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Skate 2 Demo Available, Impressions Here

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Old 01-16-2009, 01:03 AM   #65
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Re: Skate 2 Demo Available, Impressions Here

Originally Posted by GSW
why does PSN always gett ****ed.

its not up for me i came home in anticipation of some skate 2 got damnit
Yeah man, pisses me off. What's worse is it seems that some people actually got it.
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Old 01-16-2009, 01:51 AM   #66
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Re: Skate 2 Demo Available, Impressions Here

It's still not up for some people? How strange. Could've made a HK or UK account and had it long ago.
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Old 01-16-2009, 02:01 AM   #67
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Re: Skate 2 Demo Available, Impressions Here

How does one do that? Just create a new account?

I'll try.
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Old 01-16-2009, 02:21 AM   #68
Johnny Canuck
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Re: Skate 2 Demo Available, Impressions Here

I have played the demo but have forced myself to stop. I don't want to spoil the game for myself, but I really can't wait for this game.
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Old 01-16-2009, 02:44 AM   #69
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Re: Skate 2 Demo Available, Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Blzer
How does one do that? Just create a new account?

I'll try.
Yup,set the location to Hong Kong or somewhere in the UK. The stuff doesn't even have to be right (like with XBL you actually need a Japanese address/phone number),can just BS the whole thing and put whatever you want.

There's a vid in case you're having any trouble...
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Old 01-16-2009, 03:23 AM   #70
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Re: Skate 2 Demo Available, Impressions Here

Originally Posted by goh
Yup,set the location to Hong Kong or somewhere in the UK. The stuff doesn't even have to be right (like with XBL you actually need a Japanese address/phone number),can just BS the whole thing and put whatever you want.

There's a vid in case you're having any trouble...
Downloading now. Thanks!
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Old 01-16-2009, 04:57 PM   #71
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Re: Skate 2 Demo Available, Impressions Here

The commercial is great.

Go Noles!!! >>----->
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Old 01-17-2009, 01:08 AM   #72
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Re: Skate 2 Demo Available, Impressions Here

I played the demo, and it is pretty fun. I was kinda upset at a number of little things, but then I realized that after over a year of playing the original, I am going to be getting a new experience with new content. That will be great.

For the demo, a couple of pros and cons for gameplay, etc. as we move forward.

+ Footplants, handplants, etc. are all nice.
+ Moving objects will be very fun.
+ The framerate is noticeably better. I heard one person say it was 60 fps, well whether that is accurate or not, this is one of the very few cases where I see framerate make a huge impact, and I could tell it is improved even without looking at the spec sheet.
+ New filters for photograph challenges are nice. It makes me wonder what other things we'll see in the full version.

- 360s are hard to do. I did a 540 on vert, but only once (should have had more). It seems like they toned down spins just for the sake of toning them down.
- The skater still falls face-first when he shouldn't. Example: moving objects off-board, and he falls for no reason. Which leads me to...
- Hall of Meat. It queues up an adequate amount of time, but there are times when you just barely stumble, then get a big score and the filmer goes "Dude, we need an ambulance!!!!!!"
- Only two footplants in a sequence. It would be better if they just stopped scoring it but let you do more.
- Bonelesses off of quarter-pipes make you fall dead about 80% of the time if you're going straight vertical.
- Very few choices for hair color and facial modification.
- Very few options for "custom" shirts (and hats). 8 colors, only 1 color for the graphic, and no customization of size, fit, or sleeve length.
- Clothing and everything else are sorted stupidly, and there seems to be fewer of everything. Osiris had 16 pairs of shoes in the last game, and now they have 4. I hope that gets changed.
- Tripod camera is jerky, as is some of the functioning on the new editor. I liked just switching between 5 cameras if I just want to view the replay. Now I have to toggle a dozen things to even enjoy it, and you can't jump between markers with the timeline hidden.

...And while my cons outweigh my pros, I guarantee I will love this game. The cons are petty little things that I can work around, I'm sure. The pros are actual selling points for the game.
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