, there is no way that they can get in trouble for copyright infringement.

I think that if APF 2k10 is in development, that the best time to release info would be during the NFL Draft. Every football fan is watching, and if they can come up with something exciting that appeals to EVERYONE, then the game has a chance.

Last edited by gjsii13; 03-19-2009 at 04:09 AM.
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Old 03-19-2009, 04:19 AM   #2
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Re: Official: What 2k Should Do List (If 2k10 is in development)

2K10 is not in development.

Why would a video game company try to suit your needs and make a perfect game, which would prevent them from selling copies of a new game released in the future? They've got to leave things to be desired for a next game.
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Old 03-19-2009, 04:25 AM   #3
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Re: Official: What 2k Should Do List (If 2k10 is in development)

Because their sales were terrible for APF 2k8?

Is this not about making money?

If you can make a semi-perfect game, then don't you think that people would want to buy it? Bringing 2k more money to make the next game even better?

I dont understand your point at all
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Old 03-19-2009, 04:26 AM   #4
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Re: Official: What 2k Should Do List (If 2k10 is in development)

The Show meets my needs?

I will buy it next year
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Old 03-19-2009, 04:33 AM   #5
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Re: Official: What 2k Should Do List (If 2k10 is in development)

The Show is fully customizable leaving no point of buying another game? And here I was thinking that The Show was based off of the MLB. You're comparing apples to oranges. Fully customizable generic game =/= fully licensed professional game.
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Old 03-19-2009, 06:41 AM   #6
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Re: Official: What 2k Should Do List (If 2k10 is in development)

I agree that in this case 2K can make some money and make us fans of there football titles happy also. All Pro was very cleaned up graphics from 2K5. So for the most part just leave it as is. Just fix the franchise mode for custom editing so you don't have a salary issue as roster makes said is a problem in 2K5. EA will not be able to sue 2K for a fan making NFL rosters.

It would be cheap to make as use All Pro model and just a few tweaks. No Legends money spent, no NFL money. It would sell off the shelves.
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Old 03-19-2009, 11:36 AM   #7
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Re: Official: What 2k Should Do List (If 2k10 is in development)

Originally Posted by gjsii13
Because their sales were terrible for APF 2k8?

Is this not about making money?

If you can make a semi-perfect game, then don't you think that people would want to buy it? Bringing 2k more money to make the next game even better?

I dont understand your point at all
The key problem I see w/your suggestions is the over-dependence on the community making the game into NFL-lite. I don't see how it benefits 2K in the least to base the appeal of their game on how much it can be molded into an ugly cousin of the NFL. For the person out there that has to have the NFL teams and players, it would simply make better sense to purchase Madden. I've said many times people underestimate the difficulty in trying to develop a non-licensed football game because of how the NFL is synonymous with pro football.

It think it's safe to say that the vast majority of people that would purchase the game aren't going to want to spend their first eight hours of the game customizing it to look/feel a certain way. And it's extremely wishful thinking to think some community standard will eventually evolve and people would have the 2K NFL game they desire. While APF2K8 was far too restrictive and needed more customization options, 2K was right in trying to make a game that could stand on it's own. Because I would think most people would want to pick and play a game they purchased; not spend hours/days scouring the internet for the person that happened to create the best Buffalo Bills logo, or who has the most exact 49ers roster. Only the ultra-hardcore are going to do that, and catering the game to that extremely small and finicky demographic would doom it to failure. As if the game wouldn't have enough obtacles to overcome.

2K made a lot of bad choices with APF2K8, but they did a lot right too. Off the soapbox, my suggestions on improvements:

1.) Keep the legends, but develop some sort of visual standard for them. Some looked entirely too old to be putting on a helmet. Also allow for generics to have legend-like abilities, as well as having "regular" generics. So players that aren't necessarily legends (like Tony Nathan) aren't overvalued.

2.) Blow out the sig styles on offense and especially defense

3.) Much needed improvements to the directional control/acceleration/momentum system

4.) Improve the single player experience with additional customization options/some sort of franchise mode

5.) GET RID OF THE TOTALLY UNINSPIRED UNIFORM CHOICES. That single improvement alone would've enhanced the first game's visual appeal. There were tons of community uniform suggestions before the game released; they could easily make it a community thing and have them vote on the best uniform/logo choices. Or hire Under Armour to design the unis since they do a great job with uniforms.

6.) Improved player customization options, less restrictions
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Old 03-19-2009, 01:12 PM   #8
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Re: Official: What 2k Should Do List (If 2k10 is in development)

Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
The key problem I see w/your suggestions is the over-dependence on the community making the game into NFL-lite. I don't see how it benefits 2K in the least to base the appeal of their game on how much it can be molded into an ugly cousin of the NFL. For the person out there that has to have the NFL teams and players, it would simply make better sense to purchase Madden. I've said many times people underestimate the difficulty in trying to develop a non-licensed football game because of how the NFL is synonymous with pro football.

It think it's safe to say that the vast majority of people that would purchase the game aren't going to want to spend their first eight hours of the game customizing it to look/feel a certain way. And it's extremely wishful thinking to think some community standard will eventually evolve and people would have the 2K NFL game they desire. While APF2K8 was far too restrictive and needed more customization options, 2K was right in trying to make a game that could stand on it's own. Because I would think most people would want to pick and play a game they purchased; not spend hours/days scouring the internet for the person that happened to create the best Buffalo Bills logo, or who has the most exact 49ers roster. Only the ultra-hardcore are going to do that, and catering the game to that extremely small and finicky demographic would doom it to failure. As if the game wouldn't have enough obtacles to overcome.
As much as I want to agree with you my friend, the points you make are logical and make sense.

But when it comes to some 2k fans no matter how much Madden improves or even if Madden ends up great. It will be a hated game by them and they would rather re-create the NFL in a generic game from 2k just because 2k made it.

Basically a customizable game is for those loyal fans who refuse to purchase EA sports games no matter what. That is reason these threads keep popping up and it's also the reason people keep hope of another 2k football game with customizations. They want a NFL by 2ksports and not EA, so they'd rather recreate the NFL in a 2k game. It's the who basis of the request. No one wants to feel forced to by Madden because it's the only choice. And they also don't care if it's bad or good they don't want it because EA made it.

So every year we will get these hope threads until that license has expired. Problem is 2ksports has fallen off thanks to Take-Two. If any other publisher knew the amount of request for these titles, and knew the need for it to satisfy the consumer they would have already put it into development. I'm pretty sure Visual Concepts are shaking their heads constantly at these threads not because they are laughing at us or the community but because TT won't lift a finger or a budget to even try. They've already waved the white flag to NFL and have put Visual Concepts in a corner.

Last edited by Behindshadows; 03-19-2009 at 01:15 PM.
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